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Monday, April 03, 2017

Number Of Big Retail Bankruptcies In 2017 Already Equal To All Of Last Year

We’re only three months into the year and already the retail battlefield is littered with the corpses of nine brands that have filed for bankruptcy — the same number that filed in all of 2016.

Gordmans, hhgregg, RadioShack, Gander Mountain, BCBG Max Azria, MC Sports, Eastern Outfitters, Wet Seal, and The Limited have all filed for bankruptcy in just the first few months of 2017. At this rate, the industry is on pace to far surpass the high-water mark of 18 major retail bankruptcies set in 2009, notes CNBC.

Two more retailers may be joining their friends on the garbage heap soon as well: Recent reports have indicated that Payless and Bebe are both struggling and could head in the bankruptcy direction in the near future.



  1. Sometimes they are just poorly run businesses. The bigger they are the more waste.

    1. Bigger than that. Internet revolution.

  2. Gander mountain has plenty of stuff for the walleye fishermen here in Salisbury. Wait a minute there are no walleye anywhere in Maryland hum wonder why they are in bankruptcy. There are plenty of reasons why other than the Internet

  3. 4:56 PM Yes, thank you = 1:18

  4. How the Hell are we supposed to make it then ???? tell me

  5. Don't let me walk into Gander Mountain with a pocket full of money like I did the last 3 times I went there and have no one to help me out with what I wanted. Therefore I had to order from the Internet and go to a smaller higher priced competitor. There was not one employee of G.M.not even the cashier said could I help you as I walked out. POOR Management. Set the example by being the example. So now you've been told!!!!!!

  6. Customer service


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