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Sunday, March 12, 2017

MSFA Remarks over Salisbury VFD Lock Out

Press Release - MSFA Remarks over Salisbury VFD Lock Out


The Maryland State Firemen’s Association (the MSFA) was formed in 1893, and its members include over 300 volunteer fire, rescue, and EMS companies throughout the state. "The mission of the Maryland State Firemen's Association is to serve, promote, advocate, and represent the interests of the Volunteer Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Medical Services of Maryland."

Adhering to our mission statement, we the MSFA, intend to help any volunteer fire company and protect what is rightfully theirs as provided to them through the trust of our fellow citizens. Allowing a paid or career fire department to simply take what is not rightfully theirs is unacceptable and irresponsible.

On February 22, 2017, approximately 10 volunteer fire fighters from Salisbury Fire Department Inc., Company No. 1 (Salisbury Station 1) voted to end their affiliation with the City of Salisbury as of July 1, 2017, and to move out of city owned facilities into a new facility outside of the Salisbury city limits. There are three volunteer fire companies within the City of Salisbury. Each of those fire companies is a separate corporation and each of the volunteer fire companies receives financial assistance from Wicomico County and the State of Maryland, including funds provided by the Maryland Military Department to volunteer fire companies. Upon receiving notice that the volunteers would be leaving in July, the City of Salisbury immediately evicted the volunteers from the Station.

The President of the MSFA, Michael A. Davis, has reached out to the Maryland Military Department, Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver, and the City of Salisbury. Maryland Military Department has been responsive and is researching the situation. Mr. Culver has expressed sincere interest to assist in this matter. Two calls to the City of Salisbury have not been returned despite expressing the urgency of this matter.

President Davis states “The Maryland State Firemen's Association does not condone the actions of the City of Salisbury locking out the volunteers and seizing the property of Salisbury Station 1. We kindly ask the City of Salisbury to allow the volunteers to have what is rightfully theirs, specifically equipment which was paid for by Salisbury Station 1 with county and state funding. We feel it is very unfortunate that the volunteer department wants to separate from the combination system but it is their right to do as they see fit to provide much needed emergency services to their citizens.”

60.5 % of fire and emergency services are provided by volunteers in the State of Maryland (data provided by usfa.fema.gov). Volunteer firefighters save counties an average of more than $60 Million annually. In this day and time, with declining volunteerism, an increase in training requirements, and average homes with 2 working parents, actions like these are detrimental to serving and protecting our neighbors. Volunteer Firefighter's, EMT's, and Rescue workers dedicate their lives to protecting their fellow man, woman, and child no matter the situation, economic status, or political interest.

The MSFA fully intends to use all available local, state, and nationwide resources available to help the Salisbury Station 1 with this matter, just as we would with any of our volunteer fire companies.


  1. Looks like Mike Davis just lost his reelection bid for Pres of MS(V)FA

    1. Or on the other hand, he may have gained votes from those who know what the SFD management has been doing to the station 1 volunteers is wrong.

  2. City of Salisbury run by a bunch of children.
    Decay, drugs, joblessness, fighting, lockouts, unpaid bills, lawsuits, croneyism, but we have bike paths, city cars with new decals and more press releases than Al Sharpton and more cheesy headshots than the Kardashians

    Was at a gathering of longtime area business owners and professionals - many instrumental in building much of the area over the last 50-60 years. Nothing positive about this governing group and most are repositioning money family and real estate to Talbot Worcester and out of state.
    This area has not failed. It has been failed. And continues, increasingly, to be failed.

  3. I see another lawsuit lost in Salisbury's future.

  4. Now the 10 has become 40 strong! It's a perfect storm, Bob Culver and County Council! Time to do your jobs! Salisbury hasn't paid their bills, and needs to be "evicted" from the GOB.

  5. Hey Little jake call your daddy for a hob plucking feathers bc your NOT getting Re-Elected FOOL.

    1. Why is "Daddy" always mentioned in comments? Jake is the Mayor, not his Father. Jake is of age, so is no longer required to be supervised by his Dad. If you want to vilify Jake on the blog tso be it. I feel posting comments slurring the Father makes the blog less than creditable. Stick to the subject not the family tree.

    2. Jake still needed his daddy to give him a job. Duh.

  6. Good to see someone sticking up for the voiceless

  7. Thats right a bunch of old rednecks that didn't earn one cent of thier money will help these clampets that chose not to cover thier calls, and form thier own boys club. There isn't a single person in the MSFA that isn't 400 lbs, beer belly, non fire fighting cynical old farts.

  8. Found the paid firefighter (8:09)

  9. Read the city budget and agreements. I am not confident that the equipment is theirs. The money flowed through the city budget and the way it was handled was questioned by Cohen, Campbell, and Spies many times. They always got the runaround form Pick, Gordy, Hoppes, Wilber, and whoever the mayor and finance director happened to be at the time. This could be quite interesting.

  10. 10 cry babies that dont want to follow rules. SMH. You are all wasting tax payers money. Go join a county department and find out what fund raising is about.

  11. This is going down an interesting road. The City wants to claim they bought everything. Now it appears they are going to have to justify where the Volunteers money is and if they claim they spent it then they admit the Volunteers do have equipment and they have property since they are going to have to justify taking it. If they replaced the buildings then that is on the City. The Volunteers receive just compensation for all equipment and property. As for as property demolished the Volunteers get the replacement property. The Volunteers must also be reimbursed all the money spent by the City.

  12. The Unions can't syphon off taxpayer funds from volunteers in the form of union dues. Can't have that.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Looks like Mike Davis just lost his reelection bid for Pres of MS(V)FA

    March 10, 2017 at 7:14 AM

    They only stay in one Dumb A$$!! And it is the MSFA not the MS(V)FA

  14. This is great news. This is why the fire departments pay their memberships.

  15. Anonymous said...
    10 cry babies that dont want to follow rules. SMH. You are all wasting tax payers money. Go join a county department and find out what fund raising is about.

    March 10, 2017 at 9:17 AM

    But, the other vol. departments don't want them either for very sound reasons. The County would be making a big mistake by according them any status or money.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Looks like Mike Davis just lost his reelection bid for Pres of MS(V)FA

    March 10, 2017 at 7:14 AM

    More like Jake Day losing his re-election bid for Mayor of Salisbury!!

    Let's see who has more power in Maryland, the MSFA or the IA(P)FF!!

    Let's see who has more power in Maryland, Mike Davis or Harold Schaitberger!!

  17. I ran into Jake Day and Culver at Bob Evans this morning around 9 am , there was also many firemen , I assume they had a meeting of the minds. Looks as though Day was a little broken , Culver did speak to me with a smile. Wish I had been a fly on the wall.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    City of Salisbury run by a bunch of children.
    Decay, drugs, joblessness, fighting, lockouts, unpaid bills, lawsuits, croneyism, but we have bike paths, city cars with new decals and more press releases than Al Sharpton and more cheesy headshots than the Kardashians

    Was at a gathering of longtime area business owners and professionals - many instrumental in building much of the area over the last 50-60 years. Nothing positive about this governing group and most are repositioning money family and real estate to Talbot Worcester and out of state.
    This area has not failed. It has been failed. And continues, increasingly, to be failed.

