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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Rosenstein: Defending Constitution is top concern

The senior Justice Department official at the center of the political storm surrounding James Comey’s firing at the FBI spoke out on the controversy Monday night, dismissing “unsolicited” concerns about his personal reputation and saying his main interest is defending the Constitution.

"Many people have offered me unsolicited advice over the past few days about what I should do to promote my personal reputation," Rosenstein reportedly said.

According to the report, he added, "I took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. There is nothing in that oath about my reputation. If you ask me, one of the main problems in Washington, D.C., is everybody is so busy running around trying to protect their reputation instead of protecting the republic, which is what they're supposed to be doing."

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  1. He just appointed Mueller as special prosecutor.

  2. These clowns just need to keep their mouths shut and do their job


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