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Sunday, April 30, 2017

New Orleans tears down Confederate monument under dark of night

New Orleans city officials removed the first of four Confederate monuments in the city in the dead of night Monday to avoid potential conflicts with protestors who want it to stay where it is.

Workers decked out in bulletproof vests, military helmets and scarves covering their faces disassembled the Liberty Place monument and hauled away the pieces around 5:35 a.m., as police oversaw their work from atop a nearby parking garage, the Associated Press reports.

The precautions, which included starting work at about 1:25 a.m., didn’t deter Civil War re-enactor Robert Bonner from coming down to the site to share his thoughts about the ordeal.

“I think it’s a terrible thing,” the 63-year-old said. “When you start removing history of the city, you start losing money. You start losing where you came from and where you’ve been.”



  1. Those who ignore or do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it!

    The South Will Rise Again!

  2. Removing history... that's a clear indicator of things yet to come

  3. This is another example on how close another Civil War is in America. These actions or supported by the ACLU / Soros and other radical groups. Their slogan is the same as Gov John Kasich, "Believe in my theories / beliefs or you are wrong".

  4. It seems to me that it should be a criminal act to tear down a part of history. No matter what anyone says or thinks the Civil War was a part of American history. And it will always be a part of our history. Also racism is only in the eye of the beholder. Racism is your problem for being racist over a flag that had its part in our history. It just seems to me that you are giving in to a few for the sacrifice of many just to be politically correct.
    You can tear down all the monuments you want but it still will not erase history. And many Americans died in the Civil War just as they did in VietNam or Iraq or any other war we fought in.

  5. No one is removing history. We should not be holdimg in reverence those who decided to take up arms against the U.S. and the constitution just because they thought it was ok to own humans. Whats funny is you all say keep the monuments to theae men but get mad when an athlete kneels durimg the anthem in silent prorest. LOL

  6. Keep changing...removing history like it never ever happened.

    South will never rise anywhere and want to know why? They continue to elect bass ackwards thinkers! However there is super cheap on the water living to be had in MS, AL and some places in the FLA pan-handle!

    So ALL really isn't lost!

    1. What is this rise again nonsense? Who are they going to rise against? The south is part of the USA, they have nothing to Rise against.

  7. I'm so ready , bring it !

    1. Go to Syria if you are itching to fight.,the USA will gladly boot your no good butt out.

    2. I love my country. I love everything about it and I'd fight to keep us together. The Republican Party needs to round up these prepper and civil war lovers and ship them out. They are nothing but trouble. They make the party look like a bunch of wackjobs.

  8. Like thieves in the night, hiding their identities while they commit indecent and immoral acts, desecrating the history and memories of those who fought and died for the Constitution of the United States. Their acts, motives and plans are treasonous and they should be delt the punishment as such.

  9. The globalists are using the false claim of racism and division to create hate of American history.

  10. Removal of statues will never remove history. More Americans died in the Civil War than any other U.S. conflict...over 600,000 deaths. There were heroes on both sides. Now some are trying to make it go away by removing certain statues. They should be ashamed.

  11. The ghost of John Irsay. (Previous owner of the Baltimore Colts)

  12. 9:29
    In order to be referred to as human, the subject must act in a manner as human's do. It sure comes out lately just how human some are.
    In order to be called athlete, one must act and carry themselves like one. By not being a patriot of this nation is not a way to show you are something that you are not.

  13. The liberals are like ISIS and the Taliban, destroying and removing relics of their past. Liberals are the destroyers in this country. Unless the rest of us take a stand against this assault on our liberties and the nation's heritage, civil war will once again become inevitable. The Supreme Court is the last bastion in defense of our freedoms and heritage. Will they rise to the challenge from the left? Who will be the next president that kills more Americans than any other?

    1. Liberals might have their problems, but apparently their are a few Republicans who want to disband our USA. A fringe group that needs to be stomped out.

  14. I see no Liberal supported statues being removed . What does that say. History altered again. For those who say history will never be altered by these types of actions do not know what they are talking about. When have they read about the Viet Nam war in the new history books?

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    In order to be referred to as human, the subject must act in a manner as human's do. It sure comes out lately just how human some are.
    In order to be called athlete, one must act and carry themselves like one. By not being a patriot of this nation is not a way to show you are something that you are not.

    April 25, 2017 at 11:09 AM


  16. Anonymous said...
    The liberals are like ISIS and the Taliban, destroying and removing relics of their past. Liberals are the destroyers in this country. Unless the rest of us take a stand against this assault on our liberties and the nation's heritage, civil war will once again become inevitable. The Supreme Court is the last bastion in defense of our freedoms and heritage. Will they rise to the challenge from the left? Who will be the next president that kills more Americans than any other?

    April 25, 2017 at 11:21 AM

    AMEN!! Liberals/Democrats are nothing more than ISIS!

  17. Anonymous said...
    No one is removing history. We should not be holdimg in reverence those who decided to take up arms against the U.S. and the constitution just because they thought it was ok to own humans. Whats funny is you all say keep the monuments to theae men but get mad when an athlete kneels durimg the anthem in silent prorest. LOL

    April 25, 2017 at 9:29 AM

    Humans? You mean animals? They were uncivilized animals found in a jungle. The people of America were giving them a better home than they were accustomed to in the jungles. They were uncivilized then like they are today. The Liberals that desecrated these statues are also animals!

    Those animals have been mooching off someone else for over 300 years.

  18. Dunno why the idiots keep trying to change history!

  19. 9:29....you sound like you have a granddaughter that you molested.


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