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Sunday, April 16, 2017

"Ya'lls President is RETARDED" "This Will Never Happen Again"

While April Jackson tearfully stood in front of the Mayor and Council last night, she apologized for her recent rant against President Trump and the Holly Center. I don't know about you but I'm not so quick to believe this will change this woman. I believe she was simply caught. I believe she was called out by every media source for her racist and ignorant Facebook rant. I believe the pressure from such forced an apology.

The reason I personally feel this way is because her apology didn't come from the heart, it came from a well prepared speech clearly written by someone else. Someone who is truly sorry doesn't just apologize, they ask for forgiveness. They also do so without a prepared speech. Sorry Folks, this is just how I feel.

What Jackson did crossed lines, not a line. While we go off on children getting into fights and verbally misbehaving in school, Salisbury has a Council Member who acts racist and sets the example that if it's OK for her to be out of line, why not our children. Should we just expect our kids to say they are sorry and all is good? Before you answer, that's all Jackson did.

I believe elected officials who make such public statements need to be terminated and or put in front of an ethics board. Because this didn't happen we're seeing more and more of this ridiculous behavior and it's not getting better, it's getting worse and there's no accountability. What would happen to a Department Head for the City of Salisbury if they would have done this? 

So the sixty four thousand dollar question is, DO YOU FORGIVE JACKSON?


  1. No. I don't forgive her. Where is my $60,000 for answering (you said it was the $60,000 question).

    1. And the other day the day after she made her comment and deleted it she had stated that she meant what she said after the fact

  2. I will accept her apology when she steps down from the office that she holds.

  3. Her post was offensive to disabled people and looked like a child wrote it, but I don't think it was racist. Did I miss something?

  4. Clearly she has some racial issues as well and needs to attend some racist anon meetings

  5. typical ignorant lying lib pos! karma's a bitch can't wait for it to visit her!

  6. Why does miss jackson have a ALIAS ......
    and OWES Thousands in bills as per google search and is sitting on a council incharge of MILLIONS when she cant pay her own damn bills sounds like she is Laura Mitchells Sista.

  7. NO NO NO
    I even here her relitives are on FACEBOOK threatning people can anyone send in the pists to joe ?

  8. I agree with 9:28....if you are truly sorry Jackson STEP DOWN, NO PLACE FOR YOU IN POLITICS!!!! Remember the council woman down south that made the crude remark about Moochcelle Obama....she was not even the President. Jackson's comments were just as offensive, she has to go!!!!

    1. She needs yhe $$ but she still aint paying her outstanding bills ? right Ms Jackson.

  9. No, absolutely not. The only reason she is 'apologizing' is because she was caught and basically forced to. If she is truly sorry she should step down but she won't. This will pass and by Friday everyone will have forgotten about it and attention will be on someone/something else. It's a shame that this ignorant thing will get away with talking about OUR President with disrespect like that. She clearly does not like President Trump and definitely does not support him, which is fine, but with the position she holds comes responsibility. I'm tired of seeing POS like this and nothing done...

  10. She holds her statements as her true feelings and theres no place in leadership for such antics.

  11. Hell no, april jackson gotta go!

  12. She didn't ask for forgiveness and I don't BELIEVE her apology!

    She should resign - like they tell all of the conservatives that they should!

  13. Too typical of Da'Bury attitude. No forgiveness; no residence; no tax payments.

  14. 9:31, I'm simply using the "snowflake" theory. You see, if we disliked or disagreed with our former black president we were all considered racist. Is it not an even playing field?

    1. These idiot lib snowflake race baiters were brainwashed X 8 yrs under obama and they feel they they are never wrong aka entitled cry me a river fools and the ones we are going to have issues with are the teen thugs who grew up listening to obama the race baiter.

    2. yup 100% true.

  15. Being a Parent of not 1 but 2 disabled children. No I don't accept her apology.I'm not sure I can. What she said hit close to the heart. And to think she had family members saying it was basically ok to say what you want. Totally disgusted in wicomico county.

