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Sunday, April 02, 2017

Salisbury MSP Press Release 3-31-17 (Shooting In Salisbury)


  1. Did jake day and spd re classify it to a minor incidebt with a peice of lead gone astray ??????

    1. Pay attention this was in the county. MSP and WCSD would handle this.

  2. What a great place to live

  3. The best he can do is a 16 yr old from delmar. gotta wonder who her parents are, that she be out and about on a school night hanging with the gang banger.

  4. More apostrophes. Let me put on my surprised face.

  5. They want you to think this is normal for a ghetto town this size. But it isn't. You will always have crime. But not this gang banging crap. This is a life of its own. And the truth is, they don't know how to get rid of it, so they brain wash the citizens in to thinking this is no big deal, so that they don't have to do anything.

    They pop some idiot with a couple of dime bags on a traffic stop, and plaster it on the news so that you feel nice and safe. But that is also worthless.

    When they busted the drug dealer behind me, they sat in the street in plain view for a few hours before they got in position. He knew and decided not to come home. So they got nothing.

    Their next excuse is you cant arrest your way out of this and thats only because your jails would be 90% black and uncontrollable.

    Its all a big game on the citizens and you arent winning. This was another gang/drug issue. As it always is. ALWAYS. And that is why they do nothing about it. Let them kill each other, save the taxpayers.

  6. Life in the hood, I mean da'bury.

  7. Yeah, 10:19 AM
    Why is it that they have to use apostrophes anyway????
    Maybe they forget the letters that are supposed to go in there?

  8. Here is a tread where she admits it was her that was shot.

    Here is her profile

    Here is his profile.

    They are the perfect couple, they are both obsessed with taking selfies.

  9. Trying to cheat a dealer doesn't always work out.
    They tend to settle their disputes without any help from the police.
    Hence, the bullets through the bedroom wall.
    It's the game.
    And it ain't gonna be the last time they are ducking rounds, either.
    That's thug life.
    It has arrived in Salisbury.
    Keep cheering.

  10. Everyone on Tuscola is eating Dominos pizza as we speak!

  11. Isn't a 16 y/o Thugette kind of young for a 22 y/o thug? Did the police arrest the thug for having sex with a minor?

  12. Even the thugs in the Ghetto get their news from Joe!!

    Dough Boy Shine
    9 hrs ·
    😔😔 Hope my woe stay strong

    Shooting In Salisbury
    Police agencies are being dispatched to 1011 Tuscola Ave in the area of Seminole Blvd. People have called Wicomico Central to advise sev...


    Bangout Shine said... 👀👀👀
    Like · 9 hrs

    Kendraa Monét said... i'm good just got shot in my legs .
    Like · 1 · 8 hrs

    Dough Boy Shine said... I know, i was otp wit bruh wen you kalled
    Like · 8 hrs

    Kendraa Monét said... shit wild 😴
    Like · 8 hrs

    Dough Boy Shine said... Yeaa, tell him be on point they fuxkin around try send him baxk for that shit they did that to my kuzzin
    Like · 8 hrs

    Kendraa Monét said... i know but he already talked to his parole officer & stuff so he should be good .
    Like · 8 hrs

  13. Where is Jermichael Mitchell? Why isn't he keeping his peoples skraight?

    1. Jermicheal Mitchell is ONE man. I am not sure if you really don't know own how to spell or if you are trying to use ebonics.

      You should be asking what are your local elected leaders doing to address the problem instead of just trying to cover it up.

  14. On Nov. 22, 2016 she posted a pic of her being knocked up in an ultra sound.

    1. It looks like she has had 2 miscarriages. Her profile shows two angels with dates next to them (11/13 and 12/26).

  15. Thug Life in da Ghetto

  16. Anonymous said...
    It looks like she has had 2 miscarriages. Her profile shows two angels with dates next to them (11/13 and 12/26).

    March 31, 2017 at 9:54 PM

    And the pictures of the ultrasound said "Planned Parenthood." Now do you see why we need to defund that crap. I wonder if Planned Parenthood took the fetus.

  17. Anonymous said...
    On Nov. 22, 2016 she posted a pic of her being knocked up in an ultra sound.

    March 31, 2017 at 6:59 PM

    And earlier in the year she posted an ultrasound and her friend said 'ya pregnant" an she said naw day be old pics.

    So if she is 16 and they are older pictures more than likely she was having sex with that 22 year old at the age of 15. What is the age of consent in Maryland? I'm sure 15 is a little young for her to be getting knocked up.

  18. and another fine example of why no one wants to post their real name on here.


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