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Sunday, April 16, 2017


1st major pro-life legislation to be signed into law in more than decade

President Trump signed a bill Thursday freeing states to withhold federal family planning grant money from Planned Parenthood, marking the first major pro-life legislation to be signed into law in more than a decade.

The bill unravels an Obama-era regulation that insisted states couldn’t refuse to spend family planning money with Planned Parenthood or any other organization that performs abortions.
“This is a major pro-life victory,” said House Speaker Paul D. Ryan.

More than a dozen states moved to strip Planned Parenthood of government funding in recent years as questions arose about the country’s largest abortion provider. In particular, lawmakers in Republican-led states were reacting to a series of undercover videos that purported to show Planned Parenthood officials negotiating the sale of body parts from aborted fetuses.



  1. True, great victory for pro-life. Can't forget that this may also impact breast cancer screenings in low income areas as well as other non-abortion services offered by Planned Parenthood.

    1. Actually, this bill makes the money go to other low income care providers, instead of force feeding PP federal funding.

  2. Family planning. What a clever and overused euphemism for murder.

  3. Brilliant,
    Lets take birth control and parent counseling away form those who really need it so that they can create more babies/ people who will demand more entitlements.

    1. PP performs ten times as many abortions than they provide prenatal care.

  4. 1:25 you are entitled to your opinion, but as a pro-life citizen myself I still have to accept facts. Fact is, abortions are a minute part of the services provided to the community. A little education goes a long way.

  5. Lets take a look at other states that pulled Planned Parenthood funding. Notice how births in low income areas skyrocketed? Notice how government assistance skyrocketed?

  6. PP is banned by law from using federal grants to perform abortions. Is that actually the case, who knows? I know the popular opinion here is likely no lol.

    Some argue that this is just another bill making it harder for low income citizens, especially women, to have access to healthcare. 80% of PP clients are 150% below the federal poverty limit. Providing them with access to birth control and family planning for examples (excluding abortion for the sake of this argument) helps reduce the number of children being born into poverty and placing a burden on you and I, the tax payers.

    1. The Dems removed support for that "amendment" in their official 2016 Democratic party platform.

      So much for that defense.

  7. 1:48 pm - You are pretty brilliant. I guess there is no other place around where someone can get birth control or a 6 pack of condoms - NO, not with all the pharmacy's around here, no. Planned Parenthood was the only place around for that - they corned the market! Now think of all the pregnant girls that are going to be walking around now and it will totally be President Trumps fault! You are not just brilliant but a genius!

  8. 2:28 they provide them for free or low cost. Would you spend a large amount of money on birth control without insurance? Sounds like you're the genius who hasn't thought it through. No need to mock 1:48 for bringing up some good points

  9. Planned Parenthood does NOT provide prenatel care and that's the end of it. They have Always touted this in their talking points, but it's a LIE. They have NEVER done mammograms, another LIE.

    Planned Parenthood KILLS babies and sells body parts and that's the end of it. SHAME of those that continue to promote this evil organization by promoting their lies.

  10. LOL typical, someone makes a good point on here and 2:28 comes in and has to mock them because they typed well

  11. 1:08

    Contrary to popular belief, Planned Parenthood does NOT do mammograms.

    All they do is refer women to someone who does.

    Planned parenthood is a shell company that does abortions (Infanticide) nothing more.

  12. Oh so you mean, Trump is putting back on States the rights they had as per our Constitution? How innovative? Putting the rights back into States' ballgame rather than micromanaging the US. Sure that upsets the Democrats' fascist dictator bend to it's core.


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