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Saturday, May 27, 2017

Feminists Sue University for Failing to Protect Them from Mean Internet Comments

A feminist student group at the University of Mary Washington has filed a Title IX lawsuit against the institution for failing to protect them from mean comments on the internet.

Feminists United, a student group at the University of Mary Washington, has claimed in a recently filed lawsuit that the administration failed to protect them from posts made on the anonymous social media app, Yik Yak.

The suit alleges that the university failed to protect the students by refusing to ban access to the app via the university’s wifi system. The complaint ignores the reality that most students have access to the app via LTE internet service on their cellular devices, which would render a ban on the university’s wifi system almost worthless.

The students claim that the university’s decision to allow students to access the app via the school’s wifi network fostered a hostile environment in which the students were subjected to “overtly and/or sexist/threatening” anonymous messages.

More here


  1. They need to grow up and put their big girl panties on, bunch of damn sissy babies.

  2. They were never taught ~~~Sticks/stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. Seriously time to grow up.

  3. Snow flakes next they will be suing Mom and Dad for not supporting them financially from the cradle to the grave.

  4. FEMINISTS: If you want to be treated with equality then ACT like an equal. Quit being crybabies and grow up. People who do this type of nonsense only epitomizes the weaklings their stereotypes indicate.

  5. Please tell me this is a joke. Please tell me that these "adults" are not so feeble minded and weak hearted as to once again abuse the legal system by bringing suit for mean comments? This is another attempt at censorship. Ship these butthurt snowflakes off to Commie-fornia or North Korea (no significant differences)

  6. The weaker sex ?

  7. 10:47--
    More like the weaker-minded, both male & female of their generation. If you think it's scary now, keep in mind they'll be running things eventually!

  8. OMG they are the future of this world glad i wont be around to see it

  9. No Brain Matter - these sheeple are pathetic.


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