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Sunday, April 30, 2017

This Should Scare You More Than Terrorism: The Opioid Epidemic

Terrorists move over. There’s a far worse terror in town that is indiscriminately targeting kids and adults, killing well over 10 times more Americans a year than all terrorist attacks of the last 16 years combined.

That’s correct. While politicians have spent several trillion dollars on foreign wars, they’ve distracted us from the very real threat that can be found in our own homes, targeting our families. In 1997, the United States became one of only two developed countries on the planet that made it legal for pharmaceutical companies to advertise drugs directly to consumers, including children. Since then prescription drug addiction and prescription drug overdoses have skyrocketed – in fact, quadrupled.

We now have a generation of young adults who grew up with a drug dealer living in their homes 24/7 – the television, magazines and internet pushing pills as a solution to every imaginable condition. Eighty percent of opioid addictions begin with a prescription for pain medication at your doctor’s office. It must be safe if a doctor prescribes it, right? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2014 47,055 people died of an accidental drug overdose – 29,467 of those from opioid-related drugs, which includes prescription pain medication. To put that into perspective, firearms were used to kill 13,286 people in the United States over the same period (excluding suicide) with a total of 3,340 killed in terrorist attacks on American soil since 1995 (3,003 in the September 2001 attacks alone).



  1. Hey Boomers...remember speeding and car racing on back roads? Remember drinking beer until you pass out.....all the foolish things that didn't kill you? Remember that.....well....kids are still doing things that are risky but today the end results are killing them. Seriously....kids take this crap and think it is like LSD was...a trip. This is now a trip to the grave yard and one mistake is permanent. Who hasn't done something foolish at a young age regardless of your parents or your upbringing? So BEFORE you thumb your nose at someones kid or grandchild who died on drugs REMEMBER.... you did the same thing...you just didn't die.

    1. Well at least they will thin the herd of idiots.

    2. Couldn't agree more. Spot on.

  2. Begins sadly with a lack of self control...then there is an enabler somewhere in the background, either a sibling, parent, spouse or a doctor. Family members have to be alert to prescription use and doctors need to watch request for refills....my pharmacy won't refill any prescription early without calling the doctor.

  3. terror sells, dope fenes dont. Not many in politics care if this many people die due to drugs but they can convince the masses some guy from another country is going to blow them up. No matter how smart people claim the be the majority is highly gullable.

  4. Well said. There are many of us 50+ that are lucky to be alive.

  5. Why is there no outrage from liberals on the heroin epidemic?

  6. Where is this stuff coming from? Afghanistan, where we have "control"? Why is it here in quantum volume? Is it our own government bringing this crap in? Trading for arms??? Why is this garbage even available here????

  7. Libtards have ruined this country on so many levels, including making drug use socially acceptable (it isn't good Conservatives who are pushing for drug legalization), and then with people like Obummer making the economy so terrible that good Americans have been forced out of work and making them feel that they have no choice but to turn to drugs to feel better. Terrible!

  8. It's already affected my family. I lost my 2nd cousin who was only 32 to a heroin overdose. Nice girl from a decent family. Tried desperately to get her help. I've been told once you get hooked on this stuff, it's very difficult to get off of it. We need to start finding and arresting the dealers and charge them with murder. Stuff is too cheap and easy to get. I worry about both my sons every day.

    1. I think I know the same girl. Was she from cambridge?

  9. What makes me mad is every police agency in America knows how bad this problem is and yet we see more cops collecting revenue by pulling over cars then taking on the dealers.

  10. how do they get the drugs to their distribution centers? They don't walk a couple of kilos from an unguarded Mexican border all the way to Chicago. It may be walked over the border, or brought in by sub or boat, but from there, cars, trucks, big rigs, drive them to their distribution locations. You think mules aren't in a hurry to get rid of the stuff they are carrying? That leads to sloppy driving habits because they are concentrating on what is hidden in their vehicle. That's where drug interdiction starts. Pulling cars over breaking the law. And how many times have you read that an odor of burnt marijuana gave probable cause to search a vehicle. They smoke a dooby to relax themselves, get pulled over, the officer smells weed, and boom. PC to search a vehicle. The cops take drugs and guns off the streets. Not to mention people driving from the scene of a burglary or other crime, trying to make a quick escape, and speed past a cop. They get pulled over, they're visibly shaking, there is lots of home goods (TV, laptops, cameras, etc) on the back seat and floor. They just broke into your house to steal goods to fence or pawn to fuel their addiction. Yeah, stopping speeders is all about collecting revenue. You realize in Maryland that fines for motor vehicle infraction go into the GENERAL FUND and not to the police agency itself, right?

  11. Maybe we wouldn't have all these OD's if the police did their damn job and locked up the heroin dealers.

  12. Nice comment 754pm....now provide a option/solution to HELP the problem..not opine about we boomers and what WE did.

    Hell cars and outside were all we had compared to today's self service to our youth. Everything is served on a silver platter!

    Bad in school - oh poor Jimmy/Jane is today's response. We got whipped (I will change that word to "corrected" from here on out, not to offend any snowflakes). Got home to face mom/dad (YES WE HAD 2 PARENTS) and corrected again. Talked out of line - corrected. Arms on the table at dinner (YES WE HAD FAMILY DINNERS REGULARLY) - corrected. Didn't pick up after one's self - corrected. Dirty bedroom (mind you, we SHARED bedrooms) - corrected.

    Believe me, it ONLY took messing up in each instance ONE time of CORRECTION to understand right from wrong. Yeah, we may have indulged a bit with our road racing antics but the kinds of hard drugs out there today is no comparison to the lack available to us in MOST small cities/towns. Cars, beer were our outlets. Sadly some of our friends did die due to stupidity and believe it or not, that CORRECTED many of us. You will see many of us in a few weeks cruising in OC. We will NOT be the one's carrying on, burn outs, etc. That will be today's YOUTH!

    Too many rules today regarding discipline; way too many 1 parent homes. I hate seeing our future kids die at the hand of cheap drugs and stupid...don't know the answer except continued communications from all generations of life!

  13. Where was the outrage and concern when the democrats in control insisted leaving the borders open to allow these drugs to flow continuously into our country? Wheres the accountability for them and border agents and law enforcement that ALL turned their heads knowing this was happening?

  14. Some very interesting comments thus far. A few observations. All of the heroin and the fentanyl that is is being laced with really does not come "across the border" from Mexico. There was a shipment of several thousand pounds that came from China (our new BFF) into a port on the east coast. The biggest reason that you do not hear the outrage from Democrats or Republicans on this matter is just because of comments like 8:40 made. We as citizens really need to take a step back and live in the now, not the way we were raised. Mistakes were and will still be made but we must live in the now not how "it used to be". I do very much respect your right to free speech, however the parents who have lost a child or family member to the disease of addiction are suffering and continue to. I do have a suggestion if you would like to get make a difference no matter your political beliefs
    get educated, keep an open mind, get your feet out of the cement and move forward. Please if someone you know needs help, reach out, there is help out there. And yes I will sign my name, Blessings, Linda Wainer

  15. 12:22 Linda....yes...you are correct. You can order these drugs from China and have them delivered to your door.


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