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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Chelsea Clinton tweets about ‘World Menstrual Hygiene Day’

And you thought she couldn't get any less relevant?

Lately, it's obvious that Democrats have been trying to make Chelsea Clinton into a thing. T.A. Frank, writing in Vanity Fair, said:

"Amid investigations into Russian election interference, perhaps we ought to consider whether the Kremlin, to hurt Democrats, helped put Chelsea Clinton on the cover of Variety. Or maybe superstition explains it. Like tribesmen laying out a sacrifice to placate King Kong, news outlets continue to make offerings to the Clinton gods. In The New York Times alone, Chelsea has starred in multiple features over the past few months: for her tweeting (it’s become “feisty”), for her upcoming book (to be titled She Persisted), and her reading habits (she says she has an “embarrassingly large” collection of books on her Kindle). With Chelsea’s 2015 book, It’s Your World, now out in paperback, the puff pieces in other outlets—Elle, People, etc.—are too numerous to count."

Frank goes on to say that Chelsea comes across as having a "self-regard of an unusual intensity. And the effect is stronger on paper.

Unkind as it is to say, reading anything by Chelsea Clinton—tweets, interviews, books—is best compared to taking in spoonfuls of plain oatmeal that, periodically, conceal a toenail clipping."

And that was before Clinton tweeted this:


  1. Chelsea could stand to practice some personal hygiene herself. Her hair is always greasy and so is her skin. You can tell just by looking at her in pictures that she's smelly too.

  2. 3:10 go look at yourself in the mirror of your double-wide, if it isn't covered in old dried toothpaste.

    If you weren't all so scared of periods maybe you'd read it and learn a thing or two

  3. Oatmeal and toenail clippings: great analogy.

  4. Hey 3:17 I look in the mirror and see definitive traces of my Mom and Dad. Pictures of Chelsea show Hillary and Webb Hubbell.

  5. I would hope they devote more than one day to keep it clean

  6. 3:17 LOL old bill wouldn't waste it on hillary

  7. I could care less what Chelsea Clinton has to say. She is disgusting just like her parents.

    1. Again, please read what you write before publishing. It isn't "I could care less". The quote is "I COULDN'T care less". That means that you don't care at all. If you COULD care less, you are saying that you do, in fact, care.

  8. 3:17 Hon if it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy to think you know where someone lives then so be it. While I don't really want to burst your happy little warm and fuzzy bubble of delusions the fact is my home is 5000+ sq ft. My barn which is heated and central air conditioned is 9000+sq ft. I have horses worth more then your net worth will ever be and I owe not a dime to anyone. The mirrors are spotless as not only do I employ a farm manager full time but also a housekeeper both of whom live on the property. But again if it makes you all warm and fuzzy to think you know where I live then keep on believing it.

  9. Golf clap for bragging 635..

  10. Remember when liberals were just Bleeding Hearts?

  11. 7:04 I didn't know my responses would be graded. I read the story and posted while working and made a mistake. "BIG DEAL" I still think that Chelsea, Bill and Hillary Clinton are disgusting. Also save your CAPITAL LETTERS. I don't really care what you think either.

    1. So, what you're saying is, you couldn't care less what I say? 😘

    2. You should certainly understand that, when you post something in a public forum, you are open to scrutiny and evaluation. That is human nature. If you post something, because you want someone to read and interpret it, have the pride in your work and make sure what you post is correct both in content and grammar. That's not too much to ask.


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