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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Today's Front Page of the Washington Post: THE PAINFUL TRUTH ABOUT TEETH

You can work full time but not have the money to fix your teeth – visible reminders of the divide between rich and poor

Two hours before sunrise, Dee Matello joined the line outside the Wicomico Civic Center, where hundreds of people in hoodies, heavy coats and wool blankets braced against a bitter wind.

Inside, reclining dental chairs were arrayed in neat rows across the arena’s vast floor. Days later, the venue would host Disney on Ice. On this Friday morning, dentists arriving from five states were getting ready to fix the teeth of the first 1,000 people in line.

Matello was No. 503. The small-business owner who supports President Trump had a cracked molar, no dental insurance and a nagging soreness that had forced her to chew on the right side of her mouth for years.

“It’s always bothering me,” she said. And although her toothache wasn’t why she voted for Trump, it was a constant reminder of one reason she did: the feeling that she had been abandoned, left struggling to meet basic needs in a country full of fantastically rich people.



  1. Our entire political structure is devoid of reality.

    All of our political leaders are complicit and what do they do - is to pass legislation that straps a 10 ton ball & chain onto the backs of our taxpayers while the businesses flee in droves.

    The article explains it all.

  2. The problem isn't just that we live in a poor area, it is also that the dentists are charging too much for this area. The last time I had my teeth cleaned (4 years ago), my bill was $275 for a terrible cleaning. Hygenist was extremely rough, and she ran the rotating cleansing tool over my teeth horizontally back and forth almost like we are told how not to brush our teeth. My old hygenist who retired would clean each tooth at a time, fronts and backs. It was a Gucci price, for a half-assed job. I never went back.

  3. I am just blown away by the poverty all around here. There are simply no businesses left, they are all gone.

  4. The woman in the wheelchair can afford cigarettes but can't pay for a dentist. 8:53. Last time I went to the dentist in Salisbury it cost $179 including X-rays. I am so tired of the whining

    1. 2k for root canal or wisdom teeth. Your a moron! But agree with the cigarette comment however your still a moron for telling half the story. Thank you have a nice day:).

    2. We have dental insurance. $400 for root canal and $600 for crown out of my pocket.

    3. You can get a paper crown at Burger King for a lot less. Just goes to show you just need to shop around.

    4. My sister and I both had dentists pull our 2 molars because the dental work was too expensive.we grew up with perfect teeth.It killed us to do it but root canals cost 400.00 and crowns are 600.00.even with insurance..when we were children my dad's insurence paid for most of our families dental work..now they pay the minimums.

  5. 853, I suggest in the future you shop around. Most dentist accept cash in lieu of insurance. I have friends who do this for their kids and they are not paying that amount just for a cleaning (no xrays etc).

  6. And hogan gave 3 Billion to the Bay and 1 million to downtown Salisbury... It's Crazy how politicians waste OUR tax money for votes... Bernie Sanders said lines are GOOD for health care but he doesn't wait in line. Sanders said 70 percent in taxes is good for us but he pays 13 percent.

  7. I know, let's blame President Trump. The Washington Post has their head up their A$$ and here's proof. This exact thing has been going on at the Civic Center for YEARS! Did you ever see such an article whole Obama was President? Did Obamacare FIX the lines?

    I am sick and tired of the liberal media trashing and pointing fingers at President Trump while using words like "I heard" or "it's rumored".

    Aside from that, what in the hell do you think we're doing here at Salisbury News. We are the Anti Christ because we have exposed the TRUTH. Poverty, gangs, section 8 housing, crime, business closures, drugs, crooked politicians, good ol' boys and one of the top on my hit list, crooked media. We have provided financial information for years. We have shown bankruptcies, foreclosures, business closings, underhanded deals, crooked crime reporting that have been formalized and documented. You have to wonder, do you think a press release would've come out of the meth lab this past week if we hadn't challenged law enforcement?

    The bottom line, if you think things are better over the past 8 years under Obama, you're nuts! If you think crime is going to drop, you're nuts! The Eastern Shore is still in a deep recession. Because of high gas prices, grocery prices and so forth, people have less to spend and that kills the local economy. Hence the Civic Center wanting at least $60.00, (and up) for a seat to an event there. County residents just can't afford it.

    Nevertheless, we all need to stop watching and reading anything Main Stream any more. They lie, twist and cover up the TRUTH, just as this article implies. The only truth to it is the poverty. Now you know why.

