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Monday, March 06, 2017

What To Do When Pulled Over: A New Chapter For Driver’s Ed?

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Deadly encounters between police officers and motorists have lawmakers across the country thinking driver’s education should require students to be taught what to do in a traffic stop.

Legislators in North Carolina and at least three other states are considering bills this year designed to teach new drivers how to interact appropriately with police. Another bill in Virginia awaits the governor’s signature.

Illinois passed a similar law recently. Its updated “Rules of the Road” publication could provide a model about proper driver behavior. A spokesman for the Illinois driver’s license agency says it’s all about using common sense and not being confrontational.



  1. Isn't that what parents are supposed to do?

  2. 8:15 YES...you hit the nail on the head. The problem is that today there are no parents in the home. And even if there is a parent home in the inner city...they are so strung out of drugs there is no conversation going on. Oooops....that is everywhere now. Strung out on drugs everywhere.

  3. Black drivers are supposed to drive away from the police as fast as they can till they get to a McDonald's.


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