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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Ocean City Continues To Hammer Away At Route 90 Dualization Effort

OCEAN CITY — During a spring update with the State Highway Administration (SHA) on Tuesday, Ocean City continued to press for the dualization of Route 90 to be pushed ahead of other highway projects on the priority list.

On Tuesday, SHA officials briefed the Mayor and Council on a variety of projects in various stages of planning or completion in and around the resort area and inevitably the discussion came around to the proposed future dualization of Route 90. For years, Ocean City officials have expressed their desire to see Route 90 improvements, including expanding the highway and its bridges from the current two lanes to four to ease access in and out of the resort for the public, and perhaps more importantly emergency services including fire apparatus and ambulances, for example.

Formal letters have been sent expressing the town’s desire to have the proposed Route 90 dualization moved up the priority list for Worcester County and at least twice a year the Mayor and Council make a face-to-face plea for the improvements. SHA officials this week continued to acknowledge the town’s position on Route 90, but made no promises for getting it into the planning pipeline.



  1. Like putting a 5gallon funnel on a 12oz bottle

  2. It's funny. What in the hell were they thinking when they built Route 90 as a two-lane highway? What genius thought that one up? When you see the traffic going to OC during the summer time, it should've always been a four-lane highway. Shows how people just don't think before doing. Politicians waste more money on nonsense! (Proves politicians don't have the common sense God gave a leaf.)

  3. OC can't handle the traffic now so how will the dualization of 90 help when the island can only handle so much traffic? The only good the second bridge across the bay do was get more people off the western shore and more congestion of idiot drivers on the shore. Waste of Tax dollars when there are a lot of bridges and roads that need improving. The eastern shore gets no more tax dollars with all this excess traffic. WHY?

  4. 229 don't quit your day job to become an economist because you suck at it.

    FACT: more tourism brings more revenue to the Ocean City area and while it may inconvenience you, it's the way the resort towns make money. Without this revenue, Ocean City will cease to have any economy during any point of the year. This also correlates into more jobs, more money for roads, bridges etc. This makes the OC community thrive financially speaking which is good for everyone who lives and/or works in the OC area.

    If you don't like the traffic then move to an area not-so-close to the beach!

  5. It will still be a parking lot when 2 lanes reduce to 1 lane at the bridge into OC and at merge onto 50W.

  6. 2:34 if your facts are so good why is there so many low paying jobs on the shore? Why are the jobs you talk about is low paying and the only ones benefitting from them are the owners of these businesses since they vacation for about 5 months of the year while their workers can not make ends meet? If they have such a flourishing economy then why is all these businesses open all year round? If it is such an economic advantage then why is our taxes constantly going up? This revenue you talk about does not stay on the shore. A large percentage goes to the central part of MD from Baltimore to DC. Why is the roads in so bad shape if this revenue benefits the shore. So your economist back ground is very low since you do not look at facts. So when you get more facts then talk to a real economist.

  7. OC can handle the traffic. They just can't handle the parking demand. Their park and ride service is under marketed and they have cut back severely the number of buses that provide the service over the last 5 years.


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