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Monday, April 03, 2017

Trump Plays Democrat’s BLUFF – Provides EVIDENCE Obama Spied On Him!

Very smart. The Trump administration is going to share with congressional investigators information that proves that the Obama administration incidentally intercepted communications from the members of Trump’s team. They are going to be transparent and lay them out for all of them to review. Nunes evidently received his information from two White House aides. The information is not related to the Russia investigations which makes it even more damning for Obama.

Nunes met with his sources on the White House grounds because it was a secure location. Since they were viewing classified information, that makes total sense regardless of how the media spins it. On Thursday, Sean Spicer announced: “We have and will invite the Senate and House ranking members and chairmen up to the White House to view that material in accordance with their schedule.” That certainly throws a wrench into the meme from the left.



  1. Very sad obama took advantage of WE THE PEOPLE for many years. Now we are hurting paying ridiculous amounts for forced insurance. Democrats keep blocking the elected president on everything.

  2. it is out. it was Susan rice - surprise, surprise, surprise

  3. LOCK THEM ALL UP >> those Damn Demon-crats !!!!


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