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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Proposed Boardwalk Cottage Improvements Spark Room Tax Debate

OCEAN CITY — A seemingly innocuous request for upgrades and other costs at the Boardwalk information cottage last week touched off the larger debate about funding more city expenses through a portion of the room tax dedicated to tourism marketing.

At last Tuesday’s meeting, the Mayor and Council had before them a request for funding needed for the Boardwalk information cottage, an overgrown kiosk of sorts where volunteers and some paid employees dispense information to tourists on a wide variety of questions about Ocean City and its special events, for example. The request from the Downtown Association includes $250 for phone and Internet service, along with $5,000 for staffing to supplement the volunteers that man the booth during the summer. The cottage is largely manned by volunteers, including some councilmembers, but some paid part-timers are needed to fill the void at times.

In addition, the Downtown Association was seeking roughly $2,000 for upgrades to the Boardwalk cottage including carpet replacement, window replacements and other aesthetic improvements. The council ultimately approved the funding requests, but not before a continued debate on where some expenditures should be appropriately placed in the budget and which costs should be absorbed by the portion of the room tax dedicated to tourism.



  1. Cut the $5000 spent for PAID individuals. It's a clean solution as I see it.

  2. Councilman Martin:

    "We’re talking about different pockets in the same pair of pants,” he said. “We just need to make sure those pants don’t have any holes in them.”

    Evidently OC's pants are very tight since many hands have been in the pockets - hence the need to attempt to move expenses to different pots (filled of course) of revenue. Seems an opportune time that a local merchant to donate time/supplies for the "overgrown kiosk" with maybe a mention (sign) stating upgrades donated by XXXX business.

    That would be positive news given that local NBC DC station just aired a report on their 6pm news cycle about the boardwalk bench debacle underway. The family discussed their donation years ago, with plaque for a loved one, then to be asked by OC for more $$$$$$ for repairs. Family said they are taking the bench to their home.

    Unfortunately that's NEGATIVE news...just like their continue funding woes....or as some are calling it, funding mismanagement!

  3. lowest county piggyback tax rate in the state. cry me a river!


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