    March 10, 2017 at 7:33 AM

    Very well said and what you have said is factual. I know a lot of businessmen that have relocated their assets to Talbot and Worcester Counties. Look at Downtown Easton and the Easton that has grown around the Downtown area. Everything looks so clean and so historic, but modern. If my children weren't in the Salisbury area I would move their in a heartbeat. Look at Downtown Berlin in Worcester County. They same can be said for them. Everything is so historic, but clean and modern.

    Look what you have in Salisbury? Everywhere you look there is a homeless person. Everywhere you look there is a ghetto. Everywhere you look there is a druggie. Everywhere you look there is a vacant house. Everywhere you look there is a vacant building. Everywhere you looke there is a run down house. Everywhere you look their is a run down building. Everywhere you look there is a run down business. Everywhere you look there is trash on properties. Everywhere you look there are cars parked in the front yards. Everywhere you look there is dead grass in the front yards. Everywhere you look there are cars on blocks. Everywhere you look there is trash in the parking lots. Everywhere you look there are homes going into foreclosure. Everywhere you look there is someone buying something with an EBT card. Everywhere you look their is someone buying something with a WIC check. Everywhere you look there is someone on unemployment. Everywhere you look there is a Dollar General or a Dollar Tree. Everywhere you look there is a foreigner running a hotel. Everywhere you look there are Thugs and Thugettes running the streets late at night. Everywhere you look there is a prostitute. Everywhere you look there is a John from Salisbury buying the prostitute. Everywhere you look a John is coming to Salisbury from out of state. Everywhere you look a homeless person is relocating to Salisbury. Everywhere you look there is a fake church on every street corner. Everywhere you look their is a rape. Everywhere you look there is a shooting. Everywhere you look there is a stabbing. Everywhere you look there is an assault. Everywhere you look there is high crime. Everywhere you look there is a Democrat!!!

    And that idiot Jake Day thinks he is the only one smart enough to transform Downtown Salisbury! What an idiot. Just like Obama and his followers, his followers concern me the most.

  19. Probably every did company in the county has too much money and no accountability time for a citizens advisory board(fire commision), to ensure tax payer funds are spent responsibly.

  20. Who is this idiot paid man that made this stupid comment on the MSFA Facebook page?? Since when did this paid fireman in Ocean City have a dog in this fight?

    Eric Borneman - What will you be doing to address their lack of response on calls? Can you also provide the other part of the story that the other members of station 1 have gone to station 2 or 16 as they remain dedicated to the fire protection of Salisbury?
    Like · Reply · 8 hrs

  21. Anonymous said...
    I ran into Jake Day and Culver at Bob Evans this morning around 9 am , there was also many firemen , I assume they had a meeting of the minds. Looks as though Day was a little broken , Culver did speak to me with a smile. Wish I had been a fly on the wall.

    March 10, 2017 at 11:04 AM

    Who were the firemen?

  22. If the volunteer firemen bought all the equipment, aren't allowed to conduct fundraisers, and still have a half million in the bank then some tax money is being misappropriated. Before any corporation receives tax money they should be made to submit a budget. You would think a fiscal conservative would be all over that.

  23. This is an interesting comment on the MSFA FB page by a Salisbury paid fireman who was promoted to Lieutenant not to long ago. Funny how it is 11:30 am and it shows he made this comment on Social Media 2 hours ago. That would mean that he posted his comment on Social Media at 9:30 am. He is either off duty or he is getting paid to surf the internet and make damaging comments to people on Facebook. The last time I checked the City of Salisbury has a social media policy and every employee signs it. Even if he is off duty he is in violation of the Social Media contract/policy. He needs to be fired and Rick Hoppes needs to be fired for allowing him to post these comments.

    WTF does he think he is offering advice while on the clock.

    Here is some advice. You are in violation of your city's social media policy. Better leave it alone before you lose your job, if not now maybe later.

    Eric Cramer - Biased, knee jerk reaction based on falsehoods. Any attempt for comment by the two remaining volunteer corporations that compose the City of Salisbury Fire Department, that your association represents? Whom, by the way, have stepped up since this band of rebels left the City? Some advice, better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to make a statement and remove all doubt.
    Like · Reply · 3 · 2 hrs

  24. Anonymous said...
    Hey Little jake call your daddy for a hob plucking feathers bc your NOT getting Re-Elected FOOL.

    March 10, 2017 at 7:50 AM

    I'm praying!

    BTW he did have a job at Perdue that his daddy got for him. What happened to that?

  25. Anonymous said...
    Now the 10 has become 40 strong! It's a perfect storm, Bob Culver and County Council! Time to do your jobs! Salisbury hasn't paid their bills, and needs to be "evicted" from the GOB.

    March 10, 2017 at 7:46 AM

    I have to agree, but I don't trust John Cannon on this one. He is trying to be buddy, buddy with Jake Day. Cannon invited Jake Day to his wedding. Funny thing he doesn't have anything in common except Cannon is a slum lord and he doesn't want the city to come after him.

  26. Anonymous said...
    10 cry babies that dont want to follow rules. SMH. You are all wasting tax payers money. Go join a county department and find out what fund raising is about.

    March 10, 2017 at 9:17 AM

    Why do you call them cry babies? Because you are a paid firemen and you feel threatened about your job.

    Keep up the good work Station #1 volunteers. It's good to see some great members coming back to the fire service after leaving because they couldn't stand the corruption of Rick Hoppes and the City of Salisbury. I support you and I will be sending you donation checks when you get your building and are fully running.

  27. Anonymous said...
    They might be beer belly rednecks but their getting ready to close their checkbook as well. Karma is finally catching up to the Chiefs Office. ( an the chief term is used lightly ). Do what's right Mr. Culver an let these Vollies shine. The city is all about a free ride on someone else's dime. Million dollar firehouses in the city. Really !!!! Can't pay their bills in the GOB. Let's not forget hiring new firefighters while the crime is running rampant.

    March 10, 2017 at 8:37 AM

    Awesome comment and I couldn't agree more! Rick Hoppes' crime spree has to come to an end.

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Good to see someone sticking up for the voiceless

    March 10, 2017 at 8:04 AM

    Amen. The volunteers don't have a voice any longer.

    The Salisbury Fire Department used to be a volunteer fire department supplemented by some career firefighters. Now thanks to Steve Brezler, David See, Jeff Simpson and Rick Hoppes it is a Paid fire department supplemented by a few volunteers.

    As a tax payer I am a very pissed person because I pay a lot of county and city taxes.

    Thanks Rick Hoppes and Jake Day!

  29. Tracey AndTri Townsend said... Glad to see you guys got the whole story from all involved first. Next time reach out to the oldest fire department in Wicomico County and the "Original Station 1".

    Your's Truly President Walter H Townsend III.

