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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Bill Nye the 'Vagina Guy' Indoctrinates Kids Into Gay Sex on Netflix

You probably remember Bill Nye from when he was the Science Guy, a quirky smartie who taught kids about energy and force and matter. Like most good things, those days are long gone. Nye has a new show on Netflix called "Bill Nye Saves the World," which is just a hyper-political show dressed up like a science lesson. It's no coincidence that Nye led the highly political March for "Science"—where people marched for the totally unscientific notion that a boy can actually be a girl if he wishes hard enough—right at the same time this new show about "science" debuted on Netflix. My faith in authentic movements needs a crash cart.

Not only is this show full of far-left ideology disguised as science, the episode "Sexuality Spectrum" is a bizarre trip down a yellow brick road to insanity. Nye's show is rated TV-14, but his reputation was always G-rated. How many parents will turn this on thinking the "Science Guy" is a great learning tool for their kids? If you did that with this show, you'd soon find your six-year-old asking you what "butt stuff" and "sex junk" mean.



  1. Send his A.. to Iran i here there is a building waiting for him.

  2. Sick and perverted.

  3. It's rated TV 14 and they actually state that it isn't a science show for kids in the first place. Anyone even says the word vagina or gender and you conservatives lose your s###. Don't want your kids to see it? DONT LET THEM WATCH IT PROBLEM SOLVED

  4. Conservative logic:

    Scientific facts = Liberal agenda

  5. Bill Nye is a liberal idiot.

  6. 2:11 and 2:12 - Get your head out of your @#$. Majority of scientific facts that come from liberals are false and a liberal agenda. And, its the scumbag way you liberals force your progressive ideology on unsuspecting people. I do pay attention and my kids are taught correctly. Not by your pervert Mr. Nye or the other losers you try to push on us. It is very frustrating and tiring. I used to always argue that we need the two party system. Now I am starting to believe that we just need to take over and control everything like you liberal dirt bags are trying to do!!

  7. The "butt stuff" answer is easy. Tell the kid to go look in the toilet when he's done.

  8. 2:11 Still perverted at any age.

  9. Well I didn't EXPECT this from Bill Nye but it wasn't horrible. Maybe some tweens need to hear that some things are "normal" and they aren't weird for feeling how they feel? It's not appropriate for young children but that's not who it's aimed at.

  10. You can't hide things from kids. They find out all sorts if things from their friends. You all have such short memories. Was your childhood back in the stone ages. They will learn this from someone somewhere.


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