    1. FUNNY sounds like half her family are thugs and gang members and who are the disabled ones ?

  16. Joe her Preacher was there speaking up for her but thats just to keep the Welfare $$$$$$ going to her constituents.

    1. So called Reverend eure is one of the biggest scammers in town. He hides behind all his 501-503c status

  17. She said what she believed. She isn't sorry about what she said, she is sorry what she said got her in trouble. She initially said she stood by what she said about Trump but was sorry for referencing the Holly Center, as if that makes the situation any better. Then complained when others complained it was inappropriate and she was made to take it down. In her words she can't even post how she feels on Facebook. Now after all of that and her unwillingness to back off of her statements and apologize we are supposed to believe she really means this when she reads a prepared statement? It is a joke. She showed us her true colors and she should pay the price for her insults. If you disagree with our President and don't like him, that is fine. But when you try to use the term she did as an insult to the point where you reference a local establishment for the disabled you deserve to lose your job as a public figure. End of story. I am not even sure why this is a debate, she should have been let go already.

  18. Everyone knows that if Joe Albero or any conservative or republican uttered those words then we would see a much different response. How can you dismiss something that she stated! No one forced her to use those words. She did it intentionally, and her response and tearful apology amounts to nothing. She will never be held accountable for exposing who she really is, and her ignorant thoughts. She should resign there is no place in politics or anyplace for bigot's, racist, and demigods with there arrogance and self promoting rhetoric. I was not moved by here performance.

  19. yea yea yea. give it a few weeks and this will be old news. nothing to see here, move on.

  20. the only part I heard her apologized for is the Holly Center part. Nothing about Trump

  21. She has been and will always be a POS.

  22. she is not now and was never sorry. the mayor came out in support of her when it was reported on the news, so she already knows where she stands with her "boss". she removed the post and replaced it with another post where she complained that she couldn't say what she wanted on her social media page. it's too late for sorry, if she was truly sorry or if she had seen the error of her ways, her apology would have come before the media storm, not days later. she may have shed a tear but i am pretty sure it was more because she was pissed off and embarrassed that she had to do it in the first place.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Her post was offensive to disabled people and looked like a child wrote it, but I don't think it was racist. Did I miss something?

    April 11, 2017 at 9:31 AM

    Well she did use the term "ya'lls President." She could mean everyone else's President. But let's say this were a white council member saying "ya'lls president" on Facebook about Obama. Would it not be insinuated that they were being racist to an extent?

  24. I do not forgive her and insist she needs to resign. This blog is correct I don't forgive her apology or crocodile tears, it is just an e-effort to keep her job on the city council. The way Delmarva Now put it she is sorry. I say not for the offense just that she was caught and wants to keep her day job. Either now or later she is out.

  25. Joe i hope you put these post up AGAIN when she runs for her 200th term LOK to REMIND people who she is? but something tells me her Racist Voters will overlook everything to save there welfare $.

  26. Joe ...

    Do the People and companys that Ms Jackson OWES Aka Ms Hindge city issued cell #
    so they can get Paid ?

  27. WHY dosnt the city have a Requirement on candidates for city council to get a Credit Ck because anyone who Cant pay there bills Shouldnt be in charge of MILLIONS ?

  28. Her bill collectors need to call her city public cell
    410 726 8467

  29. FIRE HER !! ASAP

    Obviously she is Now Unmasked and shows she was Never
    Qualified for such a position (Got job on Race Card )

  30. Forgiving her isnt the question- everyone makes mistakes- she happened to air her dirty laundry- its how she feels- fine. But we have to start raising the bar. If that is how she feels there is no room for her in any leadership position period. Step down- and do yourself a favor and go work side by side those people at Holly Center- apparently you need some humbling education.