  30. Ian David Insley said... This is the most ridiculous "Press release" I've ever seen. Promoting the concept that this is Career vs. Volunteer is a complete sham. Get your facts, or any facts for that matter, together next time before you make a release like this.

  31. Thank you and Kudos to the Maryland State Firemen's Association. The voice of firefighters all over Maryland.

  32. Anonymous said...
    This is going down an interesting road. The City wants to claim they bought everything. Now it appears they are going to have to justify where the Volunteers money is and if they claim they spent it then they admit the Volunteers do have equipment and they have property since they are going to have to justify taking it. If they replaced the buildings then that is on the City. The Volunteers receive just compensation for all equipment and property. As for as property demolished the Volunteers get the replacement property. The Volunteers must also be reimbursed all the money spent by the City.

    March 10, 2017 at 10:03 AM

    You are correct and the County is funding that Salisbury Fire Department and they want to come at the County with the "Nuclear Option."

    I hope the city burns in Hell!

  33. Anonymous said...
    Tracey AndTri Townsend said... Glad to see you guys got the whole story from all involved first. Next time reach out to the oldest fire department in Wicomico County and the "Original Station 1".

    Your's Truly President Walter H Townsend III.

    March 10, 2017 at 12:48 PM

    So it looks like Cherry Cheeks is speaking on behalf of the "180" volunteers of Station 16?? Did Cherry Cheeks call a special meeting after this Press Release was submitted last night? I don't think so!!

    I think Cherry Cheeks just ruined the the Salisbury Fire Department's relationship with the Maryland State Firemen's Association. The "Oldest" firemen's association in the State of Maryland.

    Step down NOW Cherry Cheeks. You are not and never have been a real firefighter! You are an embarrassment to the Salisbury Fire Department, the volunteers, the City of Salisbury, Wicomico County and the State of Maryland! Step down now and take Fat Hoppes with you!

  34. After this is said and done the MSFA should demand that Rick Hoppes resigns as the fire chief before they begin another working relationship.

  35. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Who is this idiot paid man that made this stupid comment on the MSFA Facebook page?? Since when did this paid fireman in Ocean City have a dog in this fight?

    Eric Borneman - What will you be doing to address their lack of response on calls? Can you also provide the other part of the story that the other members of station 1 have gone to station 2 or 16 as they remain dedicated to the fire protection of Salisbury?
    Like · Reply · 8 hrs

    March 10, 2017 at 11:15 AM

    Eric Bonehead is a paid fireman in Ocean City. How he got hired is beyond me. How he got promoted is beyond me. I checked and it looked like Ocean City promoted Eric Peterson to an Assistant Chief. That is scary and it speaks volumes for Ocean City. WOW!

    1. Let's see, Eric has a Masters Degree, is a Paramedic, Instructor, and is a graduate of the Ececutive Fire Officer program at the National Fire Academy. More than qualified to be an Asst. Chief!! Get a life man and attack something or somebody else.

    2. Agreed, Peterson is exceptional, now his little brother, he'd hit a woodpile if he thought there was a snake to screw

  36. I've heard if station 1 gets running than more than half of station 2 volunteers are going to apply with them and at least 4 from 16 . Question is how many will follow this bunch that will leave . Sounds like alot of volunteers didn't want to leave from riding and are waiting for station 1 volunteers to start providing services again.The volunteers in Salisbury have been un happy for years and this is on going because they have no voice in the SFD but the SFD wants there money that's is given to them from the county . Stand tall boys it's going to look good for you. Paid personnel in Salisbury have really showed there true colors in this matter .

  37. Eric Borneman was once a volunteer in Salisbury, but could not make his required response to calls, so he failed, they got rid of worthless people, now he is paid in Ocean City and had become an authority on volunteer commitment. He couldn't even making it in a volley station due to lack of commitment. Wow what a loser.

    1. As a firefighter in OC, some things never change, Eric is still absolutely worthless, he most definitely sucked up to the chief to be promoted.

    2. Bet if your really from Ocean City, you one of the cry baby liberal, what's in it for me, lazy, I should have been promoted cause I have been here longer, loser's. Try working for a change, the poor me just doesn't cut it anymore.

  38. The city treats their volunteer firefighters like scum, takes their funding and steals their equipment. So that's why they have nothing. Corruption at its best, keep them down, bust morale, not tone them out, treat them like fools. Ride around in vehicles bought by them in their face, make them request to use vehicles bought by them while they drive around in city volunteer bought vehicles to the bank, grocery shopping , out to dinner , out of town to their respective homes way out of the city, and secret meetings with the mayor. Sounds like a place to volunteer to me.... NOT !

  39. This issue and some others has really opened my eyes as to the corruption and deceitfulness of the city leaders and dept heads.
    Signed, a city taxpayer.

  40. This is not a paid vs volunteer issue. This is about customer service or the lack there of to the citizens in our fire district. You are failing. attempts have been made to fix the problem and you fight whine and cry at every one of them. Charlie Foskey, Fulton Bagwell and Tony Sterling would be disappointed in the whole lot of you and the bs you are attempting to pull.

    1. Those three would have never let it get this far. But, when you have some cowards that gave it all away on their behalf and not all that were concerned this is what you get! 17 volunteer members were in station 1 and still an average of 51% with the chiefs screwed up rules is butter than a station that was once the best on the shore and is now the worst! Where are the numbers for station 16 volunteers? I remember someone boasting they ran 17 calls for the year and was top responder what a joke cherry cheeks! How did that hours program work out for y'all? Oh that's right you are not counted now! Didn't your members load an ambulance up with bottles and tools just to go to a fire because they were tired of not getting out? Yes that did happen!

  41. What attempts were made to fix the failing problem?
    Add more classes to become a Firefighter? Check
    Promoting volunteers? Nope if it was such a concern you would have done all that could be done but you never promoted volunteers chief!!
    Get rid of good volunteers because they disagreed with you in front of people and on Facebook? Check did that one too chief but why are paid personal still working there after going against the policy that they signed.

  42. If this was posted at the top you would get over 300 comments.

  43. Anonymous said...
    This is not a paid vs volunteer issue. This is about customer service or the lack there of to the citizens in our fire district. You are failing. attempts have been made to fix the problem and you fight whine and cry at every one of them. Charlie Foskey, Fulton Bagwell and Tony Sterling would be disappointed in the whole lot of you and the bs you are attempting to pull.

    March 10, 2017 at 3:05 PM

    You are full of Sh!t!! Charlie Foskey, Fulton Bagwell and Tony Sterling would be right in the middle of this Divorce.

    "...in our fire district."

    In our fire district? This is obviously someone who thinks the County territory is their fire district. I've got news for you, it is in Wicomico County, not the City of Salisbury so it is NOT your fire district.

    The one commenting on this is obviously a paid fireman who has been around long enough to know Foskey, Bagwell and Sterling.

    It is not your territory so get over it.