    1. You are correct, in saying you have "exposed the TRUTH" but can you say, the exposures have made a tad bit of difference? There is still (just as much or more) poverty, gangs, section 8 housing, crime, business closures, drugs, crooked politicians, good ol' boys and crooked media. Why pat yourself on the back when we were aware of these problems before Sby News came to area. We did not need to LEARN from you or Sby News about MSM lying, twisting the truth, because we see the truth in our daily lives.
      Stop with the Anti Christ BS. You continue to repeat what YOU want EVERYBODY to say about you. Me thinks your brain is too full of Meeee and wishful thinking.

      By the way if you are sick and tired of hearing "I heard" or "it's rumored", why are you not deleting these comments from your site. 100s of gossipy comments, from fools not seeking the truth before writing.

  8. Bring the prices down, and more people will get regular dental care. This is a little irritating to see because it makes the dentists look like good samaritans for one day, but they'll go back home to their normal practice and gouge their average patient with their usual high prices.

    On the flip-side, I did notice that the man who is front and center in one of the pictures was able to scrape enough money together to get (2) tattoos for his fore-arms. A lot of the 'poor' people around here are poor from spending money on things they can't afford. Similar to how you see homeless people on the street corners begging, but they have a dog. The point is, people need to align their priorities.

    1. I agree. You are poor from poor choices. Buying tattoos, cigarettes, manicures. You wasted money instead of saving it or putting toward a priority like dental care.

  9. Dentistry has gotten increasingly more expensive without cause. They claim its because of prices they're charged by outside vendors but I don't buy it. There should be affordable dentistry available to people because tooth issues can lead to bigger health issues. Did you know an abscess tooth can bring about a heart attack if the infection moves to the heart? People don't understand this until it's too late. Many people can get temporary fixes at the drugstore but nothing can permanently cure this without a dentist office visit. Why isn't this automatically included in health insurance?

  10. You couldn't be more spot on,Joe!

  11. The incomes in and around Salisbury are, literally, chicken wages. The incomes per family are minuscule compared to other regions of the state. That's why you're seeing crowds and crowds of people seeking assistance.

    The last sentence of the article says it all;

    “I am trying to think that this is not demeaning,” she said as she cleared the chair for the next person in line. “But it is. It’s like a Third World country.”

    Salisbury's standard of living is, indeed, Third World living.

  12. Having money doesn't mean that teeth will be taken care of. Look at Chelsea Clinton.

  13. The Clintons were broke when they left office, didn't you hear? That's why they had to steal all the money they were supposed to use to help Haiti.

    But, it's Comey's fault she didn't get elected. So now, they have to struggle through on what they stole from their foundation over the last 16 yrs. Life is hard.

  14. Most people are ignorant of the role played by the Federal Reserve Bank regarding price inflation.
    They have created $3 Trillion since 2008. This led to asset price inflation (stock market) and unnaturally low interest rates (high bond prices). It takes an effort to educate ones' self about money and the role of the central bankers (in all Western Countries). We are seeing high inflation but the elite-owned media tells us the inflation is less than 2% YOY. Most of us know that is a lie, but we are unable to put our finger on how the lie is told and the truth is hidden.

    Listen to the folks who are trying to tell the truth - they are in alt media (like Joe's blog). Try these sources: King World News, Greg Hunter You Tube, Paul Craig Roberts, David Stockman, Stephen Leeb, Andrew McGuire, so on.

    You can educate yourself easily by spending some time on these sites and listening to smart people who tell the truth. It takes effort and time. But each of you can do it.

    Thank you

  15. Guys, TLC in Princess Anne has had a sliding fee scale dental clinic for years. Anyone who needs care will not be turned away. I fail to understand how all of these people don't know about this service. It makes me wonder if those people were just trying to get something for free instead of paying a sliding fee scale. And for those who can't or don't drive, they have free transportation service to and from as well. Now go see a dentist! 😀

    1. They also require proof of income.Some people on the shore work under the table or have no incomes.TLC also has Two to three month waits,most people who need to see dentist are in terrible Pain And can't wait.

  16. 1115am - case of the ass today...or is that EVERYDAY?

  17. Add Catherine Austin Fitts to your list, 11:22

    Patrick Byrne as well.

    And Joe does bring a lot of stuff here from Zero Hedge. Lots of good articles there. And still, no revolution. I was ready 20 yrs ago. Now, I'm just old, fat and grumpy as apparently are most here...

