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Friday, April 07, 2017

U.S. Investigating Possible Russian Participation in Syrian Chemical Attack, Officials Say

(WASHINGTON) — Senior military officials say the U.S. is looking into whether Russia participated in Syria's chemical weapons attack earlier this week.

The officials say Russia has failed to control the Syrian government's use of chemical weapons.

They say a drone belonging either to Russia or Syria was seen hovering over the site of the chemical weapons attack Tuesday after it happened. The drone returned late in the day as citizens were going to a nearby hospital for treatment. Shortly afterward, officials say the hospital was bombed.



  1. The hospital bombing was done with a Russian plane.

  2. Seems like Russian have their hands in everything.

  3. EVERYTHING 2:09, every damn stinkin thing!

  4. Time for WW III and thin the herds.

  5. We all know they have been Bombing and Killing for and with
    the Sirian Dictator

    So there is No difference if they kill you by bomb / bullet
    or gas ....obviously so ... Russia is GUILTY Period !!!

    Russia just as guilty as Assad !!!

  6. civil war there for 7 yrs or so
    one is just as dead killed by one thing or another

    Why only till now, when gas is used (Again) is anything done ???

    Because Obama did Nothing >> that's why > Blame HIM !!!

    It is well know that all along Russia was /is envolved !!!


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