  44. Found on the MSFA FB page.

    I see Corn Waller is now attacking the Vollies at Station 1 and arguing with the MSFA President. That is a very dumb move Tony. No wonder no one likes you. No wonder you will never be a fire officer. You are so pathetic that we think you will smoke a white owl just to get promoted. Idiot!


    Tony Waller said... City building ... Equipment "gifted" to the city ... gear provided by the City ... equipment maintained by the city. So what is theirs?
    Like · Reply · 2 hrs

  45. Maryland State Firemen's Association

    Press Release


    Tracey AndTri Townsend said... Glad to see you guys got the whole story from all involved first. Next time reach out to the oldest fire department in Wicomico County and the "Original Station 1". Your's Truly President Walter H Townsend III.
    Like · Reply · 6 Likes· 16 hrs

    Six Likes

    Jake Day
    Todd Dudek
    Rob Garcia
    Ian David Insley
    Noah King
    Nathan Thompson

  46. Eric b. you lived next door to the firehouse and couldn't make your percentages .

  47. Maryland State Firemen's Association

    Press Release


    Ian David Insley said... This is the most ridiculous "Press release" I've ever seen. Promoting the concept that this is Career vs. Volunteer is a complete sham. Get your facts, or any facts for that matter, together next time before you make a release like this.

    Like · Reply · 5 Likes· 7 hrs


    Eric Cramer
    David Haines
    Noah King
    Craig Evans
    Eric Borneman

  48. Maryland State Firemen's Association

    Press Release


    Eric Borneman said... What will you be doing to address their lack of response on calls? Can you also provide the other part of the story that the other members of station 1 have gone to station 2 or 16 as they remain dedicated to the fire protection of Salisbury?
    Like · Reply · 9 Likes · 14 hrs


    Jeremy Mader
    Galen Curtis
    Tracey AndTri Townsend
    Ian David Insley
    Noah King
    Nick Bond
    Joseph Smith
    Nathan Thompson

  49. Tri Townsend aka Cherry Cheeks, now that's an authority. Just a behind the scenes weasel stirring trouble. Another lawn Nome who thinks he's a firefighter. Go make the chiefs coffee boy that's all you are good for.

  50. I see "Mayor" Jake Day has been Trolling Facebook and SBYNews and condones his volunteer and paid union firemen attacking the Maryland State Firemen's Association.

    If Jake Day thinks he has more power than the Maryland State Firemen's Association he needs an education. The MSFA is one of the most powerful organizations in the State of Maryland and he has gone up against the wrong people. Fasten your seat belts because this is going to be an interesting ride!

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Maryland State Firemen's Association

    Press Release


    Tracey AndTri Townsend said... Glad to see you guys got the whole story from all involved first. Next time reach out to the oldest fire department in Wicomico County and the "Original Station 1". Your's Truly President Walter H Townsend III.
    Like · Reply · 6 Likes· 16 hrs

    Six Likes

    ***Jake Day***
    Todd Dudek
    Rob Garcia
    Ian David Insley
    Noah King
    Nathan Thompson

    March 10, 2017 at 4:18 PM

  51. Well well well jake u just might be in trouble . With holding stuff paid by monies given to the volunteers from the military. Wow great going . If I'm understanding this any thing with military money that the volunteers used towards has to be refunded or handed over . Jake the mayor is not following the rules and weather you are on or off duty you must follow the rules . Jake you might want to focus on doing what's right . You best not screw this money up for the rest of us in the county because your lack to follow the rules can affect us to you coward .

  52. I'm going to go on a stretch here and copied the names of the "Likes" that was posted. I would wager a guess that these names listed below are the many of the ones that are on here running their mouths as "Anonymous." The morons that are attacking the volunteers. These morons are mostly all union and paid firemen that hate the volunteers. Members of the union are not allowed to be 2 hatters which means they can't be a paid fireman and a volunteer at the same time. It is actually in their union bylaws.

    Regardless if they are union or not the fact that they are paid firemen is reason enough to hate these guys. The paid firemen know that volunteers are a threat to their jobs and they hate it. Where else can you work a 24 hour shift and get paid to sleep all night and then have off for 72 hours straight. Then they can work another full time job therefore getting paid for 2 full time jobs and living high on the hog. Nice homes and nice jacked up 4x4 trucks and motorcycles. Must be nice.

    Six Likes

    Jake Day
    Todd Dudek
    Rob Garcia
    Ian David Insley
    Noah King
    Nathan Thompson


    Jeremy Mader
    Galen Curtis
    Tracey AndTri Townsend
    Ian David Insley
    Noah King
    Nick Bond
    Joseph Smith
    Nathan Thompson

    ix Likes

    ***Jake Day***
    Todd Dudek
    Rob Garcia
    Ian David Insley
    Noah King
    Nathan Thompson


    Jeremy Mader
    Galen Curtis
    Tracey AndTri Townsend
    Ian David Insley
    Noah King
    Nick Bond
    Joseph Smith
    Nathan Thompson


    Eric Cramer
    David Haines
    Noah King
    Craig Evans
    Eric Borneman

    Tony Waller said...

    1. Actually over half are volunteers.

    2. Borneman and Curtis are Ocean City babies, about to loose thier gravy shift, to convert to the Whittington 224. Maybe they will apply to Salisbury since they have so much to say.

  53. Anonymous said...
    Tri Townsend aka Cherry Cheeks, now that's an authority. Just a behind the scenes weasel stirring trouble. Another lawn Nome who thinks he's a firefighter. Go make the chiefs coffee boy that's all you are good for.

    March 10, 2017 at 4:35 PM

    "Cherry Cheeks go get the chiefs coffee boy!!"

    BWAHAHAHA!! ROTFLMAO!! That is all you are good for!! BWAHAHAHAHA!! LOSER!

  54. Anonymous said...
    As a firefighter in OC, some things never change, Eric is still absolutely worthless, he most definitely sucked up to the chief to be promoted.
    March 10, 2017 at 7:57 PM

    You got that right. What a damn loser.

    When he tried to emulate a fire instructor every student hated him. He got negative evaluations from all the students but the MFRI Coordinator through the evaluations away. Peterson sucks up to everyone to keep his job and get promoted everywhere he goes.

  55. Anonymous said...
    Agreed, Peterson is exceptional, now his little brother, he'd hit a woodpile if he thought there was a snake to screw

    March 10, 2017 at 7:59 PM

    Petey...lmao. He is a snake. That is why he isn't married any longer.

    1. He pays his ex wives' more than most firefighters in Salisbury make lol

  56. Anonymous said...
    Let's see, Eric has a Masters Degree, is a Paramedic, Instructor, and is a graduate of the Ececutive Fire Officer program at the National Fire Academy. More than qualified to be an Asst. Chief!! Get a life man and attack something or somebody else.

    March 10, 2017 at 5:45 PM

    Happy Trolling Eric. LMAO

    1. While the rest of you little boys play in Da bury, Chief Petersen just got a raise to $110,000 a year, take home rig, and gets to work his schedule. Jealousy​ and envy brings out the worst in you keyboard warriors.

