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Sunday, May 28, 2017

Ben Carson Tells Brutal Truth About American Welfare System, Liberals Will Never Forgive Him

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson stated this week that one can attribute poverty to “a large extent is also a state of mind.”

“You take somebody that has the right mindset, you take everything from them and put them on the street and I guarantee in a little while they’ll be right back up there,” he said in a SiriusXM radio interview released Wednesday. “And you take somebody with the wrong mindset, you can give them everything in the world, they’ll work their way right back down to the bottom.”

Secretary Ben Carson also said that a “defeatist attitude” could prohibit people from escaping poverty.

“You know, that’s real poverty,” he exclaimed. “If you don’t have that defeatist attitude, there’s hope for you.”

He believes that the majority of people don’t have that defeatist attitude, but they often just don’t visualize the way and that’s where the government can come in, and be very helpful. The government can provide a ladder of opportunity, it can help give the image that we demonstrate to them what can actually be achieved.



  1. I've been a supporter of Carson's, but here's where I throw the BS flag. As someone who was that single mom, my family and I have become successful, but I think we could have done so much more if the playing field had been a little more even. I know of many people who have received a hand up and have made the most of it. Rural America and those with lower wages will suffer from this mentality when they could have had an opportunity to put themselves on a very good trajectory. This is not why I elected a President who would Make America Great. Housing and homeownership are essential elements of good educational outcomes for children, health, and launching greater prosperity.

  2. No they will never forgive him because there isn't a democrat dead or alive who is or was an honest decent person.

  3. 5:54pm. What BS? You didnt address a single point he made. You mention even playing field, why?

    Your comment makes zero sense.

    1. While determination is required, so are some of the programs that are proposed to be cut.

  4. The truth is so refreshing.

  5. Ben Carson came from poverty if anyone can tell you how to escape the liberal plantation and be a free person again, it's him! More people in the project's should hear his story.You don't need goverment, it's only a stepping stone for a better life.You can never depend on goverment, look at the refugees fleeing countries all over, where is thier goverment? When the crap hits the fan only you will save you.All those people in the ghetto will be the ones to die first. They have no ability to work,hunt plant, save and to exhibit self control. They unfortunately will suffer from depending on the goverment.

  6. People have been on the system so long there parents were and now they are a lot just don't want to work or better their lives in a productive way. The ones I have seen in recent years have gone from welfare to disability they have found they have more $ than they would have on welfare, disability is big bucks. All they need is a doctor willing to give them the medical diagnosis, make it permanent and not temporary and they are set to a good life which we pay for. I have had friends who one in the marriage gets disability and the other follows getting it as well. They receive more than myself and my husband who worked all our lives over 47 years each to live on a meager social security. My husband had co-workers which had a fall at work got disability and never worked another day, have taken cruises every year, and are very able bodied people. This needs to be fixed.

  7. 7:46 most of the programs have proved to be useless. There weren't many if any programs when Dr Carson was growing up. Not only is he a brain surgeon his brother is a rocket scientist-really!
    What it takes is at the minimum a mother who is a positive role model and a strong women who won't allow her child hanging in the streets and won't allow "a village" to raise them.

  8. 6:14pm
    Judge much?

  9. Nice for someone born with a great mind to misuse it like this.

    Fact is not everyone has the mind Dr Carson has. Not everyone has the ability to do as he says.

    It takes more than a mind set. It takes a mind that has some special ability. It takes above average intelligence or some other attribute that will garner one greater than normal.

    Fact is America is now failing a very large percentage of Americans. America is not providing sufficient jobs that pay enough to thrive. Wages go down every year on average. Each year sees less and less opportunity.

    Even if you have that special ability it will not matter. Some Indian will come and steal your occupation. If lucky you will still get paid for awhile to train him or her.

    In every way Americans are getting shafted. This is not getting better. Rather worse every single year.

    Maybe Ben should do something about immigrants stealing American jobs.

    1. People who sit on thier a$$ and do nothing are the problem. Even if you need welfare.. work anyway. Can't have a whole group of americans sucking off other americans and not paying in. Eventually you get people who are fed up and refuse to work.Then there will be no system to abuse anymore.

  10. I so totally agree with Dr. Carson. We have created the entitlement mindset whereby if a person is given everything from food to phone why would they work for any of it and try to do better. What is the incentive. Then, they have an excuse and are not required to do anything about it.

  11. 11:11 PM, that is precisely what our President is trying to do - something about the immigrants - however all the die hard Democrats keep yelling, we don't want a wall, we don't want a wall. They need to shut the hell up and let the President do his job and get that wall built.

  12. "Anonymous said...

    Judge much?

    May 25, 2017 at 9:20 PM"

    yes it's about time democrats are told what disgusting immoral losers they are. The bible instructs the righteous to call out those who have strayed from a moral life. too bad if you don't like it but real christians don't pick and choose what parts of the bible to follow

  13. Disability abuse is the biggest rip off of the American taxpayer,I know someone who got out of the Coast Guard because he supposedly has PTSD because he had to help recover some bodies at 9-11 and now we have to support this worthless POS for the rest of his life. That is total BS.

  14. I found it odd that during the Obama Administrations run that every chart that showed unemployment going down, that Social Security Disability Insurance claims went up in a nearly proportional rate. Hmm, curious isn't it? No wonder unemployment went down, everyone started becoming permanently disabled.

  15. Liberals can't handle the truth.


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