    Guess we'll have to leave it for the Millenials to make changes necessary...

  18. Health and dental insurance USED to be a benefit and people could actually pay for it and use it.
    NOW, your "leaders" have made it into a profit line. Its too expensive to use but if you don't pay the totally outrageous premiums, your "leaders" will STILL get your money with fines, which also go up every year.
    And you can't stop cheering.

  19. 1232 whose the real moron? You continuous put YOUR as in your dog instead of you're as in you are in your comment. Looks like pot calling kettle black.

  20. Ever notice the name-calling commenters on this site have grammar and spelling for sh**? They can't seem to string a full sentence together without looking like they're illiterate.

  21. There are many more 503 stories out there. God Bless this move to try to help people with real dental problems, real pain, and little $.
    For as crowded as it is sometimes in the ER they're are many who are to proud to ask for assistance. Sometimes I wonder how many out there have medical conditions too who know something is really wrong with them but simply die. We need to get rid of ObamacCare and let Trump and his experts try to work with the Democrats to really benefit our people not insurance companies. Quit lining insurance company pockets
    and be real just like the VA they have been thrown to the sidewalks too long.

  22. There is Dental Ins. in the State of MD
    that's not to high, however you do have
    to go to the dentist it cover.

    As for the homeless with a dog. Don't
    knock that when you see it.-It's
    possibly their only friend or personal belonging
    they have. Many people in this area are just
    a few paycks. away from being homeless, due
    to HIGHER Cost of living. It's totally out of

    Besides the Clinic in Princess Anne, does anyone
    on here know of a Dentist in Salisbury that has
    regular fees instead of these totally blow out
    or the sky prices. I recently paid $145 to
    have a sm cavity, no needle ,just filled. It might
    have taken all of 5 min.!!! This is Crazy!!! !

  23. I am happy for the lady to get care, along with the others. But to vote for the last failed so called leader? The dude had eight years to help her and didn't know how. I know you voted from The Donald. But now dog on the best president in her lifetime, that has been in office a matter of weeks. Please give President Donald J. Trump a sporting chance. He works nine days a week and forty eight hours a day. And a lot of that is wasted time, fighting resistance.

  24. Let's face it, Obama will go down in history as one of the worse Presidents this country has ever had. Under Obama - our nation's GDP has been experiencing a paltry 2% or less each year and there is no way our nation can supply the jobs that are necessary to sustain our population on such anemic economic growth. And when one drives thru Salisbury/Wicomico there are visible signs all around that mirror a community that is in dire economic straits. My only wish is that our politicians and especially the MSM would embrace the embarrassing economic data and try to set a corrective course of action. The Washington Post pictures at the Wicomico Civic Center say a thousand words about our community. It is such a shame.

  25. Gee, if Bernie had been elected all of this would have been free. Free medical, free dental, free housing, free tuition, free food, free child care, free transportation, etc. Heck, what is the point of working? Let's just make everything free and kick back and relax; that way there is no peer pressure, no one gets ahead or has more than the other guy. We could be like Russia where everybody looks and dresses the same. I think I like America better. So, liberals...you can leave anytime the urge strikes you.

  26. 338 the only thing you forgot is the free pot! Gunja. Weed. Fits right in in that laidback lifestyle you just described.

    🎼 🎶 Don't worry 'bout a thang. Cause every little thing gonna be alright! 🎶 🎶

  27. Sad that these people weren't able to get jobs that included insurance and dental insurance. My teeth cleaning are free twice a year. However crowns are only covered for 60% but I can live with that.

  28. I agree with 9:00 am. I have seen many lower class people here smoking those cancer sticks which cost $7 a pack.

  29. Rick Rathel at the fire department got a Lieutenants salary and spends his money on cigarettes and new trucks. Everyone of his teeth as rotted down to the gum line and what's left is black looking. I don't know how he can chew food, but he does a good job of hiding his bad teeth when he talks.

    He should have got in line for this. But then again he has insurance with the city so I don't know why he doesn't get his teeth fixed.

  30. 11:41--
    Yes, TLC has a sliding scale. However, even if myself or my husband quit our job, we still make "too much" to get any help. We have to pay full price. Yet, largely due to Obamacare, we can't afford insurance. Don't get me started on the thousands we got fined for not having the insurance we can't afford! I guess if we'd had multiple children that we can't afford, we'd be set. The system seems to reward those who refuse to do for themselves. Sickening!

