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Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Illegal immigration plummets after Trump inauguration

Illegal immigration across the southwest border is down more than 60 percent so far under President Trump, officials revealed Tuesday, even before the first new agent is hired or the first mile of his promised border wall is constructed.

Mr. Trump took a victory lap over the “record reductions” in illegal crossers, saying he is already saving Americans’ jobs by preventing them from having to compete with unauthorized workers.

“Down 61 percent since inauguration. Gen. Kelly is doing a fantastic job,” Mr. Trump told a labor union gathering in Washington, praising Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly, a retired Marine Corps general.



  1. Keep up the good work President Trump. I love it.

  2. What's up with Trump anyway? Every since I snuck into this country I've had to constantly look over my shoulder.The nerve.

  3. Don't need a law for verbal deterrence!!!! Scare tactics have worked for centuries!!!!

  4. When you put a tight lid on the sugar container, the ants disappear.


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