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Friday, May 12, 2017

More Price Hikes Likely For Government Insurance Markets

Early moves by insurers suggest that another round of price hikes and limited choices will greet insurance shoppers around the country when they start searching for next year’s coverage on the public markets established by the Affordable Care Act.

Insurance companies are still making decisions about whether to offer coverage for individuals next year on these markets, and price increase requests are only just starting to be revealed by state regulators. But in recent weeks big insurers like Aetna and Humana have been dropping out of markets or saying that they aren’t ready to commit. And regulators in Virginia and Maryland have reported early price hike requests ranging from just under 10 percent to more than 50 percent.

Increases like that will probably will be seen in other states, too, as insurers set prices to account for uncertain support from a federal government led by a new president who wants to scrap and replace the law, said Sabrina Corlette, a research professor at Georgetown Health Policy Institute. “For the consumer, they’re going to see big rate hikes,” Corlette said.



  1. "We have to pass it to see what's in it" -- Nancy Pelosi, Former Speaker of the House c.2009 Now, Speaker of the Nut House

  2. “For the consumer, they’re going to see big rate hikes,”

    Really? Ya think so? Like we haven't already? Mine tripled in 3 years, how about yours?

  3. Find Health Coverage That Works For You.

    Good luck. What you want, need and can afford are probably not on the menu.

  4. When is this going to Stop!
    It's horrible what we now pay
    for our Health Ins. It's now
    over $6,000.00 a year!!!

    I think they want most of those
    on Social Security income to die!

  5. Who didn't see this coming? Obama!


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