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Saturday, May 27, 2017

Adam Carolla and Dennis Prager: Smashing the Left’s ‘Safe Spaces’

Dennis Prager believes it could take decades to undo the damage done to American universities by the institutional left, if it can ever be undone at all — but that doesn’t mean he won’t pitch in on the effort.

The nationally syndicated radio host has partnered with comedian and podcaster Adam Carolla on a new film, No Safe Spaces, that will explore and then pick apart the culture of political correctness — and the left’s suppression of differing viewpoints and open debate — that has metastasized on college campuses throughout the country.

“If Americans understand what the Left has done to the universities, it will understand what it is doing and what it will do to America,” says Prager, who graduated from Brooklyn College and went on to attend Columbia University and the University of Leeds in England.

“The university is first, and then the rest of the country follows,” Prager explains. “The suppression of free speech, the rendering of kids into immature creatures who have little thought of their own, who are given slogans rather than ideas — the university is the least morally acute place in the United States, as an institution.”


1 comment:

  1. If they want to bring back segregation I'm cool with it.


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