  57. Anonymous said...
    Well well well jake u just might be in trouble . With holding stuff paid by monies given to the volunteers from the military. Wow great going . If I'm understanding this any thing with military money that the volunteers used towards has to be refunded or handed over . Jake the mayor is not following the rules and weather you are on or off duty you must follow the rules . Jake you might want to focus on doing what's right . You best not screw this money up for the rest of us in the county because your lack to follow the rules can affect us to you coward .

    March 10, 2017 at 5:45 PM

    Jake is not a leader and has always had daddy give him everything he wanted. Jake pretends he is a military hero by playing weekend warrior and taking pictures to post on FB for everyone to google over. What a fake!

  58. Anonymous said...
    Eric b. you lived next door to the firehouse and couldn't make your percentages .

    March 10, 2017 at 4:20 PM

    Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Busted!!

  59. Anonymous said...
    What attempts were made to fix the failing problem?
    Add more classes to become a Firefighter? Check
    Promoting volunteers? Nope if it was such a concern you would have done all that could be done but you never promoted volunteers chief!!
    Get rid of good volunteers because they disagreed with you in front of people and on Facebook? Check did that one too chief but why are paid personal still working there after going against the policy that they signed.

    March 10, 2017 at 3:37 PM

    Once Rick Hoppes became a paid fireman he forgot where he came from. This was the best job this uneducated, lazy fool could ever get. I don't know who was lazier, him or Greg Hoppes. Those two were the laziest men in the last 50 years of the Salisbury Fire Department.

    Two pathetic people that couldn't keep a job outside of the Salisbury Fire Department. Looks like the nepotism is continuing. Fat Chief hired his lazy relative. Spends all day out by the fire hydrant smoking cigarettes all day long. Just like his lazy daddy.

  60. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Agreed, Peterson is exceptional, now his little brother, he'd hit a woodpile if he thought there was a snake to screw

    March 10, 2017 at 7:59 PM

    Peterson is a fake firefighter. He would tell people all these war stories and he forgot that we know that Hebron and Ocean City didn't give him any fires to brag about. He is a Fake just like most paid firemen are.

    1. Petersen tought Jester everything he knows!

  61. I'm going to go on a stretch here and copied the names of the "Likes" that was posted. I would wager a guess that these names listed below are the many of the ones that are on here running their mouths as "Anonymous." The morons that are attacking the volunteers. These morons are mostly all union and paid firemen that hate the volunteers. Members of the union are not allowed to be 2 hatters which means they can't be a paid fireman and a volunteer at the same time. It is actually in their union bylaws.

    Regardless if they are union or not the fact that they are paid firemen is reason enough to hate these guys. The paid firemen know that volunteers are a threat to their jobs and they hate it. Where else can you work a 24 hour shift and get paid to sleep all night and then have off for 72 hours straight. Then they can work another full time job therefore getting paid for 2 full time jobs and living high on the hog. Nice homes and nice jacked up 4x4 trucks and motorcycles. Must be nice.

    Six Likes

    Jake Day
    Todd Dudek
    Rob Garcia
    Ian David Insley
    Noah King
    Nathan Thompson


    Jeremy Mader
    Galen Curtis
    Tracey AndTri Townsend
    Ian David Insley
    Noah King
    Nick Bond
    Joseph Smith
    Nathan Thompson

    ix Likes

    ***Jake Day***
    Todd Dudek
    Rob Garcia
    Ian David Insley
    Noah King
    Nathan Thompson


    Jeremy Mader
    Galen Curtis
    Tracey AndTri Townsend
    Ian David Insley
    Noah King
    Nick Bond
    Joseph Smith
    Nathan Thompson


    Eric Cramer
    David Haines
    Noah King
    Craig Evans
    Eric Borneman

    Tony Waller said...
    March 10, 2017 at 6:40 PM

    You guy are F ing morons!!, The union laws say nothing about being a "two hatter", its simply a FSLA law that says that you cannot volunteer at your place of employment....Therefore, career members cannot volunteer at the SAME place they are employed... For those of you hillbillys that don't understand that, it means if you are paid at your "Look at ma' Big Tires on ma' Pick Up Truck" store, you cant volunteer at "Look at ma' Big Tires on ma' Pick Up Truck" store..BUT!!!, you can volunteer at "Hold Ma' Hat Daddy Pick Up Truck" store....
    Lastly if you scroll through the names of the people who have "liked" comments and did some homework, you'd notice there are only 7 total likes from career staff. The rest are from VOLUNTEERS that see through your BS, so get a grip you pansies, and enjoy your little meetings over in the vault shop!

    1. How does your brother do it then Steve? He is always coming to the fires when not on duty and working, thought that wasn't allowed. You know come to think about it don't they call that freelancing? Isn't there sops on that? I think he has wrote people up for that as well!

  62. When the Salisbury Fire Department scrapes the bottom of the bucket to hire little thugs with a criminal record like Rob Hull what do you expect.

    Hey Rob, what's it like to be arrested?

    1. Rob has never been worth a dam, this was a surprise?

  63. Now that's funny 9:03. Only thing I picked up on your miserable rambling is that you are a complete idiot. Settle down , life is short sounds like you are blowing an o ring. So breathe slowly so you don't miss your next shift.

  64. Round and round we go. Every time a post appears on here about a fire department it explodes with hundreds of personal attacks. It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to realize that the public is rarely commenting. Its members of the opposing sides spewing whatever comes to mind in an effort to sway public opinion. I most cases a machine gun commenter with nothing better to do than blast away. With every key stroke his dopamine levels explode and fuel their ego. There is nothing productive in most of the comments other than to boost a false sense of winning in a game where everyone loses. The real productive dialog is taking place between Jake Day and Bob Culver along with Jack Heath and Wayne Strassburg. These are the people that control the real power in this matter. They know the facts and have a vested interest in negotiating a deal that works well for both parties. The IAFF and MSFA have no direct bearing on the outcome because this is a Local matter and it will be solved at the local level.

  65. Anonymous said...
    While the rest of you little boys play in Da bury, Chief Petersen just got a raise to $110,000 a year, take home rig, and gets to work his schedule. Jealousy​ and envy brings out the worst in you keyboard warriors.
    March 11, 2017 at 8:44 AM

    Chief Peterson? Bahahaha! Eric Peterson wouldn't make a pimple on a real chiefs ass. He comes from the same stock as Fat A$$ Hoppes. All from the wannabe stock. They read about fighting fires somewhere and that is the extent to their knowledge.

    And Fat A$$ Hoppes barely gets $85,000 a year. How embarrassing is that. The only difference is Hoppes isn't even worth that.

  66. March 10, 2017 at 6:40 PM

    You guy are F ing morons!!, The union laws say nothing about being a "two hatter", its simply a FSLA law that says that you cannot volunteer at your place of employment....Therefore, career members cannot volunteer at the SAME place they are employed... For those of you hillbillys that don't understand that, it means if you are paid at your "Look at ma' Big Tires on ma' Pick Up Truck" store, you cant volunteer at "Look at ma' Big Tires on ma' Pick Up Truck" store..BUT!!!, you can volunteer at "Hold Ma' Hat Daddy Pick Up Truck" store....
    Lastly if you scroll through the names of the people who have "liked" comments and did some homework, you'd notice there are only 7 total likes from career staff. The rest are from VOLUNTEERS that see through your BS, so get a grip you pansies, and enjoy your little meetings over in the vault shop!

