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Friday, April 07, 2017

For Sale Cheap: Unwanted Pussy Hats

The nemesis of the moonbat is the free market. Moonbats live in an alternate reality constructed from lies. The free market does not lie. It tells you what is and what isn’t, not what ideologues would like there to be. Here is what it tells you about the “Resistance” movement characterized by silly-looking pink pussy hats:

[It’] not easy these days to be a subversive knitter, particularly if you want to make a living selling your perky, pink-eared knit hats to fellow progressives who feel wearing these things in public makes them look sophisticated and worldly, rather than like particularly woke Kindergarteners decked out in Hello Kitty finery.

An unscientific, several-day-long Heat Street study of eBay, Etsy and other Internet sale sites where the Pussy Hat trade once rivaled the gross domestic product [of] a small nation, shows sales have slowed to a trickle, with desperate knitters looking to offload their wares at deep discounts.

The “Buy it Now” range for new Pussy Hats is between $7.00 and $20.00, but even at the low end, the hats simply aren’t selling. As each auction Heat Street watched ended, the same Pussy Hats were often re-listed, at discounts of $2 or more. One retailer is so desperate, she’s knocked 40% off her listings, but the hats aren’t selling at $10, let alone $14.

Of 617 individual listings for Pussy Hats, only a handful had bids, and all of those had starting prices of $.99, with bids struggling to reach $5.



  1. Ship them all to someplace cold and poverty-stricken. How about North Korea?

    1. The hats, or the people wearing them?

  2. Nothing is as bad as the "Period Pants!" NOTHING!

  3. Ship them and there pussy hats to north korea .

  4. I need two, one to poop in and one to cover it up.

  5. start selling Penis Hats !!!


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