  31. Health insurance should include dental and vision all in one policy. Your teeth and eyes are in the same body as the rest of your organs covered by your medical insurance. This has never made any sense that they are separate insurance policies. It's just a way for the greedy insurance companies to make more money.

  32. Look I had 7 yes 7 upper teeth pulled 1/30/17 and was to get same day dentures. After they told me I would have to come in 2 months before my teeth can be removed so I could get the same day treatment. I said I'll have my teeth pulled first. After having my teeth pulled I went back and was told I had to have my gums cut and my jaw bone filed down. So here I set with no upper teeth. I am so tried of soup and don't know how much more I can take. (map)

  33. 6:13 i agree. Its been studied and proven that there is correlation between oral health and overall health.

  34. Health insurance used to include Dental and Vision without question and employers paid (most of the time) the full premiums for employees until Democrats started dinking around with it and got the government in everyone's business.

    You all really didn't know how good you had it before you let the government mess with your bennies you used to take for granted. You did it to yourselves so quit bitching about it. Deal with it. Ultimately you voted for this crap, now you own it.

    1. THE DENTIST are the ones that rape you over yhe coals $$$$$$

  35. But but but the dems obamacare takes EBT CARDS ? NO

  36. The painful truth about teeth, is that if you don't take care of them, they will hurt, and eventually fall out. Yeah, that's a "painful" truth. How many of those people think that brushing their teeth regularly is a "pain?" Or flossing? Or using mouthwash? Most of the people that I personally know that have serious dental issues, just don't take care of their teeth. They would rather have false teeth, than to have to brush their own God given teeth. God bless the dentists that will see these people. You couldn't pay me enough money to stand over their open mouths.

    1. yeah but they have time to drink booze and smoke drugs.

    2. Lol. I thought the same thing. Ewww

  37. They complain about the price a dentist charges, but won't spent $1.50 on a toothbrush.

  38. people make choices all the time. cigarettes booze drugs or health care. Because you make poor lifestyle choices why is it my concern.I hope all your teeth rot out. why should I give a crap about it. Your life, your choices. I'm tired of hearing about the wants needs and desires of a bunch of ignorant lazy free loaders. Piss off!

  39. Our state/local government can post billboards advertising OPEN FOR BUSINESS until the cows come home - but that doesn't negate the reality of the economic situation. The reality is, Salisbury/Wicomico and especially Somerset counties are smitten with poverty, crime, and a mass exodus of businesses. I have seen real jobs stats on this very blog many times and the picture ain't pretty. In fact, I have lived here all my life and have never experienced witnessing the abandonment of homes, businesses, and crime.

  40. The eastern shore population is obsessed with what their parents did & feel as though they have no other option but to follow suit.Bad teeth followed by false teeth are accepted as inevitable.Bad hearts,bad back,bad feet,diabetes,etc,are all accepted as unavoidable when all are completely avoidable if addressed BEFORE they happen vs after they happen.We all know know what our lineage suggests we should have.ZERO reason to accept it.

  41. I doubt most employers include dental or vision with their health insurance any more. I'm not really sure that many of them ever did. If you have all 3 from your employer, you are very lucky.

  42. Please don't talk about these people they obviously need help. When people need help for what ever reason it is not for you to judge what they have or what they don't have. If they are smoking or have a dog guess what they have an addiction and they have compasion for animals. They may have tattoos maybe they got the tattoos when they were employed. You have no right talking about them. I hope you can be thankful that you are not standing there in that line with your dog. Guess what call me a fool but I have a tooth missing I can't get one in its place yet because it is to expensive but my dog just had some teeth pulled and hers were just cleaned. I had to make my choice but I thank god that I am not out there with my three dogs!

  43. I have worked at a dental office. My employer does not offer any type of health insurance or dental insurance to the employees. So don't think it's a great job. If I need work in my teeth I pay too.

  44. 1124 that's very sad. How pathetic of your boss to not provide you with insurance in the very industry you work in. Really looks bad for whoever your dentist is. Pretty crappy.

    1. It is sad. All the patients we see come in complaining about how little their insurance pays (not their fault either) and I am thinking well at least you have health insurance and even better dental insurance. But being a single person, I'd have to either find another job or a better job and at the moment neither is possible.

    2. I'd love to have another job, but good jobs are hard to come by. I can't return to school, I have bills to pay. So I'm stuck, like numerous other people in that vicious cycle of working just to keep afloat. And I'm older and employers are less inclined to hire my age group.,


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