  31. I understand the outrage over the double standard. If a white said something blacks find offensive they would be out to crucify and ruin that person which is exactly what they do. Same goes when a liberal gets "offended" by a conservative. There are 2 choices be just like them and not let it go and give them a taste of their own hateful, unforgiving natures or let it go. I'm conflicted myself.
    The question about her apology is I don't know about that either. It sounds good but then after reading the man trying to deflect by bringing up someone's else bad judgement was disgraceful and if truth be told another one of the black communities major difficulties. They don't have it in them to own and be done. They have to deflect, make excuses. This is an extremely severe character flaw of theirs.

  32. " This will Never Happen again"
    No > It won't, because You won't be there, and be gone !!!

    McDonald's is Hiring !!!

  33. Many people have been fired, or subjected to such overwhelming SCREAMING OUTRAGE from the NAACP and the social media racial warriors that they were forced to resign.

    Nothing less than her dismissal is acceptable.

  34. It was a BS apology, as you said, written by someone other than her, because she cannot put a sentence together. She's sorry she had to stand up there and shed crocodile tears in front of everyone, that's about all she's sorry for. I absolutely do not forgive her and she should have already resigned. April, don't wait any longer, just resign and go home and pay your bills for a change.

  35. Race cards have No limit ....give her more and more chances

  36. Her hairdresser! My wife wants her contact number!!! NOT!!


    Now, as we anxiously await the next challenger to STEP UP to the plate of life - WHO's NEXT?

    Come on now...don't be afraid.....any takers????

    Hey batter batter batter BATTER!!!!!!

  38. If she was a white male she would be stripped of her position and be the top news story for a week.

  39. The council and mayor know this is not close to being her first time for such disrespect and all of her following that claim to know her has to realize it too. Council members have stated this at different times in my presence. Nobody criticized her last night because there was no place for them, due to her home grown (picked) posse taking control.
    I don't get the local paper, but saw one stating she apologized for the Trump remark. She sure as heck did not, only mentioned the Holly Center disparagement.
    It was obvious the show was because she was caught, not sorry.
    As for the dude stating the president of the U.S.A. made fun of someone. This cat should open his mind and eyes, President Donald J. Trump did not do such a thing. If this cat wasn't afraid to watch President Donald J. Trump, he would notice the jester made has been done by the good president before and after that claim. It is some of his body language, like we all have.
    This fake cry baby is not my councilperson. Heard that before reference the POTUS...lol

  40. I do not think she was serious for a second. However I believe she made a statement that she was concerned that Trump bombed a country and caused many deaths , to my knowledge their was only one person hurt in the attack. She is very ignorant and should step down ASAP. Let's just say that I always consider the source of information , we have a few years to clean up the Obama mess and Trump is doing an amazing job of it. Remember that this woman is not a smart human and needs an abundant of help , so do the people she represents. She is e public figure and should understand that. Trump is my president and it is also her president whether she likes it or not. I'm very prejudice because of the BLM movement and the Snowflake movement. Having said that forgiveness is not in my vocabulary when these type of things happen.

  41. Do yourself a favor April resign!! The backlash from all of this isn't worth sitting on city council


  43. There is no room in our little local government for people who denigrate others' mental or physical capacities, or who callously use them for sport.

    It's probably fortunate for the people of Salisbury to see what really lurks in the shadows of this person's personality.

    1. Anyone know when the next election isso i can hold up signs infront of the gov building against her ?

  44. No. Her true self came out and for all to see. This will not change her true feelings on things. Everybody makes mistakes yes. But this was no mistake. It's who she truly is and now people got a chance to see it! If the shoe was on another foot she would be pushing and demanding them to step down. The same needs to happen with her and the others consider it a lesson learned! Force her out! Day do your job! Or should you be forced out to for not doing your job? Get those petitions rolling!

  45. I can forgive, but she needs to leave the council.

  46. Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Barbara Jordan and many more come to mind when reading about this incompetent clown. Vote for low IQ third world candidates and you get third world governance and corruption

  47. Maybe she can take over wcboe. I hear they need more race baiters

  48. I think the fact that she does not step down indicates that she has a lack of character. she should ask y
    herself how effective can I be going forward how much can I help the city and can I be a positive influence. Under the circumstances the answer is no

  49. She should do the right thing and resign. If she were white, should would have been forced to resign. If she has any honor or integrity left, she should do the honorable thing and resign.

