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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Obama's Leaking Loyalists

He reclassified 88 political appointees as civil servants. Are they the informants who are leaking everything Trump does?

Despite the utter lack of evidence, the mainstream media continue to prop up a theory that there was collusion between Donald Trump’s campaign and the Russians, and any rumor or unfounded suggestion is reported as fact. However, a far greater problem than the alleged Trump-Russia connection (and the only one supported by evidence) is the leaks coming from the White House and from within the intelligence community. They are without question damaging our national security and undermining the president.

The impression created by the media is that Trump is so inherently incompetent that members of his own staff are doing the leaking. The image is one of utter chaos in the West Wing. In reality, many of the leaks are likely coming from political appointees of Barack Obama who remain in the White House. In the waning days of his presidency, Obama transferred these political appointees to civil servant status in order to make it harder for them to be terminated by the incoming president.

Remember when candidate Obama used to rail against the cynicism in our politics? Turns out he was right.


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