    March 10, 2017 at 9:03 PM

    You obviously don't know what you are talking about! Look it up moron. It's "Bylaws," not "union laws."

    "its simply a FSLA law that says that you cannot volunteer at your place of employment"... 2 different issues you dumb moron.

    "The rest are from VOLUNTEERS that see through your BS." The few volunteers you refer to are just morons that are praying they get a paid job one day so they can be a lazy paid farmin like you.

    Now who is the F moron!

  67. Anonymous said...
    Borneman and Curtis are Ocean City babies, about to loose thier gravy shift, to convert to the Whittington 224. Maybe they will apply to Salisbury since they have so much to say.

    March 11, 2017 at 8:53 AM

    They definitely are cry baby pansies like Eric Peterson. Both of them are afraid of fire. They need to mind their own business before I make some phone calls. Their gravy shift's aren't the only things they will lose.

    1. Well, big boy behind the keyboard, bring it on, let's see just what you have. Loser

    2. Ok, City manager Doug Miller, Human resource director Wayne Evans, Fire Chief Chris Larmore, would you like thier office numbers or cell? Now who's the pansies? Keep your trash in that sesspool once known as the crossroads of Delmarva, Salisbury for those that dare claim it.

    3. Looks like Mr. Iam gonna make some phone calls has had his manhood put in the dirt.

  68. All these comments prove to the public that what the volunteers are saying is true. Paid verses volunteers, lack of leadership from Hoppes, constant turmoil within the department, lack of communication, Jake Day showing his bias for the paid people instead of listening to both sides and coming up with solutions to bring people together etc etc. The public can see this for themselves, Culver I hope you are reading this and make the right choice. From a concerned citizen.

  69. Here is something interesting I just came across.

    Revised February 28, 2017

    Why do you suppose the employee handbook was recently revised less than 2 weeks ago??

    Hmmmmm! I wonder what they omitted from the Employee Handbook and why?

    Does anyone have a copy of the handbook prior to this date?

  70. Give it a rest. If there was any violation of the handbook it would have already been addressed. Your grasping at straws. When the Mayor hits Like that should be a clue that your statements have zero meaning.

    1. No that means fake day is playing along with the paid crew that's how he got their vote. He isn't fooling anyone, he's a joke

  71. Anonymous said...
    All these comments prove to the public that what the volunteers are saying is true. Paid verses volunteers, lack of leadership from Hoppes, constant turmoil within the department, lack of communication, Jake Day showing his bias for the paid people instead of listening to both sides and coming up with solutions to bring people together etc etc. The public can see this for themselves, Culver I hope you are reading this and make the right choice. From a concerned citizen.

    March 11, 2017 at 2:23 PM

    From an outsider looking in, it is obvious that the members and the chief of the Salisbury Fire Department hate the volunteers. As a city and county tax payer this pisses me off Royally! Salisbury is not and never will be big enough to have a fully paid FIRE department. As a retired member of a career department I am embarrassed that career firemen are acting like this. And our Mayor? WTH is wrong with him!

  72. Anonymous said...
    Give it a rest. If there was any violation of the handbook it would have already been addressed. Your grasping at straws. When the Mayor hits Like that should be a clue that your statements have zero meaning.

    March 11, 2017 at 4:28 PM

    Oh Really? With all of this infighting going on and the Salisbury Employee Handbook is changed/revised on February 28, 2017. How convenient! If nothing has changed then why revise it. Nice try though. Now go back and look for more things you can cover up Jakey Poo!!

    1. The health insurance for retirees has changed genius! That's the reason for the revision.

  73. Maryland State Firemen's Association

    Press Release


    Joe Dykes said... This is fake news ! You had better get the rest of the story before you write this bovine excrement as facts because you have no idea what the hell is going on in Salisbury ! stay on the western shore where you belong different world here on the shore !
    Like · Reply · 1 Like· 23 hrs

    Liked by Cherry Cheeks Townsend

  74. Anonymous said...
    Give it a rest. If there was any violation of the handbook it would have already been addressed. Your grasping at straws. When the Mayor hits Like that should be a clue that your statements have zero meaning.

    March 11, 2017 at 4:28 PM

    WTF did you just say about the mare?

    1. He's saying fake day is playing along with the paid crew and the hell with the volunteers his bias is glowing. He's not even trying to bring them together.

  75. Anonymous said...
    Bet if your really from Ocean City, you one of the cry baby liberal, what's in it for me, lazy, I should have been promoted cause I have been here longer, loser's. Try working for a change, the poor me just doesn't cut it anymore.

    March 11, 2017 at 8:14 PM

    I have to agree with this comment. Both Salisbury and many of Ocean City's paid firemen and paramedics are Liberal Snow Flakes and cry babies. They are afraid of losing their gravy train.

    1. Make me the third (at least) to agree. The Fire Service used to be a proud profession, now a little boys club of rejects. It's also one of the last jobs, pint size "boys" try to be "big". Right O'barski, Gladwell, Records ?

  76. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Maryland State Firemen's Association

    Press Release


    Joe Dykes said... This is fake news ! You had better get the rest of the story before you write this bovine excrement as facts because you have no idea what the hell is going on in Salisbury ! stay on the western shore where you belong different world here on the shore !
    Like · Reply · 1 Like· 23 hrs

    Liked by Cherry Cheeks Townsend

    March 11, 2017 at 6:41 PM

    Joe Dykes? STFU you old GEEZER!! You are nothing but a Traitor and I can tell you right now we have lost all respect for you.

    Joe Dykes is nothing but a Lawn Ornament just like Cherry Cheeks Townsend, Corn Waller and Goofball David Black!! Neither one of them have ever been real firefighters. I know for a fact that neither one of them has ever had the nozzle on are real burning structure fire. Neither one of them has ever taken the nozzle and put out a real fire. They are not real firefighters so they shouldn't be running their mouths.

  77. Anonymous said...

    Joe Dykes said... This is fake news ! You had better get the rest of the story before you write this bovine excrement as facts because you have no idea what the hell is going on in Salisbury ! stay on the western shore where you belong different world here on the shore !
    Like · Reply · 1 Like· 23 hrs

    March 11, 2017 at 6:41 PM

    Joe Dykes said "Fake News?"

    More like:

    Joe Dykes IS A Fake Firefighter!!

    Joe Dykes is a Fake Firefighter just like Jake Day is a Fake Soldier and a Fake Mayor!

