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Friday, April 07, 2017

SHE’S BACK! Michelle Obama Is Well Rested And Ready To TORMENT America Once Again – ONE Guess How…

We all knew this day was coming, but nothing quite prepares you for the reemergence of Michelle Obama. She will give her first speech later this month at an architectural conference in Florida. No confirmation that it is a paid gig yet, but you know it is. And a hefty one. Both Barack and Michelle also signed a book deal worth millions just recently. This is that perk that comes with the presidency gifting them obscene amounts of money after leaving office if they choose to speak and write. And the Obama’s are all in just like the Clintons were.

Barack Obama is reportedly spending a month in French Polynesia to work on his memoir and now Michelle is hitting the speaking circuit. It takes a lot of money to foment a revolution. But I’m sure while they are gone, Valerie Jarrett is in control as she’s always been. It’s funny, the AIA Conference page doesn’t say a thing about Michelle Obama’s Marxist background or her radical leanings.



  1. If Trump did this it would be called a savvy business decision. "Why not" you'd say

  2. Vo back in your Cage.

  3. go back in your Cage.

  4. How can we ever stop this train, the Clinton's & the Obamas a disgrace both families to this country. Why don't they take their millions and move out of this country, take exile anywhere but here?
    Their offspring should go as well they will be the future Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons.

  5. Here's to wishing them all nothing but the worst that life can bring.

  6. " And the Obama’s are all in just like the Clintons were."

    And the Bush's, and every POTUS before them, no matter the party.

  7. Boycott pure trash

  8. Sick of her Racist self.....time to fade away ...go back to
    Hawaii and retire quietly !!!! Do us a Favor !!!

    8 years is enough of OBAMA mama !!!!


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