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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

New Thing To Be Wrong About: Having ‘Genital Preferences’ In Dating Is Transphobic

Oh my gosh, I am laughing so hard at how inane this is!
Riley J. Dennis recently posited that if you’re a woman who wants to date a man with a penis, you’re wrong. Not only are you wrong, you are a transphobic bigot.
She came up with the new word, “cissexism,” which means “prejudice or discrimination against trans people.” By the way, this is exactly the same definition of the word “transphobia,” but you just can’t have enough new words to try to shame people for their bias.
On the feminist website EveryDayFeminist.com, she said:
[People] might argue that being attracted to women without vaginas in no way negatively affects trans people, but on the other hand I would argue it’s more complicated than that. We all have our implicit biases built into our preferences and gender isn’t as simple as just the genitals you have.
Remember when gay people argued that “it doesn’t matter if two men are attracted to each other. It doesn’t affect heterosexuals at all.” The new mantra is precisely the opposite: “If heterosexuals are attracted to each other exclusively, it affects everyone negatively.” Got it?



  1. There are some seriously sick people!

  2. Guess I am a horrible woman. Had a shirt made, I ❤️ dick. I got tired of being hit on by the lesbians. Married to a man and wear wedding rings. Some people just don't get it.

  3. I'm so confused

  4. I have no words to describe the what Riley Dennis wrote. It is disturbing beyond belief. This is why the democrats lost and will continue to lose. Maybe if his/her or its parents believed in this nonsense then we would have been blessed with a world without Riley.

  5. We really need to start doing like China, N. Korea, Russia, and just eliminate these idiots. You never hear of this crap from their people, they are taken care of!

  6. Most homes have enough closet space , get em back in the closet where they belong.

  7. I was going to say that after reading this confusing, twisted up article that I just don't like ANYBODY! Not men, not women, not anybody. The LGBTQ mess has just made me decide that I just don't like people. But then I went to the comments and read 4:11 and realized I was not the only one that just didn't understand and then I read 5:08 and kind of agreed. So now I can go back to liking regular people I guess. I'm sure there is a few of us left.

  8. WTH did I just read?

  9. WTH is up with this "trans" crap? I thought you were either gay or homo?


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