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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Victims in fatal Route 50 accident had deep love for family

The only sign something was awry on Ramblewood Drive in Cape St. Claire Thursday afternoon was a small green vase filled with flowers, placed beneath a tan mailbox.

On the post above the white, pink and yellow petals was a nameplate, with "Skidmore" in blue paint. The property behind the mailbox was well-maintained, and the house itself was quiet, with the lights inside turned off.

Robert Skidmore lived in the tranquil Cape St. Claire community for about 15 years, his relatives said. On Wednesday, Skidmore was killed in a motor vehicle collision on Route 50.

The accident claimed two lives. Skidmore, 66, was a grandfather of four and a successful businessman who co-founded an energy efficiency business 25 years ago, according to his daughter, Shelly Skidmore.

The second victim was Laura Ashley Murphy, 22, of Salisbury. Murphy was just starting a family of her own. She was engaged to Ryan Ellis, and the two had a child together, 11-month-old Maxwell Adrian Ellis.



  1. So glad Joe posted this story. It's about time people started realizing the victims in these accidents. It's a shame two lives were stomped out and yet we wonder the reason why. What caused the vehicles to collide. Just so sad for both families. My prayers are with their families as they find a way to move on from this life-changing event.

  2. Salisbury News StaffMay 19, 2017 at 2:17 PM

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  3. A good possibility is that she was using GPS. Busch road/rt. 50 is a poorly designed interchange. Many people have ended up heading into oncoming traffic there.

  4. i'm just curious if she did indeed get on the wrong part of that tricky interchange, why did she continue to drive the wrong way for over 3 miles? Incident report states that they received multiple calls that she was driving the wrong way. If you did indeed make an mistake and took the wrong ramp, wouldn't you immediately pull over to the shoulder instead of driving into oncoming traffic? So sad for all involved.

  5. 2:33 - I wonder as well. Maybe she panicked. This makes my heart ache!! We probably will never know what truly happened.

  6. I have no idea what happened but I agree with 2:20. I travel extensively in unfamiliar areas and GPS has led me into some bad stuff more than once. It's a nice general guide but you gotta keep your eyes open!

  7. IMO, I don't think its anybody's business other than the families as to what happened. What purpose does it serve and does it change anything in your life? Give them some privacy and move on.

  8. Knowing how it happened might save other lives if it was a result of poor signage or bad GPS directions. Map and GPS programs can be modified to warn people also.

  9. While I think it's cool you all want GPS to warn people, you are also forfeiting some of your privacy to not be tracked when you use a GPS. There's downsides to everything. Just choose wisely.

  10. 5:07 PM LOL really? I don't think so.
    Like I said, the answer changes nothing in your life.
    They aren't going to change a map or GPS due to 1 accident, it happens all the time all day. You have a responsibility to use your due diligence when using GPS.

  11. Google maps has changed directions based on bad or confusing directions. Like showing a road where a ferry or boat ramp is.

  12. 5:56 If what you say is true we would not have the sixty foot road issue now would we.

    Mind your own business, stop guessing and find something productive to do. I did not see where either a boat or body of water was involved.

  13. Latest reports say that video footage shows her entering Rte. 50 on the wrong side and driving on the shoulder for up to 2 miles at a significant speed. She then suddenly enters oncoming traffic.

  14. Sorry to both families for their losses.

  15. There NEEDS to be center lane barriers the cheAp good ole boys have been killing people x 30 yrs .

  16. 7:35 You ain't too bright are you. Those are example of where GPS has said you can drive and you can't or should not.

    Sixty foot road is not a dangerous intersection. I have drive through it thousands of times with no problem. I am not in a hurry, not on my phone, computer, tablet or putting makeup on.

    Report an error on the map
    You can tell us if you see errors in Google Maps such as:

    Incorrect road names
    Wrong info about one-way and two-way roads
    Incorrectly drawn road
    Closed roads
    Roads that don't exist
    Wrong addresses or marker locations

  17. What difference does any of the CRAP make to the situation right now. Why is everyone trying to be a right fighter and prove that their SPECULATION is correct? Stop trying to figure it out because you won't - NOBODY will except for possibly the ones actually investigating the accident. This was a friend of mine and I'm SO tired of seeing such insensitive posts. Some things should be UNSPOKEN for the sake of the loved ones going through this tragedy!! Unless - UNLESS - you have been in similar situations and can express the fright, terror - the UNIMAGINABLE - as your own - sit down and give it a rest! Unbelievable!! Arguing over symantec's!! Making wise cracks at each other because they don't have the same thought process as the other!! Hasn't there been enough sadness? Isn't it enough that precious life has been lost!!!

  18. 9:03 PM thank you.

  19. 10:29 AM How many people have died at sixty foot road and YOU say it is not a dangerous intersection?? SMH at your ignorance and insensitivity.

  20. 9:46 That is like saying guns are dangerous because people get shot. The gun is not dangerous, the people are. Same at sixty foot rd. People are the problem. 20 years ago there were not weekly accidents there.


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