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Friday, April 07, 2017

IRS Chief Koskinen: I'm Committed to Finishing My Term

Despite calls for his removal, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said he is committed to finishing his term, The Hill reports.

"I signed up for a term that ends in November," Koskinen said at a Senate Finance Committee hearing. "Where I come from, if you sign up for a commitment, you complete that commitment."

But 15 Republican members of the House Ways and Means Committee have written to President Donald Trump urging him to fire Koskinen.

The lawmakers claim the IRS, under Koskinen, destroyed evidence when Congress was investigating the agency for singling out conservative groups for extra scrutiny, according to the Times.

"He also misled Congress in the process, [and] intentionally degraded customer service at the agency.."

More here


  1. Drain the swamp - get rid of the turd's agent!

  2. Why is President Trump not draining the swamp quicker? What is taking him so long?

  3. John also wants to finish denying more charities and stuffing his pockets full for another 6 months...

  4. He needs a PRISON TERM !!! at least 20 yrs


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