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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Welcome To Our Eastern Shore Sunday Television Broadcasting

While thousands are lining up around the Wicomico Civic Center to have their teeth worked on, those most fortunate can sit at home and watch the incredible variety of quality programming this Sunday morning. Now get me a beer and make me a samich! Yee Haw!


  1. Get your own beer, make your own samwich If I wasn't so busy waiting on you I would have gone to the Dentist and not needed to go to Civic Center for Dental care today.

    In all seriousness, some (many) cannot afford Dental Care. We are blessed to have so many volunteers helping this week end with this social problem. Don't sit at home making demands when you are so fortunate to afford quality debtal care.

  2. So funny Black College Quiz Show is multiple choice! Har Har. Not only that the majority of the questions are about civil rights leaders, huge job field, Not!

  3. OM Gosh, I was just channel surfin antenna tv (I do not have cable) and was appalled by the choices. Yesterday was no better, as Saturdays is infomercial day.

    I was watching this old house on PBS last weekend and the show ended at 2:21, which meant there were 9 minutes of commercials at the end of the show

    All I can think is I am so happy I am not paying $200 a month for this crap.

    And who needs 2 spanish channels? Really? PBS and Antenna TV has dedicated spanish channels plus WMDT is now running spanish shows.

    Learn english.

  4. 2:22 PM yea but a white college show would be racist. smh

  5. lots of high dollar cars in front of the civic center loaded with people looking for free dental care and a big hunk of cheese

  6. We dumped Comcast this past week. It way to much money.
    After talking to John Cannon, we learned the RINO fools on the county council just re upped Comcast's contract so they continue to have a monopoly on T.V. in the county and can just keep jacking up prices. So, the heck with them, we got antennas and no more cable. Saving over $110 dollars a month.
    More people need to do this, drop cable, and drain the county cable swamp of Comcast!
    We've found alot of things to do, we put off watching all that cable T.V. Best thing we could've was done cutting Comcast cable! Thats $1300 a year we save to spend on lots of other things.
    And it's pretty neat watching basketball, METV, all for Free! Antenna cost $14.88.

    1. I've lived in multiple states over the years, with multiple cable/internet providers and guess what? They are all ridiculous with their prices. AT&T, Time Warner, Roadrunner, Comcast. Comcast always had the best cable service with rarely any outages and recently I moved to North Carolina and had to go with AT&T because Comcast isn't here. AT&T def has the best internet service I've ever had. Blazing fiber speeds for $50 a month its crazy.

  7. Hats off to you 258. Another good past time is reading. Many good history books out there to learn US History for real instead of the balderdash sold through public educational system. Reading also boosts your smarts all the way around. Libraries are free access and they can order books from other branches if you can't get the one your after at your favorite. It's always good to see people cutting the chord. For John Cannon: Shame on you for allowing this monopoly to continue to terrorize your constituents and bilk money from them. I'd like to see how much kickback you receive for such a devious dealing. RINOs are always on the take, because it's in their DNA!

  8. The quiz show is hysterical I recommend watching at least once

  9. I took this opportunity to trim my toenails and nose hairs. It was preferable to watching this crap.

  10. I cut the cable last August when the wife went out of town to visit family. Wife watches the local channels ,and like 3:07, I read.

    3:07, I'm with you,shame shame John Cannon and members of the council.
    I don't have enough money for the postage, let alone a Class Action lawsuit.But I can ask John and the council; show us your cable bills and political donations received."Inquiring Minds Want to Know"

  11. 8:22, Good point,but isn't comcast already charging fees and taxes for some of that? Sorry about Pac14,but if comcast didn't have a monopoly,
    hundreds,if not thousands of us might actually be able to afford cable.

    Like the commercial says,"Some people call me crazy,but I say crazy is paying over a $100 a month for hundreds of channels you never watch."

  12. PAC14 should be broadcasted for free over antenna. It is a community supported channel therefore all of the community should get it for free.


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