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Sunday, April 30, 2017

Come On People, REALLY? PetSmart In Salisbury


  1. This continues to be a problem every where and the best way to put a stop to it is with security cameras. They can be paid for with hefty fines. It is really hard to believe how ignorant people can be and another nasty habit is leaving carts in the middle of the parking lots and I don't know how you can prevent this. When I see it I feel like giving them a good swift kick in the A$$!!!

  2. Salisbury ghettoville, its only going to get worse with so much rental properties and section 8 housing. Thanks Jake day

  3. Looks like an eviction.

  4. I saw that Sunday. What a mess!!

  5. No point being an inconsiderate low life if you can't act like one.

  6. Some people are such idiots!

  7. Please take pictures of anyone you see doing this. Try to get a picture of their license plate and turn them into the State Police.

  8. Thats a real shame. Someone who lost everything in a fire or whatever could of used that and they just dumped it. All good things get ended bc of dumb asses like this.

  9. On top of being stupid and lazy whoever did this has alot of guts! I would be so scared someone would see me do this. Its not like it's hidden on a side street.

  10. might have names, address and phone numbers on some of that trash...find out who did it, and then take it to their place and dump it all over their property

  11. There's no shortage of people who root through piles like this and leave even more of a mess than what was there before.

  12. It's hard to take a hard wired 3rd world mindset and have them live in a peaceful society.

  13. Maybe the containers are full. No excuse, but I do notice that many are not emptied on a frequent enough basis to prevent overflow.

  14. Law enforcement should search for name inside that mess then make them come back and clean it up plus the fine for littering!!!! Yes idiots!!!!

  15. Surprised the fleamarketeers didn't scoop it up for Saturday's sale.

  16. Trashy people leaving trash.

  17. Not one person saw this happen??

  18. This is what you get when you refuse to put the worthy people in office to back our president. You remember when this did not occur, you should also remember we had a different class, type of citizens walking among us. Keep voting for the likes of lower politicians, city, county, and state. It all trickles uphill in this case.

  19. This is probably someone's junk that didn't sell at the flea market on Sunday.However don't worry Jake Day is selling all the parking lots in Salisbury to his buddys the Gillis-Gilkerson clan so the flea market will soon come to an end.

  20. Right on, 2:29! It amazes me how we elect such an incredibly strong president like President Trump is and also elect ineffective Liberals to fight with him over Important Matters. We could get so much done in this county and city if only People would Open Their Eyes and stop electing idiot children (Liberals) to do a Man's job!

  21. 2:29 I don't think it matters much anymore who is or isn't in office, unfortunately. Society is devolving. The old class of citizen is a dying breed. It's all downhill from here.

    I see this stuff everywhere on back roads in Sussex and wicomico. Couches, TVs, refrigerators dumped. Its easy and cheap to take stuff to the landfill. People are pathetic.

  22. Cameras ?????????

  23. I guess SPD is too busy om the computer changing crime stats instead of out on patrol.

  24. As a citizen its NOT my job to clean it or put away in the CORRECT bins for POOR people. I usually get fast food watch Netflix on my iPad and wait for people to dump it. Then I take PHOTOS. I haven't got anyone but I don't work so I have time. I will keep all of you POSTED!!

  25. I actually saw the this happen. It was the company that owns the drop off boxes. ALl that was located in the box. The employee placed it there. The boxes are for clothes only. If you look closely at the pile there are no clothes in it just plastic toys and trash

  26. I looked real close and I think I see Waldo's shirt.


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