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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Eastern Shore Forest Products buys former Kraft-Heinz factory

FEDERALSBURG — Eastern Shore Forest Products recently bought the vacant former Kraft-Heinz property in Federalsburg, with plans to invest $5 million in the facility and bring at least 45 new jobs, Caroline County Economic Development said in a news release.

Eastern Shore Forest Products operates four locations in Millington, Pocomoke and Frankford, Del., and Salisbury, where it is headquartered.

The family-owned business has been operating for 37 years, producing specialty consumer wood products, industrial wood fiber, mulch, fuel and specialty soil mixes.

Its Federalsburg facility will produce animal bedding and fuel products to be distributed primarily through major national retailers.

The company will make improvements to the facility to soundproof its operations from outside the building. It is also in the process of building its own proprietary equipment used in the production process.


  1. good for them! nice to see local success!

  2. Amazing how many bigger businesses located in Federalsburg. Makes you wonder what other towns on Delmarva are doing wrong.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Amazing how many bigger businesses located in Federalsburg. Makes you wonder what other towns on Delmarva are doing wrong.

    May 31, 2017 at 2:09 PM

    No the real question is why the real "bigger" businesses have bailout of Federalsburg?? Forest Products is actually small time compared to Kraft-Heinz. Do you have anymore stupid comments??

  4. It is a great business!
    Lots of fantastic people who work there.

  5. 3:06 that comment was not stupid. You shouldn't speak about what you don't know about. Federalsburg is the home to many businesses many if not most larger than most in the other areas of the shore. The person was talking about how many bigger businesses were located in Federalsburg and NOT saying Forest Products was bigger then KH.
    Do YOU have any more stupid comments????????? If so I'll be right here waiting to set you straight!

  6. Anonymous said...
    3:06 that comment was not stupid. You shouldn't speak about what you don't know about. Federalsburg is the home to many businesses many if not most larger than most in the other areas of the shore. The person was talking about how many bigger businesses were located in Federalsburg and NOT saying Forest Products was bigger then KH.
    Do YOU have any more stupid comments????????? If so I'll be right here waiting to set you straight!

    May 31, 2017 at 4:51 PM

    How do you know what that person was saying unless of course you were that person. Funny how you are too stupid to know that Anonymous is Anonymous. LMFAO

  7. I don't think it matters if it's small and growing or a big company. It's bringing jobs to an area that needs JOBS. It's a great thing for federalsburg and the surrounding area.

  8. prospective companies MIGHT be reading this blog and seeing how people talk and treat each other. IF YOU were a company, would you want to hire some of these people based on their comments and attitudes?


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