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Sunday, April 30, 2017

American Indians Are Still Getting a Raw Deal


  1. Europeans were inhabiting America hundreds of years prior to "American Indians" Where are their casino's ?

  2. What's new, we took their land years ago and shot them like stray dogs.

  3. They trusted our government when it said, give us your guns and we'll take care of you!

    It hasn't honored one treaty completely to this date!

  4. They were wanderers/roamers they did not own the land as they didn't colonize. So no one really "took" the land from them. No one is forcing them to live on a reservation, or drink and they choose not to look for work or get an education. Plenty of other people live in poverty, but they choose to better themselves. Quit blaming your problems on others take responsibility for your actions or non actions. Tired of people wanting special privileges and not working for it. What happened hundreds of years ago is no excuse for your lack of self respect and lack of bettering yourself. This is directed to anyone using these excuses.

    1. Kinda hard when the very people who discriminate against you because they believe because of their skin color that they are 'superior' are the ones controlling everything from government, law enforcement, banks, housing etc...typical response from an entitled person.

  5. 12;30 typical liberal response just like illegal aliens have the same rights as citizens.

  6. 1:27 Maybe you should try reading some history books. If you own some property and don't have a house or building on it (colonized), then I or another can come take for ourselves, right?

  7. 1:27....either you are trolling or are THE stupidest person to post today.
    You OBVIOUSLY don't know crap about what you are talking about. Obviously.
    Ever heard of the Trail of Tears? Look it up,you idiot.
    Read the history of the Bozeman Trail.
    How did the Cherokees's go from the lush mountains of North Carolina to the barren wastelands of Oklahoma? By their choice?
    How do the Indians have their own "nation within a nation" (the reservation....) and can do whatever they want as long as the white man says its okay. If white people don't like anything they do, the full weight of the armed government goes into their nation and shoots people, arrests people and generally do whatever they want. To an INDEPENDANT and SOVEREIGN nation (That's a quote from your government). Sounds real sovereign, doesn't it, Forrest?
    Yes, the white man DEFINITELY "took" their land, by vicious and violent methods. We slaughtered them. Entire villages rounded up and murdered. Scalped. Mutilated. The reason they got away with it was the overwhelming numbers of white people with horses and guns.
    The great majority of Indians WALKED every where. A few hundred Indians shooting bows and arrows were no match for millions of white people shooting the latest weapons that were deadly at 200-300 yds.
    I'm SURE that if YOU were there, you would have told those Indians to "man up" and get a job, huh?
    What a total dumb ass you are.

    1. 243 So I guess you were their?

    2. You need to read history yourself. The Indians were not saints either. And again you need to start living in the present not the past. Tired of the lame excuses as to why someone doesn't have something today. What happened hundreds of years ago on both sides changed things. But this is 2017 everyone has the right to own land, get an education, have a decent job etc BUT you have to work for it and EARN it, no more freebies and special interest groups. You are responsible for yourself and your family not the government or other people. Time to grow up.

  8. The White man killed the Indian with his thunder sticks and his firewater.

  9. 1:27
    You are correct 100%

    If they don't enjoy their "nation within a nation" they surely can walk off as easy as illegals walk in this great nation.

  10. White man is the original illegal here in the US.

    1. If we all left who would pay taxes? Who would work? Who would pay for all the people getting hand outs? And your a RACIST

    2. A lot of Indians are of Asian decent guess they are immigrants too. Quit living in the past and move on

  11. I would much rather finance the ancestors of the American Indians any day till I die than support and feed and house any of the B.L.M. mongrels.

  12. If we made blacks live like the Native Americans are forced to live, than they would have something to bitch about.

    1. Is that why 60 percent reported beat their wives and 10 to 20 percent go unreported?

    2. We are NOT making or forcing the Indians or anyone else live as they do. It is their choice not to better themselves. Time to move on. Quit waiting for handouts that is what holds you back

  13. 6:40 No one was "their". Apparently you weren't "there" during English class either.

  14. One doesn't have to "be there" to know what happened. All one really needs is the ability to read,1:09, which is something you apparently don't do very often.
    Jump off the holier-than-thou high horse and tell me the last time you heard an Indian complain that the government owed them something or that they wanted some new rights.
    They lived fine until the white man found gold, oil, silver, and copper on the land on which they lived.
    They did what any indigenous people would do. They fought back.
    But very few whine about what we aren't giving them. Most of them don't want ANYTHING from us.
    It sounds like you're saying that if the Indians were willing to just become white people and give up the heritage of their ancestors, then they would be okay.
    So you are not only stupid with a small worldview and NO knowledge of the subject, other than some exhortation for them to be like you, you think that just "moving on" will solve their issues.

    1. I have Indian blood in my family. Not asking anyone to give up their heritage, just live in the present. And Indians do complain that's why there is a commission of these matters. They want land, education etc. So I do have knowledge. What will solve issues is taking responsibility of one's own actions.

  15. And I have a full blooded Cherokee Greatgrandmother.

    The Commission? Created by white people to make it seem like they have a voice or a choice.
    The BIA?? They have already been found to have stolen billions from the Indians and no one has ever been arrested.

    I'd complain, too.

    Keep cheering.

  16. The oldest remains of civilization in America were attributed to Europeans, They were here 100's of years before the American Indian.


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