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Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Trump: ‘If China Is Not Going to Solve North Korea, We Will’

President Donald Trump signaled his willingness to take on North Korea, regardless of whether China was willing to help the United States.

“If China is not going to solve North Korea, we will. That is all I am telling you,” Trump said in an interview with the Financial Times.

When asked if he could do it without China’s help, Trump replied, “Totally.”

Trump’s remarks signal a tough stance on the rogue nation ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit at Mar-a-lago this weekend. In recent years, American presidents looked to China to help contain the threat posed by North Korea.

“China has great influence over North Korea and China will either decide to help us with North Korea, or they won’t,” Trump said. “And if they do that will be very good for China, and if they don’t it won’t be good for anyone.”



  1. Drop a nuke on them already lets get it done already.

    1. Egg lolls everywhere...we have been bowing down to these thugs x 40 yrs time to Wipe em OUT.BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.

  2. HUGE fight at bennett cops spraying pepoer spray.

  3. Do you think that a war is the answer? What then, a war with China that destabilizes the entire region and the world? Endless North Korean reconstruction at U.S. expense? Millions of displaced and impoverished North Korean emigrants to Asia, Europe and North America?

    This will take a little more thought by someone better prepared to think about the repercussions.

  4. It's so good to hear a Good American President use words like these after eight years of Obummer destroying our standing on the world stage. Obummer bowed to foreign leaders, he kowtowed to Iran and North Korea, and continually let foreign countries walk all over us.

    We were tired of it, and we elected a Real Man to finally do something about it after those eight long years of Obummer trying to destroy this country.

    These are good, hard words that the world needs to hear: America is back again, and we will once again be able to solve the world's problems -- with or without help from anybody else.


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