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Sunday, May 07, 2017

Maryland reacts to House passage of American Health Care Act

WASHINGTON —From members of Congress to health officials, Marylanders are reacting to the U.S. House voting to pass the American Health Care Act (H.R. 1628). The measure skirted through the House by a thin 217-213 vote, as all voting Democrats and a group of mostly moderate Republican holdouts voted no. The bill now faces an uncertain fate in the Senate, where even GOP lawmakers say major changes are likely.

U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Maryland, released a statement, saying:
“The House bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act promises to hurt tens of millions of Americans. In the rush to pass a bill – any bill – the Republicans have taken bad legislation and made it even worse. Consumers will pay more, women will pay more, families fighting mental illness and opioid misuse or abuse will pay more, seniors will pay more, Americans with pre-existing conditions will pay more – despite the President’s proclamations to the contrary –and taxpayers will pay more for this Republican rush to say ‘they got it done.’ All while Republicans provide significant tax breaks for the wealthy.



  1. What does Ben Cardin know about health insurance? He has never had to pay for it in his entire life! When he was a student he was covered by his daddy's plan in the Maryland House of Delegates. After graduation he took his daddy's seat in the House and, again, was covered at your expense. Then it was on to the US House of Representatives and, now, the US Senate. He has never paid a dime for health insurance in his life.

    1. 1:22 You are exactly right. Cardin and the rest like him do not have a clue what real people face daily. For a family of 3 we pay $1000/month with a $6500 deductible. And Carefirst is once again asking for a increase of 58% for 2018. And Carefirst will be your only option on the health.gov market because the rest dropped out. But please by all means Mr Cardin tell me how Obamacare is working so well? Pelosi? Anyone?

    2. I agree that those premiums and deductibles are way too high but my perspective has changed a bit after suffering a recent illness that resulted in over $250,000.00 in hospital and medical bills. Thank god I had insurance. Even with high premiums and deductibles.

    3. I understand that better than most. My spouse was diagnosed with cancer and the first year alone was over 2 million in medical bills. Fast forward 5 years later and he is cancer free. Which is all that matters. But over the 5 year period the medical bills exceeded 6 million dollars. Unfortunately for us regular working folks we will pay through the nose versus those like our politicians or those sucking off the system. Either way it's just not fair.

  2. What these numbnuts fail to see is that they are part of the problem! In trying to guarantee something for everyone - even those that can't afford it, they have ruined it for those that could previously barely afford it.

    Yes, it may sound cold and callous, but the government should NOT be giving everything to people simply because they can't afford it! I work for what I earn and while I expect there are requirements to maintain a society - providing a generous living to those that choose not to work is simply wrong!

    We all have our place in life, if yours is higher, good for you - you have the opportunity to give to others! If you're in the middle, good for you - you're working your butt off to get by! If you're in the bottom, tough card deal! Improve yourself and work towards a better position! Make good decisions like condoms and ramen noodles instead of 22"rims and 55" TV's! No ciggies or booze - save your money and get an education to grow your position.

    Don't expect to live off of my hard work without me detesting your existence of laziness!

  3. Ben Cardin and his bunch are the ones who got us all into this mess with Obamacare..

    They have NOTHING to say.

  4. Bob Aswell....RealistMay 5, 2017 at 1:50 PM

    Question-- Cardin is one of the so-called political 'experts' that was on the Dem band-wagon. Now he says its' BAD LEGISLATION. If it is and was then WHY did he endorse it? Why has he admitted its ineffectiveness now?
    This gets back to the root cause. If I recall it was pushed through at night when the full quorum wasn't present and if it were true that the Reps. did the same thing then why are the Dems right and the Reps. wrong? Wake up folks, the Dumbocrats are ruining the American way of life right down to Mathias who's just another scatterbrained idiot. Go to the polls and use your head. VOTE for the best candidate no matter what his party is. Bob Aswell....Realist.

  5. As a Republican my opinion is that this was half-assed. We are more concerned with sticking one to Obama and repealing his work than actually providing affordable healthcare to the people who need it most.

  6. Cardin's a dunmbass

  7. Love it when the DumbocRATs keep stating this bill was rushed through. What di Pelosi and Reid do? I also do not understand how disorganized the Republicans are considering they have had 6 - 7 years to craft / agree and have in waiting for this moment. This proves all Politians are very ineffective except for keeping their position / pension / salary / benefits. Another fact to use for term limits.

  8. 2:20 Exactly, why should they give a damn if there's no accountability? They're passing these laws that they don't even have to follow!

  9. Republicans should take the blame. They tried to repeal and replace Obamacare over 60 times. But they never sat down and developed something that is good for Americans

  10. As Trump said. Australia has a much better health care than the US..... let's copy them

  11. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 5, 2017 at 3:22 PM

    Didn't Benny stand with Pelosi when they passed Obamacare and she said "Well, we have to pass it to see what's in it..."?! So now he claims AHCA is bad or worse? Did he actually read anything? Just another BS from BS Artist, who never paid for his own insurance. When will Maryland wake up and Fire this Bum!

  12. 1:26 way to make broad, sweeping generalizations about the lower class. Do you realize you're part of the problem? Would you like to be told that there is a life-saving treatment that could save you and give you more time with your family but you weren't 'dealt a lucky hand' so that means you deserve to die?

    Everyone goes on and on about how great our country is and instead of taxing the rich to help the poor we give massive tax breaks to the wealthy. I'm sure the trust fund yuppies worked REALLY hard to be born into it.

    My advice to you, follow your own words and don't collect a penny of social security because after all, that's other people's money. Sit down and think about the idiotic things coming out of your mouth before you spew them on the internet lol


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