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Sunday, April 30, 2017

The number of millennials living with their parents is on a shocking rise

The number of millennials who live with their parents has seen a steep rise, according to a Census Bureau report by demographer Jonathan Vespa.

The report shows that in just a number of years, the number of millennials living independently from their mother and father is down a whole ten percent.

From The Hill:

In 2005, only 25 percent of those between the ages of 18 and 34 lived with their parents; today, that number is 34 percent. The number of young Americans living independently of their parents stands at 40.7 percent, down more than 10 percentage points from a decade ago.

Today, more people between the ages of 18 and 34 live with their parents, 22.9 million, than live with a spouse, 19.9 million. In 1975, more than twice as many people in the same age group lived with a spouse (31.9 million) than with their parents (14.7 million).

The census also shows that millennials have less of a chance of marrying while younger, as many of them are putting off milestones such as marriage, and having children. This has led to women between the ages of 20 to 24 being more likely to have a child out of wedlock at 25 percent, than those having children in marriage, placed at 17 percent.



  1. WORST generation Ever and these are the ones going to be writing the Laws and serving in the MILITARY ???

    1. Most of us are just as respectful and willing to serve as other generations, contrary to MSM assertions.

    2. Don't blame the generation, blame the one who raised them. Probably you!

    3. 752 Typical snowflake comment ..I have 2 sons ages 11 and 12 they have more love for there country than you have in your coward millenial pinky and unlike you and your WORTHLESS generation they wont be staying on mommys basement till 26 and running off to canada not to protect there country.

    4. 718
      Military ? lolol more like babysitting them until they are 35, lazy worthless cowards.

    5. 8:58 dont be so angry it will make your head explode. What one generation tolerates, the next accepts. Kids don't raise themselves. I commend you on your wonderful parenting but perhaps teach your kids anger management as you obviously hAve none

  2. With our jobs shipped overseas, this is the result. The Obama and Bush years have not been kind, and it will take Trump more than 100 days to bring it all back. He has already made a great start.

  3. I am a millennial and I have a job, vote more- or- less conservative, bought a house, serve my community, volunteer with students, and contribute taxes.

    I am representative of most of my generation, but the MSM wants you to believe a small, insane majority of us represent the whole.

    1. Thank you for being a Conservitive millenial but you are clueless if you think the majority of millenials are conservitives ? google Berkley college in CA and why didnt you and the other millenials Call out the idiot MOLLYS OF THE COLLEGE CAMPUSES ?

    2. You obviously don't know how the MSM MAN and free speech works. I cannot dictate what these idiots say, just like you can't. Just ignore them like we did in college... their crowds were maybe 10 people. My baseball team in college was way bigger than these insane idiots. Molly pulls like 20 people. JUST IGNORE HER

    3. Berkeley is libs city and an echo chamber. Ignore! Lib media feeds on this so just ignore and they go away. Did you go nuts over the hippy libs of the Vietnam eta? If so, did you counter protest? The only way to punish a screaming child is to ignore, then they stop screaming.

  4. Off subject , I've noticed that they have an opening for a Park Ranger in the county. I've never seen a a park ranger or any enforcement police at any of the parks close to me.(Nanticoke , Roaring Point , Bivalve , The Cove ) The trash cans are always full with beer cans around the grounds and the beach. Fires are started on the beaches , none of this is enforced and never has been . Drinking in public is the thing around these places with little regard to others. Lets just see what happens , by the way the parks are open all year , why do we want a part time enforcement officer? Another government screw up.

    1. Its a great idea I would like to see the welfare pos having bday partys and bbq not cleaning UP after there self.

    2. get a $300 ticket for not cleaning up.

  5. Mine still live with me. Both are employed, one has to pay off his college debt. Employers no longer want to pay what a degree is worth and who can afford to pay the high rents on a low income? Since the great recession of 2008, very little has improved with jobs or incomes. As a family, we try to do the best we can. Do not blame millennials, blame the government policy's of free trade that got us to this situation. I am the post baby boomer generation, 55 years old, and my retirement and future also isn't very bright! I have retirement, but that isn't guaranteed. I'm certain I'll be working until can can work no more.

    1. You are part of the millinal problem you just keep them sucking the teet and never let them GROW UP we all have bills to pay but your "Kids" will pass on the gimme gimme gimme attitude to there children.

    2. 9:12. How is she part of the problem. They all work, all pay their bills. Not living off the government.


    4. I'm sure you worked three jobs. Here's your participation feel good trophy, cutie pie

    5. 12:52 Thank you for your common sense comment. Parents like 9:04 have created this generation.

  6. @12:52 I totally agree! My parents never bought any of their children cars, or even paid for their college education. It's not that they couldn't afford to help either. We worked and earned things ourselves. They taught us how to survive in this world. Also, if something happened to the parents of all the ones still living at home, they would most likely not know how to survive since Mommy and Daddy enable them so much. :-)

  7. in 1975 we were Grown Up by age 18 Far more Mature !!

    Today they are not grown up at 25 !!! Fact

    1. Exclamation points are always a good way to make an opinion a fact !!! Fact !!!


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