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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Chelsea Clinton Goes Toe To Toe With Ben Shapiro- The Carnage Is NOT Pretty…

This last Thursday night was one that Chelsea Clinton won’t soon forget, as she decided to use her Twitter account to up her cred by attempting to tweet some snark towards the Trump administrations cutting of more funding to certain programs. Unfortunately for her, Ben Shapiro, ‘The Daily Wire’ Editor-in-Chief caught wind of her stank, and decided to participate in a goodold fashion ‘trolling’ of liberal ridiculousness.

Really, REALLY not a smart move by her. But hey, she is Hillary’s daughter!

This comes after numerous stories were written on the topic of Chelsea Clinton trying to squirm her way into the pubic arena, attempting to position herself for a possible run at some political office (Oh God, please, no…)

The showdown was brought on by a tweet from House Speaker Paul Ryan:


1 comment:

  1. Chelsea Clinton is a corrupt criminal. She has no business going up against anyone. Remember how the Haitian kids went hungry why donations to the Clinton Foundation for them went to pay for Chelsea's wedding in spite of the fact that she was making $600K a year on a news network for doing basically nothing? Even though I can't stand Ben Shapiro either, at least, he's not a criminal!


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