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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Comey's Love Letter From Trump!

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  1. Chuckie Schumer should've read this letter before the nonsense he just said in his presser. Democrats are going down with the ship!

  2. Turns out 6 more years just got a lot shorter!

    1. Howd u figure that snowflake ? dont worry Hillary is on her way to Gitmo.

  3. He needs to send letters like this to all Turdley appointees - get that swamp drained!

  4. This should have happened sooner...First 100 Days would have been good

  5. 740 you obviously missed my snark. comey claimed he was here for 6 more years love him or not. Not too quick on the uptake are you, Homer?

    1. Sorry i thought you were talking about trump my bad.

    2. ps fire ALL Lib judges

  6. That is a well written letter - short and to the point. The Trump has a way with words. If all the truth ever comes out I expect we will learn Effective Immediately" should have been sooner.

    1. 8:38 If the truth comes out then we'll know Trump didn't write the letter. You've seen him in interviews, his vocabulary is VERY VERY VERY limited!!!

  7. So happy! Come on board, Trey Gowdy!

  8. Comey protecting clinton caused him his career. His reputation is tarnished forever and Hillary Clinton is laughing at him... email case is far from over

  9. Hopefully, Comey's replacement will review and reopen the Hillary e-mail investigation and convict her of the crimes Comey announced she had committed, but then turned around and said it wasn't intended. Some other cases were not intended either but those mistakes were not forgiven and the guilty ones of mishandling classified info were fined and sent to prison.

  10. When you use the FBI to spy on Presidential candidates you get fired.

    1. 8:21 When the sitting president is being investigated by the FBI, you get fired!!

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So happy! Come on board, Trey Gowdy!

    May 9, 2017 at 10:02 PM

    No sir, I think Trey would be better as a prosecutor. Some think Clark out of Wisconsin would be a viable candidate for the FBI. I like Trey and think he would do well in any position. He is very talented and intelligent.

  12. Trey is needed in Congress. Too much deception and unrest is going on within Congress right now to lose him. Plus, he may be perceived as being too politically charged. Of course, anyone who believes in our Rule of Law these days is considered politically charged because some in our country have gone mad.

  13. I'll bet the hildabeast is having a wonderful morning. I sure am.

  14. 1026/1027 you really are a daff idiot. First off, Trump isn't under investigation. Not only is that verified in the letter, Clapper, Yates, Brennan and Comey all stated as such in multiple hearings. Second, Trump is very well educated and is a known reader. He reads constantly. His command of vocabulary in public speaking is gauged by his audience. Anyone who does public speaking knows this is a cardinal rule. You liberals are such morons! How's that for speaking on your level.

  15. 1027 Bush was investigated and he didn't get fired. What's your point, moron?

  16. If I were Hillary, I'd be pretty damn worried. All bets, immunities and other backroom deals are now completely shut down. There's no more cover. She's tattooed, glued and screwed.

  17. GREAT !!!! FRAME IT and hang it in the White House!!!
    More Draining of the Swamp !!!!

  18. Comey did not care to COMB threw Hillary's Law Breaking

    Karma just GOT him .....Asta-Lavista !!! See Ya !!!

  19. The Boss is the Boss > Demon-crats get over it !!!


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