  50. she needs to be recalled but that might upset her 10 welfare voters.

  51. Ya'alls comments are right on point Ya'alls!

  52. NO, I do not forgive her. If she had been white and said that about obama, the chambers would have been.over flowing with blacks yelling, cussing, and demanding the person be fired and the white would have been.

  53. Sad to say but this is Salisbury and wicomico counties true colors. As stated those are her TRUE feelings and the only thing she is sorry about us she and her TRUE character were exposed


  54. She's entitled to her opinion no matter how crass, rude or disrespectful it is. She's entitled to verbalize it or write it.

    By the same token, others are entitled to form an opinion of her from her comments. The impression she made was overwhelmingly unfavorable and her staged apology didn't alter the reaction most had to her posting. She needs to polish her insincerity if she wants to be believed.

    Resigning would be a good first step.

  55. Imagine if she was white.

  56. Hello no I don't believe or forgive that racist pig. I don't want her making decisions on my council. She has already proved her bias in so many ways.

  57. She said it was taken out of context and this should be a LEARNING tool for EVERYONE? Wtf. Even her weak attempt at apology blamed others... Salisbury will never get it right...

  58. "Daily Times" article said Jackson told another person at the Council meeting the names of the Holly Center residents she worked with---this is a violation of confidentiality by Jackson and far more serious than her social media words.

  59. Does anyone think Jakie wrote her speech for her? It sure wasn't her words...No ya'alls in it

  60. She is sorry....SORRY she got caught.

  61. Well, I stand corrected...there was on "ya'all"

  62. I'll forgive her as soon as she volunteers there weekly for a 1 year.

  63. Magical Molly is thrilled with April Jackson right now. She'd rather see April's tears and lame apology at the top than her own cross-eyed clown face staring at the readers day after day. Actually, we all thank you, April. (All in good fun. Don't take this "out of context.")

  64. That pesky 1st Amendment again......

  65. Anonymous said...
    No. Her true self came out and for all to see. This will not change her true feelings on things. Everybody makes mistakes yes. But this was no mistake. It's who she truly is and now people got a chance to see it! If the shoe was on another foot she would be pushing and demanding them to step down. The same needs to happen with her and the others consider it a lesson learned! Force her out! Day do your job! Or should you be forced out to for not doing your job? Get those petitions rolling!
    April 11, 2017 at 12:53 PM

    Yes, she got caught and that's all she's sorry about and needs to exit; stage right!

    Sorry, April, you only gave half an "apology" anyway. What about "your" President Trump? He was insulted as well. Where is your apology to him?

  66. She'll be reelected. Her district represents exactly what SHE is.

  67. What does that say about the rest of the little enclave that elected her to be their representative? As for Ms Jackson, "It's better to remain silent and appear stupid than to speak out and remove all doubt."

  68. I will forgive her if.....and only if she performs at least 400 hours of community service at the Holly Center. Then she must apologize to Trump supporters like me who never called Obama derogatory names. I have to far a great respect for the POTUS no matter who's in there. Next apologize directly to President Trump. Then last but not least she has to admit that President Trump is president to ALL Americans.

  69. Her comment WAS racist..."Ya'll's president..."
    I have no doubt that she was referring to white people (Republicans, too, I'm sure). It was cruel toward Holly Center residents. AND, it was totally disrespectful toward our President, particularly from a person in a political position. Her apology was NOT genuine in any way. She needs to step down.

  70. If it was taken out of content, please put into content so we all can understand.

  71. She is an emotional , ignorant, racist . Plain and simple.

  72. Another racist and no I do not forgive her. She is exactly what is wrong with this country. Sickening how they talk out of both sides of their mouths. Call a spade a spade.


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