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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Bill Maher Says College Anti-Free Speech Warriors Are the Liberals' Version of Book Burning

[Warning: This video contains adult language.]

Bill Maher is a liberal, but even he doesn't like the fact that liberals have silenced conservative speakers on college campuses. The latest victim of the social justice warriors' attack on our civil rights is Ann Coulter, who was set to give a speech at UC Berkeley. Maher said that the anti-debate and anti-education nonsense at our college campuses is the liberals' version of book burning. Let's put aside the fact that most of the historic book burnings have been perpetrated by liberals, and focus on the one liberal, Bill Maher, actually standing up for our civil liberties.



  1. Maher has been part of the problem in getting the Democrat party where it is.

  2. Makes you wonder why he even says this.

  3. The more Maher goads and picks at scabs, the more popular he becomes.


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