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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Judge Blocks Trump Effort to Withhold Money From Sanctuary Cities

A judge in San Francisco on Tuesday temporarily blocked President Trump’s efforts to starve localities of federal funds when they limit their cooperation with immigration enforcement, a stinging rejection of his threats to make so-called sanctuary cities fall in line.

The judge, William H. Orrick of United States District Court, wrote that the president had overstepped his powers with his January executive order on immigration by tying billions of dollars in federal funding to immigration enforcement. Judge Orrick said only Congress could place such conditions on spending.

The ruling, which applies nationwide, was another judicial setback for the Trump administration, which has now seen three immigration orders stopped by federal courts in its first 100 days. And as with the rulings halting his two temporary bans on travel from several predominantly Muslim countries, the president’s own words were used against him.



  1. POST every liberal judges address this way when we have another 9/11 we know where to Arrest them and put them in GITMO ?

  2. Trump has the Supreme court slanted with people that believe in the Constitution so lets get it on.

  3. Trump is either really stupid or his legal advisors are really stupid. Someone give them a copy of the constitution for cryin out loud.

  4. Congress controls the budget but does not control grant monies sent to cities. The granting agencies have that final say. So it would appear to me Mr.Sessions has every right to withhold federal grant dollars. A grant is not a guaranteed right!

  5. Very obvious...a war is coming.

  6. All this bullshhhhht will END soon at the Supreme Court

    See all you Lawbreakers there !!!!

    Federal Gov't Rules Not State Gov'ts !!!!!!

  7. Grants are administered in accordance with their compliance with the predetermined and strict rules of the grants. If those rules are not adhered to, a grant can be withdrawn or not renewed, depending upon the severity of the violation of the agreement.

  8. Would you all please read the judge's ruling? He did not rule that Trump did anything wrong or that the order was illegal. He merely said that Trump's threat to withhold federal grants was causing "anxiety" in California and that was a bad thing. It was a publicity stunt by a liberal judge in cahoots with a liberal media to make you think Trump did something wrong. Please, read the ruling!

  9. This is stupid. Just look at where this judge is from. He is in San Francisco, California. The most liberal state around and also where most of the sanctuary cities are. Duh of course he is going to go against Trump withholding funds. We already know Soros and Obama and the left are going against anything Trump tries to do.So this is just another ploy to get back at Trump for winning the election.

  10. Everything Trump will do a liberal judge is going to block it, the left said they were going to do this. They are trying to bog him down in the courts. They think the can drag this out for four years because they didn't win and get their way. The left is mentally unstable.

  11. "They" will do anything to stop Trump from doing what is good for the people. They hate Trump and think they can change our minds about him. SORRY it will not work. We see you and will not reelect you again. Remember if you work against us you will pay big time. Go Trump!!!!!! (map)

  12. This Must End with Judges BLOCKING anything that Any
    President does......

    This causes Breach of Security and Endangers the USA
    Should Not be Legal and needs to be made Illegal !!!

    JUdges should Not be in Politics or Overrule POTUS orders !

    Nothing will get done in this country when this is constantly being Done......... Law is Already in Place !!!


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