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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

New Poll Finds Record Number Of Americans Want More Government In Their Lives

In a poll conducted a few days ago by NBC News / Wall Street Journal, a record 57% of Americans responded that they want MORE government in their lives, and that the government should be doing more to solve people’s problems.

That’s the highest percentage since they started asking this question in 1995.

In fact, 57% is nearly double what people responded in the mid-90s.

Furthermore, the number of Americans who feel the opposite, i.e. responded that the government is doing too many things that should be left to private businesses and individuals, fell to a near record-low 39%.

Bottom line: people want more government.

It’s hard to even know where to begin with this.



  1. The indoctrination is working.

  2. Who did they poll?

  3. 57% of Americans are idots,a s proven by this poll

  4. They polled people like me, who do not answer the phone for "caller unknown". Those calls are counted on the side of whatever the pollster is trying to prove.

  5. These are the same polls that predicted HRC would win? Yeah, right.

  6. 90% of statistics are made up. See what i did there?


  7. I'm from the government, I,m here to help you.

    Run for your life, your well being depends on it.

  8. Hillary is still leading in their polls!

  9. All Snowflakes evidently
    Sad state of affairs
    Look at Europe if you need example of government in your life.

  10. It says " participating in and achieving passing scores on Advanced Placement tests. The rankings also include appropriate statewide tests and graduation rates in its calculations".

    In the past I think most of the thugs had quit school in 10/11th- also thugs are not taking AP testing - isn't that usually College bound students?

  11. Look, there is a country where all of these people can go to if they want more government intervention in their lives: It is called Europe, and the government there will be more than happy to micromanaged their pathetic little lives. This Great County was formed differently, and if you can't make it here, you probably need to go elsewhere where the people are not supposed to be fiercely independent like we are here.

  12. were these polls all done in urban areas?????

  13. Whaaaaatttt??? Who conducted the poll? WaPo? USA Today? NY Times?
    Have we learned that the polls are often wrong or made up by MSM?

  14. Aren't they the same ones that said "Hillary by a landslide?"


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