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Sunday, April 30, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Fruitland recycle station


Does anyone know why the Fruitland recycle station has been closed and all bins removed? The County wants the citizens to recycle to help the environment and they close up this site which was always being used. The bins were almost always full. Now we have to go into the College or the Civic Center. I know the County never kept this site clean like their other recycle sites but why punish the citizens and discourage recycling in the Fruitland area? This also creates a less environmentally friendly circumstances since some of us will being using excess gas to travel 5 - 10 miles to recycle. This area had a sign where this space was donated by Fruitland Fire Dept. Did the Fire Dept. and the Town of Fruitland have a problem with this site? They did no upkeep because a Fruitland citizen keep the entrance up and the grass cut at no expense to either entity. This is the talk of the people in this area whether they live in Fruitland or like myself in the County close to this site.

Publishers Notes: This was the Town of Fruitland decision to close it. I should add, very much like the image I delivered last week, MANY citizens abused it by dumping large amounts of household items, (not recyclables) there and the County was constantly down there cleaning up and removing those items. I'm confident those items were the key reason the Town made the decision to remove the recycling bins.

I can also tell you that the County is searching for another business location to place the recycling bins that have been removed. People simply need to stop being so damn lazy and stop dumping material there that isn't recyclables. 


  1. Since trash is built into the water sewer bill, why not just put a dumpster there and solve the problem instead of whining about it.

  2. The typical gov brain-dead employees would rather punish everyone and the environment instead of correcting the problem and/or punishing those abusing it. Set up a trail cam on a pole or put a dumpster there. More fun to punish the masses with your abusive power tho huh...

  3. Yea well there are plenty work release inmates that are capable of doing the cleanup and not just cutting the grass at a few parks and guard rails throughout the county....someone needs to speak up and get the COUNTY jail involved with this! They send crews all over to habitat and the civic center why not have cleanup in areas of the county that need it . Also befor anyone post something stupid about it, let me explain the men and women locked up there would be more than willing to clean any chance of seeing some freedom would encourage them to want to get out and help clean up other areas.

  4. There's two problems: household trash being dumped, and the bins not being emptied, so people are leaving it piled up behind them. It may just be me, but I noticed the excess trash showing up when Fruitland quit curb side pick up. I called the city, and was told that the station was closed at the discretion of the county, and no one knew why. It was assumed it was due to the part of those leaving household trash. I want someone to explain why anyone has to pay $35 to have an old couch picked up, when you already pay for trash removal in your water bill. But just like the hundreds of dollars they scammed out of residents last year on their water bills(told you weren't charged for the full quarter, but couldn't tell you how much water you used), Fruitland will do what it wants. I started going into Salisbury to take mine. When I went the other day, the bins at the college were overflowing and people were just leaving it outside the bins(I did too) and I would assume that this doesn't make employees happy when they have to pick it all up when they pick up the bins. Apparently no one ever considered the thought that the bins needed to be changed more when you closed a station.

  5. As I understand it, it was the county's responsibility, & they weren't staying on top of it; ciy got tired of dealing with it. You can now go to Walnut Tree Rd., they have a center set up there now. Take Camden Ave. South, go right at the split (by Flannery's), Walnut Tree Rd. on right, then lane on right @ posted sign.

  6. Fruitland uses Inmate too! Council President is a power hungry transplant!

  7. Don't believe "brain-dead" has anything to do with this. More or less it has to do with kicking the can down the road (future) in hopes additional resources will be available OR become available (wink wink ala a favor).

    Sad but true is the way of a politician or politics!

  8. I try and recycle but not if you make it harder. City of salisbury have recycling containers supplied to them. Now you want me to drive across town to do it? Looks like my trash man will have a larger load each week

  9. Great clean up job in fruitland, somebody works fast, just bare ground now.

  10. This appears to be typical government. Encourage the public to be environmental conscience then screw them over. Then blame everybody else so they don't have to do the job they are getting paid to do. Government employees needs to do their job or get fired. This includes Politians. Like to know how many recycle sites have been closed near them that they use.

  11. For the record people are quick to say use work release inmates to clean up the mess left by people but check the numbers there are fewer and fewer work release inmates today,most inmates are in for serious crimes ,and work release is no option

  12. Although bare ground now - issue is still at hand. Weather is getting warmer too so more critters will be out if things are cleaned up.

    Someone mentioned the lack of resources is causes this an other things to be completed (picked up) within longer intervals.

    Heard during the recent legislative session, the need to find MORE revenue generators. Car inspection was mentioned by a youngin as well as emissions here on the shore. There were some heated words by one elder representative reminding folks why there isn't emissions on the shore as well as state inspections. That was followed up by the youngin stating that times have changed and we (STATE) need more money for services.

    A big OH MY if this discussion rings true! Our state is already one of the highest when it comes to taxes, not to mention the high cost of services too. If they indeed discuss more revenue generators - its time to change my voting style. The need to CUT is now MD!

  13. As the typical govt excuses go "we were tired of dealing with it." Sorry but that is your job!! If you don't want to provide the service then don't charge me for it. That would be illegal in any other circumstance. Not to mention from the comments above it seems Fruitland is blaming county and county is blaming Fruitland. Sounds like all officials need a lie detector test!

  14. Salisbury really needs to clean up the trash on the fence line of Harmon field and the Elks club.Pretty bad and several yards of undergrowth all down the fence. Trash on the ground under the metal cans and around the basketball court is completely scattered.

  15. I live in Fruitland and I was told that it was closed at the request of the Fruitland Fire Dept. who owns that land. So don't go blaming the city.

  16. Fruitland has higher taxes than Salisbury. I'll never live there.

  17. I've never seen filthier people.How hard is it to carry a waste bag in your car or truck,and dump it after your trip? Instead,these morons toss it all out the window so it can clog storm sewers and make the roadside gross.


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