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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Harvard to Hold BLACKS ONLY Graduation Ceremony

Martin Luther King Jr. must be rolling over in his grave right about now. Being the progressive, leftist campus that Harvard is these days, they are now segregating their graduating ceremonies. Frankly, it should not be allowed, but it will be. It’s a disgrace and does a huge disservice to black students. It’s also divisive and racist in the extreme.

The segregation will include only graduate students this year, but there are plans to expand such racial separation next year to all university students, including undergrads. Next stop, high schools. If your kids were going to Harvard, would you stand for this? Would this be okay with you? It sure as heck isn’t okay with me. Michael Huggins, a Harvard graduate student who helped orchestrate the separate ceremonies, told The Root that the segregation “is not about segregation. This is an opportunity to celebrate Harvard’s Black excellence and Black brilliance,” said Huggins. “It’s an event where we can see each other and our parents and family can see us as a collective, whole group. A community.



  1. Good then it will be ok to celebrate the "white excellence". I think it's a good idea we should start by sending all the black students to their own schools lets start with Bennet high school.

    1. Amen! Then my child can learn something other than how to vape, hit a bong, curse at each other, steal, riot, skip class,pull pants to the ground. Did I leave anything out?

  2. Finally we are back to normal.

  3. Oh but if there were a 'whites only' ceremony, there'd be a giant uproar!

  4. Should not take long to get through these racist idiots.

  5. All kinds of civil rights heroes are rolling over in their graves!! If a white group did this, it would be racist, yet these folks don't understand that it's a double-edged sword. Just when you think it can't get any more ridiculous, it does.

  6. Well, so now they MUST have a "Whites Only" graduation ceremony! Great for US! It shows the Blacks they are just plain different than us, as we all always knew. Isn't this Barack's school?

  7. hypocrites. Go ahead and blame whitey for this.

  8. From what I've read the grad students raised the funds to do this. Harvard can no more force them to stop it than they can force them to participate in the graduation ceremony hosted by the university. That being said, if any US university funded such an event or one that excluded Trump voters or meat eater or some such it would not surprise me.

  9. not many whites go to Harvard

  10. Where is the WHITE ONLY ceramonys ?

  11. Don't try to give them their own water fountains tho.

  12. We need to go back to "Separate, but equal", it is better for us all.

  13. Democrats are bringing back segregation...genius.

  14. Traditional graduation ceremonies are generally somber occasions. However when a black student receives their diploma all their relatives like to jump up and yell, whoop, holler, scream and clap just like they do in their churches. Their actions cause considerable delays in the ceremonies and generally is frowned upon by non blacks. Non Blacks generally look upon this as attention seeking by those in the audience as opposed to honoring the student for their achievement. Whites are most likely relieved that the blacks will be having their own ceremony and thus avoiding the circus like atmosphere caused by non White attendees.

  15. Isn't that racist?

  16. 9:07 - form my experience - only about 10% come close to equal...most of the remaining population are a sub-human species! Incivility, lawlwssness, stupidity, and reliance upon government handouts are their only qualifications!

  17. Since segregation was outlawed in the 60's, can they all be arrested for civil rights violations?! Or is this a dumbocrat thing where they get to break the law because they're special!?

  18. Will Harvard whites do the same ?

  19. The black families and friends in the audience at my son's UMD graduation ruined the entire ceremony. We couldn't hear anything that was being announced due to the wild screaming and air horns going off. Totally disrespectful. I appreciate that their family member graduated, but party on your own time.

    And I wonder...will blacks graduates be allowed to join the non-black ceremony ay Harvard? I bet you a $1M they will. But not the other way around.

  20. This is nothing new, been going on from day one since integration. The black wanted to go to the white school and when there, what occurred? They started Black Student Unions, etc., when the school already and student union's. Along with black history month, decorating bulletin boards with whatever they deemed black. Then, it is a know fact at times messed or destroyed some of this themselves and complained while again themselves being caught on surveillance. So what does this movement tell you? Draw your own conclusions. Disclaimer: not all blacks are guilty of this.

  21. Obviously Mr. Huggins is oblivious to the sacrifices of the civil rights activists back in the day. Wonder what Congressman John Lewis has to say about this? On the other front, these people have no tact or decorum no matter how much they are admonished not to have outbursts. Are they just so delighted the student made it through or are they reacting to instincts carried over from their "Roots" to celebrate wildly and uncontrollably?

  22. Let me get this straight they got segragation overturned to now say look we want all black clubs all blacl events then scream racism ? time to just go back the other way ? since its OK for them ...i am fed up wiyh this Anti white BS.

  23. More Proof the Race Card needs to be taken Away !!!

    Equality Only for a change !!!!

  24. Emergency Session needed for Congress ...take it Away !!
    Level the Playing field for Whites......

  25. Who cares what THEY do? I don't.


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