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Friday, May 19, 2017

Black UCLA Students Demand 'Safe Spaces,' $40 Million & Free Housing

Group claims UCLA has done “nothing” for minority students in recent years

Black students at the University of California, Los Angeles are demanding $40 million and their own “safe spaces” on campus as compensation for racially insensitive incidents.

“Black students at UCLA are consistently made the targets of racist attacks by fellow students, faculty, and administration [sic],” the Afrikan Student Union (ASU) begins an eight-point ultimatum issued Friday. “Unfortunately, on April 30, 2017, a photo was released depicting the USAC [student government] President holding gang signs.”

“$40 million is just a drop in the bucket for the university.” Tweet This.

The open letter goes on to cite additional examples, including “racist stickers” and a “Kanye Western” themed party, and declares that “since nothing has been done in recent years, the Afrikan Student Union is DEMANDING that UCLA administrators work with black students towards the development of a more positive campus climate.”

The first item on the list calls for “a physical location on campus to house the Afrikan Student Union Projects,” which would include “meeting/gathering/safe spaces” and be staffed by a director and an office manager who would be responsible for distributing funds allocated to the ASU.



  1. Yeah I am a minority and for me it says .. segregate us more.. treat us differently.. see the racial sterotypes even more.. not treat me like everyone else.. and sorry I got into college because of the hard work and dedication I put forth not the color of my skin.. what the university is saying is that they have no qualified Minority students so they have to lower the bar. That's an insult to us minority students that have actually worked hard and studied to get into college. How about you actually study, do the right thing, and earn your way into college?

  2. 9:24 Thanks for sharing that. You hit the nail on the head. We should not be lowering the bar in this country, but raising it. Look at any activity we take part in where the winners get there via hard work: athletics, jobs, college, etc. Mediocrity breeds more mediocrity. You don't make the school of fish faster by slowing down the fastest fish.
    It's time minorities stop pointing fingers at the privileged white class. There are plenty of opportunities in this country to get ahead without wining about being oppressed.
    our liberal MSM continues to beat the guilt drum and look where that got us. Nowhere.

  3. If Black UCLA Students want safe spaces, they can pay for it on their own dime. They can get jobs and work while attending school, like many white kids do. This bullshit has to cease. It's ridiculous and I blame Democrats for this garbage.

  4. This is one big step closer to a race conflict of the likes we haven't seen in forever!

    1. If the 13% want a race war i say BRING IT.

  5. Work for it Snowfakes.

  6. Pull all tax dollars, including student loans etc., from any college / school of higher learning ASAP. This penalty to be in effect for a minimum of 10 years before any type of appeal or reinstatement hearing.

  7. This is nothing but a smoke screen (safe space )for a few individuals that want to get thier hands on that 40 mil.

  8. Free White girls wanted too !!!

  9. White Girls Welcome !!!


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