  78. I see Jake Day has gotten back on Facebook to Troll the Maryland State Firemen's Associations Press Release.

    Jake Day thinks he is cute Trolling on Joe's News Blog and making false statements and then going to the MSFA's Facebook Page and "Liking" more stupid comments. How unprofessional as a mayor. What a loser. If you think you have more power than the MSFA you are pipe dreaming again. You wait until it gets back to Governor Hogan what you are doing with the Volunteers.

    I hope he keeps the money he just offered to Salisbury.

  79. Anonymous said...
    How does your brother do it then Steve? He is always coming to the fires when not on duty and working, thought that wasn't allowed. You know come to think about it don't they call that freelancing? Isn't there sops on that? I think he has wrote people up for that as well!

    March 10, 2017 at 11:14 PM

    Bryan has been Freelancing the whole time. You better believe there are SOP's in place about Freelancing. Bryan get's away with it all the time, but others have been reprimanded. Rules only apply to people they want to get rid of.

  80. Anonymous said...
    Let's see, Eric has a Masters Degree, is a Paramedic, Instructor, and is a graduate of the Ececutive Fire Officer program at the National Fire Academy. More than qualified to be an Asst. Chief!! Get a life man and attack something or somebody else.

    March 10, 2017 at 5:45 PM

    Eric Peterson has a Masters Degree in Physical Therapy. That really makes him qualified to be an Assistant Fire Chief.

    BWAHAHAHAHA!! Physical Therapy. BWAHAHAHAHA!

    "a Masters Degree" funny how you forgot to mention it was in PT. ROTFLMFAO!! HaHaHaHa. How embarrassing Eric. You should have stayed at PRMC pretending you knew what you were doing there. Oh wait, they didn't want you either.You can always get a job at Salisbury Nursing Home, Genesis Elder Care or John B. Parsons Home. BWAHAHAHA!

    1. And you work where, doing what? Probably an EMT in Salisbury making one forth what Eric makes, now who's laughing?

  81. Anonymous said...
    Well, big boy behind the keyboard, bring it on, let's see just what you have. Loser

    March 11, 2017 at 2:34 PM

    Huh? Why do people make comments, but there are not references to the original comment?

    1. On a mobile device, you can reply right below the post your referencing. When you use a computer, all comments follow the order of last posted, ie time posted.

  82. Anonymous said...
    As a firefighter in OC, some things never change, Eric is still absolutely worthless, he most definitely sucked up to the chief to be promoted.

    March 10, 2017 at 7:57 PM

    He sucked up just like they all do. Just like in Salisbury. Only the real ass kissers get promoted. Jester, Scott, Tull, Hoppes, Frampton, Gladwell, O'Barsky, etc.

  83. Tony Waller said... City building ... Equipment "gifted" to the city ... gear provided by the City ... equipment maintained by the city. So what is theirs?
    Like · Reply · 2 Likes

    Likes: Jacob Day and Joe Dykes.

    Jacob Day trolling again. WTF kind of name is "Jacob?" Sounds like a name heard often in Rehomo Beach Delaware.

    Tony Waller you shouldn't be running your mouth on here either. You've F*ed up so many times you will never get promoted again so sucking up isn't going to work. But then again Jacob Day has always got his promotions by sucking up.

  84. Reading the comments here is like hanging around a convenience store next to a trailer park. A group of the self proclaimed "Oppressed" spouting off about anything that comes to mind and actually believing themselves. An intellectual level somewhere just above the sixth grade and the bravery of Patton hiding behind a keyboard. With no job and nothing to do except ride four wheelers, Big Trucks and Blog till they drop. its an exciting life at Bonack by Doric

    1. Ah yes here is the famous anon that talks about Patton behind a keyboard...yet won't say it to anyone's face.

  85. The City is going to keep playing and when someone dies, their relatives will likely sue them. It always takes a tragedy to make politicians step up. A lawsuit would literally bankrupt the city but Salisbury has never been known for having too much common sense. They would rather have a tragedy happen than have some forethought aided by reflection.

    Day is in way over his head without a clue of what's he's doing at all. When you elect a 12 year old, what do you expect?

  86. Anonymous said...
    Make me the third (at least) to agree. The Fire Service used to be a proud profession, now a little boys club of rejects. It's also one of the last jobs, pint size "boys" try to be "big". Right O'barski, Gladwell, Records ?
    March 12, 2017 at 10:21 AM

    BAMMM!! Nothing like calling these uneducated fools out!

  87. Anonymous said...
    Reading the comments here is like hanging around a convenience store next to a trailer park. A group of the self proclaimed "Oppressed" spouting off about anything that comes to mind and actually believing themselves. An intellectual level somewhere just above the sixth grade and the bravery of Patton hiding behind a keyboard. With no job and nothing to do except ride four wheelers, Big Trucks and Blog till they drop. its an exciting life at Bonack by Doric

    March 12, 2017 at 9:12 AM

    The irony is the fact that it is mostly you paid Farmin making most of the comments!

  88. Anonymous said...

    Reading the comments here is like hanging around a convenience store next to a trailer park. A group of the self proclaimed "Oppressed" spouting off about anything that comes to mind and actually believing themselves. An intellectual level somewhere just above the sixth grade and the bravery of Patton hiding behind a keyboard. With no job and nothing to do except ride four wheelers, Big Trucks and Blog till they drop. its an exciting life at Bonack by Doric

    March 12, 2017 at 9:12 AM

    I've got a feeling that the "intelligent" one that made this comment is one of those Cretins from the Salisbury Fire Department with a FAKE college degree from that FAKE college Columbia Southern University.

    Fake College, Fake College Degree and Fake Firemen! And they have the nerve to talk about an intellectual level. Give me a break!

    I will take Cory Polidore over Hoppes, Gladwell, O'Barsky, Tull, Scott, Jester or Brinson any day. LMAO!

    1. AMEN brother!

    2. Station 1/17 better start paying him!

  89. Anonymous said...
    Jake still needed his daddy to give him a job. Duh.

    March 12, 2017 at 10:38 AM

    Why isn't Jake Day working at Perdue Farms with his Daddy any longer.

    Jake Day can't keep a job and he is pushing for his buddy Mike Dunn at the Greater Salisbury Committee and Ernie Colburn at the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce to convince the committee and the city council members to vote for a pay increase for the mayor and make it a full time job. Jake Day is looking for $120,000 a years or more for the full time mayors position. I hope it does get a pay increase approved and a real conservative leader steps up to the plate and sends the Boi Mare back to his Daddy's Chicken Farm.

  90. Anonymous said...
    Ah yes here is the famous anon that talks about Patton behind a keyboard...yet won't say it to anyone's face.
    March 12, 2017 at 2:22 PM

    Exactly! Freaking coward!

    Let's go Salisbury Station #1 Volunteers. I support them all the way. Time to reduce the funding going to the City of Salisbury. That's what the fuss is all about. That is why Fake Mayor Jake Day is running is mouth. He wants that County funding to keep being funneled into the City. I support discontinuing that!

  91. Is this station still moving forward .

  92. Anonymous said...
    On a mobile device, you can reply right below the post your referencing. When you use a computer, all comments follow the order of last posted, ie time posted.

