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Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Simple Reason Why A Second American Civil War May Be Inevitable

America has always had its divisions, and Americans have never really been a monolith. We’ve always been a nation of many nations. The culture of New England is different from the culture of the Deep South, which is different from the cultures in the West Coast or the Midwest. People living in the cities have different beliefs than people who live in the countryside. Within those areas, there are ethnic, linguistic, and religious enclaves. It’s always kind of been like that (probably to a lesser degree in the past), and somehow we’ve been able to find enough common ground to keep this country together for more than a century.

However, something has changed. You can feel it in the air. Our nation has clearly never been this divided since the Civil War. A lot of people noticed it after the last election, but the truth is that these divisions have been deepening for decades, and they’re just now reaching a very noticeable breaking point. That’s obvious enough when you look at how the left and the right have been going at each other. It used to be a war of words, but it’s turning into something very dark.



  1. Absolutely looking forward to it!! Pray it happens in my lifetime

  2. This is what banking families wanted see us to wipe each other out and they did in 1870's by selling slave's and buying arms from france and england and going do again this time.

  3. I am so excited for this! I got over 10,000 rounds or 5.56, 5 100 round drum mags, and several 50 round clip. I even have a half case of dynamite.

    1. Why does this excite you? A war in my beloved home doesn't make me smile. You should look at yourself and wonder what type of person you have become to think this is a good thing for your country. Very sad. Obviously you are not proud of your country and must not live it if you wish harm within your own community.

  4. This country, like the former Soviet Union will be broken up into regions. I think the differences are too great for this union to stay together. If this does happen, I don't want to live in a blue state like Maryland. I would want to live in a state or region where my values and beliefs are more compatible. More proof that multiculturalism does not work.

  5. well, I would never hope or wish for another civil war, but... if it happens not really too concerned since most on the left don't own guns, and we know most on the right own multiple guns and have served in the military

    1. You would be very surprised how many of us on the left own guns. That is a silly statement based on what exactly. Shows you really don't know much about people on the left.

  6. ditto 9:40 , it will be quick and unforgiving ," when you treat a man like a dog , in time he will act like one and bite you with deadly teeth".

  7. You're a fool if you look forward to war. Have you ever experienced actual combat? It ain't like your video game.

  8. @ 10:58 yes I have and when I witnessed 200 fellow marines and sailors blown up Oct 23 1983 Beirut Lebanon to come home and witness what this is becoming I look forward putting some of you people out of your misery

  9. "You're a fool if you look forward to war".

    Been in a local Wal-Mart lately? How can you look at the fat slob filth this country has become and NOT want war?

  10. So do you want civil war so you can be justified in killing people you disagree with? Where do you start? Killing people with liberal leaning bumper stickers? People with accents? Drivers who park in the handicapped spaces?

  11. Nobody and I mean NOBODY wins at War. Ever!

  12. your war is not going to be left against right or right against left it is going to be crazy treasonous people against the government of the United States of America just like the last time we had a civil war. Remember how all us patriotic Americans banded together on 9/11? The same thing would happen in this case.

    1. Anyone trying to split our states apart is treasonous. We must always stay together, no matter what. We are ONE.

  13. @9:40&@11:25 here again. My brothers who lost their lives that morning didn't do so to allow you morons to tear this country apart with all your liberal entitlement mentality. We served for just the opposite reason to afford you the right to get out there and earn whatever you could envision for your life. Just remember this when shit does hit the fan you can't just fun down to the corner market and continue to buy your daily basic human needs. I myself have the knowledge and wherewithal to survive. I again would and will just watch the majority of you flip out from lack of water and food and not know what to do

  14. Bring it on! Liberals will make great target practice! And none of them have guns, so they won't shoot back, either.

    1. Wow. You must be psycho. Wanting to harm your neighbors for different viewpoint. You need to get some help. You have an evil heart and mind.

  15. "Nobody and I mean NOBODY wins at War. Ever!"

    So you would prefer being a subject of the Queen right now instead of a US citizen?

    1. Well from your posts you are advocating breaking our country apart. You are a problem to our country.

  16. I hope you are being sarcastic 3:31!!! Look at Baltimore, and Chicago and Detroit. You do realize that they are democrats,right?? They are the ones with all of the guns and obviously not afraid to use them. Even though they are helping us right now by thinning the herd, i definately dont want to have to go against them! If its so easy for them to kill their own without blinking an eye, what do you think they will to "whitey"??

    1. They are helping us by thinning the herd? You mean by killing other black people? You racist people are crazy but the first ones to talk about Christian values. Keep your prejudiced views and fake morals. That's not of God at all.

  17. Everyone wins in war. The rich 1% make a fortune on the companies they own producing supplies. Those of us that are fed up with the ignorant liberal vomit spewing from all the entitlement mentality can confront it without recourse, and society will be rid of all the weak government program sucking leeches. Its a WIN WIN for everyone for another 100 years, LMAO

  18. Waving a rebel flag hardly makes anyone a patriot. Wanting a civil war means you want to break our Union. You are treasonous.

  19. Get Rid of the Demon-crats !!!! They Ruin America !!!

  20. This country is already broken apart all that's left is for people to choose which side they want to continue to live after the conflict is over

    1. We're not broken. Maybe we've just dropped a few nuts.

  21. As long as I can take out a couple liberals I'll call life a success.


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