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Monday, March 06, 2017

Kellyanne Conway Fires Back After Dem. Congressman Makes Crude Sexual Remark About Her

By Carmine Sabia, BizPac Review

Kellyanne Conway has spoken out after a Democrat congressman made, what to many sounded like, a crude sexual remark about her.

At a Washington Press Club Foundation Dinner on Wednesday Rep. Cedric Richmond of Louisiana said Conway “familiar” with being on her knees.


  1. Off topic, but what I see is an extremely intelligent young woman who plotted the future course of my President. She ranks high in my book. That's why worthless Democrats try to diminish her, but they fail. We know them (Democrats) as constant, collective Liars.

  2. Liberals worthless 24/7

  3. Takes one to know one. Guess those bumps on his head he got while being under obamas desks made him say that?

  4. Hillary and HUma were experienced on their knees !!!

  5. everyone knows snow bunnies give the best felatio though, it wasn't necessary to say it.

  6. This lady has more smarts in her little finger than the nasty failed presidential candidate has or ever will have in her whole fat being.


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