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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Gloria Steinem: Global Warming Caused by Not Enough Abortion

It all fits together — patriarchal oppression, catastrophic climate change, our shameful unwillingness to abort enough babies. I see it now, with help from feminist icon Gloria Steinem:

“Listen, what causes climate deprivation is population,” she said. “If we had not been systematically forcing women to have children they don’t want or can’t care for over the 500 years of patriarchy, we wouldn’t have the climate problems that we have. That’s the fundamental cause of climate change.”

According to liberal dogma, climate change is bad and caused by people. The fewer people, the less climate change. The more abortions, the fewer people. By this simple logic, killing babies is revealed to be morally righteous.

Steinem went on to gibber that allowing babies to live is oppressive “because women are the major agricultural workers in the world, and also the carriers of water and the feeders of families and so on” and so bringing more human life into the world is “a disproportionate burden.”



  1. Access to birth control decreases the rate of abortions. Republicans want no abortions yet reduce women's access to birth control. There's some logic for ya

  2. Oh dear, the roaches are coming out of the woodwork. Although, she is partially right. (did I just write that?) we have to many people on our planet, but instead of KILLING BABIES, try birth control and eliminate murder and "global warming".

  3. Eventually the over population of humans will reach a tipping point and become unsustainable for the planet. More abortions in first world countries wouldn't make a difference.

  4. 3:36 do you have a clue as to how much of the world is uninhabited

    1. Talk about clueless. The majority of the uninhabited parts of the world are that way for a reason. Either it's preserved land, or simply uninhabitable for humans. Regardless, uninhabited land has exactly nothing to do the with issue. It's a matter of resources, and every resource mankind uses is finite. Should probably think before you comment next time, will do you good.

  5. Wonder what Gloria would think had her mother aborted her. Oh, wait, she wouldn't be here to think, would she?

  6. If we're talking hot air, Steinem's contribution to global warming over the past fifty years is substantial.

  7. Just think how great America would be if Obama's mom had gotten one, Hillary Clinton's mom, Chuck Schummer's, Nancy Palosi's, Rosie O'Dum-ass......

  8. Ms. Steinem if your so concerned about the global warming, abort your self!

  9. Funny, Reagan once said:::: those that want abortion have already been born

  10. Oh but that statement she made is just fine with the intolerant liberals.

  11. I like that one 7:33. Is it a blessing? their parents did not feel that way and stop these morons when they were just globs of cells


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