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Friday, May 12, 2017

Hate Group's TV Series to Explore ‘Far-Right Extremism’

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is developing a documentary series centered on “far-right extremism” and President Donald Trump.

The controversial nonprofit is teaming with Black Box Management to produce a six-part documentary series that will explore “the normalization of American far-right extremism in the age of Donald Trump,” according to a statement provided to the Hollywood Reporter.

Black Box co-founder and producer Mike Dill told THR that his Los Angeles-based company plans to start shopping the still-untitled project to potential cable and streaming outlets as early as June.

The SPLC has come under intense scrutiny in recent years for what has been perceived as electioneering, which is illegal for the 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

“To vindicate itself as a fair and balanced agency, the IRS must strip the SPLC of its privileged tax-exempt status,” Dale Wilcox, the Immigration Law Reform Institute’s general counsel, told Breitbart News last month. “Their attacks on the President during his campaign were some of the most egregious I’ve ever seen,” he said, adding that “hoarding over $300 million in donor contributions, the group can afford to pay taxes anyway.”



  1. Someone needs to shoot them racist bastards and put them out of their misery. They have been going after whites for many years.

    1. Do you think that comment helps or hurts? Or are you just a liberal trolling? I'm just curious!


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