    March 12, 2017 at 10:13 AM

    Ok, I see now. That doesn't make one bit of sense. I wonder who designed it that way?

  93. Anonymous said...
    And you work where, doing what? Probably an EMT in Salisbury making one forth what Eric makes, now who's laughing?

    March 12, 2017 at 10:15 AM

    Not sure what you are referencing, but Ok, it's your story.

    1. That was to the trolls and thier comments to E Petersen, making chump change compared to a real officer.

  94. Yes 3:02 as I have been told.

  95. Anonymous said...
    Is this station still moving forward .

    March 12, 2017 at 3:02 PM

    Ummm! What do you think this press release is all about!

  96. Anonymous said...
    That was to the trolls and thier comments to E Petersen, making chump change compared to a real officer.

    March 12, 2017 at 3:43 PM

    I guess Eric has nothing better to do than to comment on a blog about himself. Do you feel better now Widdle Eric? You would think someone with a masters degree would know how to spell 'thier' by now.

    1. I got ten bucks Eric can kick your worthless little ass, brother Petey probably could. Besides, this is about the Salisbury girls not OC. Just shows the farmen can't take it.

  97. Anonymous said...
    I got ten bucks Eric can kick your worthless little ass, brother Petey probably could. Besides, this is about the Salisbury girls not OC. Just shows the farmen can't take it.

    March 12, 2017 at 8:27 PM

    Aw we got the redneck Farmin talking again.

    Come on Eric, don't stoop so low.

  98. The paid Farmin are trying their best to get this taken down. They have been calling the MSFA ever since it went up and it is driving them Bat Shit Crazy.

    Something else the Station 1 Vollies need to be concerned with. Hoppes and his Paid Goons are calling and meeting with members of the Wicomico County Fire Chiefs Association in attempts to get them to vote against giving Station 1 volunteers the county portions of the so called Salisbury Fire District. One thing to remember is the City of Salisbury doesn't own this district, it is in the county.

    Something else to think about to the County Fire Chiefs. If you vote against the Station 1 volunteers you won't get no support when the City starts annexing your fire district and YOU won't get any support. You will lose all of your fire district as the paid firemen from Salisbury will start running YOUR calls. That's right Hebron, Delmar, Parsonsburg and Fruitland will start losing your fire district to the City of Salisbury Fire Department. You better think about this and let the Station 1 Vollies have their own county station. What if someone stopped you guys from starting your own station.

    1. In order to annex land, there must be a vote held and approved by the residents requesting to be annexed. The City cannot just go take land from the County. Stop the idle threats.

    2. Take a look at a map of Salisbury, note the locations of the SFD stations. This is where you currently have excellent coverage and response times being maintained through a combination of career and volunteers who have stepped up to serve.
      Now look at this proposed station location on Snow Hill Rd where the station 1 renegades want to move to and take over the portion of SFD fire district which is county, not incorporated into city limits.
      Your coverage in these pockets will decrease and your response times will increase. The quality and training level of those responding personnel (those who refuse to train and follow any rules, guidelines or standards) will be lower.
      Now explain to the citizen that lives on a county street directly behind the existing station 1, or anywhere else in that "county" area which currently has excellent coverage and staffing why you want to take that away from them. Explain how it makes sense for them to wait 5 and 10 minutes for the realerts while their emergency goes unresolved. Meanwhile a trained crew sits ready to respond. Put your politics aside and leave the SFD fire district alone!!

    3. Not true. Look at Naylor Mill Rd and Rt 50 intersection. Salisbury annexed it due to the tax revenue on the businesses there and stoled it from Hebron. Pepsi was going to build there, but backed out when Salisbury annexed it because if that. Also Wor Wic in Parsonsburg's district because the city ran water there, one of the things wor Wic wanted to build there Salisbury took that too. Then you have the subdivision area Salisbury took from Fruitland off Coulbourne Mill Rd. And the city has to travel thru the county and someone else's fire district to get to these areas all because of the tax revenue they stole from the other fire districts.

  99. Stations 16, 2, 1, and 6(Parsonsburg) just alerted for a reported "structure fire" on Merritt Mill Road. Turns out to be a garage fire and those paid firemen are freaking out screaming into the radio. Deputy Chief 1, Darrin Scott, arrives on the scene then starts screaming for the police. Then he says for "road traffic." LMFAO. WTH is road traffic.

    Assistant Chief 1 requesting an additional tanker for water and then Engine Tanker 1-1 responds from Station 16. Then Wicomico Central(Justin Byrd) tells command that Engine Tanker 1-1 just "answered up" and asks him if he still wants to alert for another tanker(talks him out of it.) Command says "Nah" so they didn't alert. Then 2 minutes later command calls for another tanker so they dispatch Fruitland for a tanker. Maybe I am wrong, but wouldn't a tanker from Pittsville be quicker with a straight shot down Rt. 50? Fruitland, Station 3 has to drive slow through all that congestion in Salisbury and multiple stop lights.

    That entire fire is one Cluster F***!! And they think that the paid firemen in Salisbury can offer better service than any volunteer fire company around?? I don't think so!! The Parsonsburg and Powellville personnel sound more calm than the paid farmin.

    Then Jay Jester screams on the radio in his "Ocean City cool fire talk" "Engine 16 Officer to Engine 16 Chauffeur" Yeah, that's cool talk their Jay Jester. Then he asks for an additional 50 ft of hose. LMAO. He is a volunteer chief in Ocean City and he can't guess how much hose line he needs. What an idiot.

    It's been nearly a half hour and they still haven't put that small garage fire out and they have at least 5 fire stations dispatched on that call. Pathetic, just pathetic. And they want to scare the public into thinking they are better suited to serve the public than any volunteer with the same amount of training. They are an embarrassment to the fire service.

  100. Bottom line is this. The county fire chiefs association can't justify giving this territory to this group.
    They would be the ones to have to explain to the citizen why it was acceptable for them to have a lesser level of service than they currently have all because of politics and some squabble caused by this group that was failing at providing the service as members within the SFD.

  101. Volunteers are still locked out and a working fire today in there first due . So call Fruitland and station 6 for volunteers and continue to keep the volunteers from 1 locked out . Station 2 and 16 didn't have a volunteer piece respond. They never do what's new .

  102. Wicomico County Central just advised Merritt Mill Commmand(Mike Donaway) that it was time for another PAR Check. Donaway asked Truck 2 what their status was. Truck 2 said "under control." Donaway then said "Situation under control" without doing a PAR Check. PAR stands for Personnel Accountability Report so a PAR Check was refused. As long as units are on the scene a PAR Check is required every 20 minutes to make sure each and every firefighter was safe. This was not done and if a firefighter turned up missing and died then the liability would be on the Salisbury Fire Department, the City of Salisbury, Jake Day(Mayor) and Council. That was dumb and that paid Incident Commander should be fired for that stupid move.

  103. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Bottom line is this. The county fire chiefs association can't justify giving this territory to this group.
    They would be the ones to have to explain to the citizen why it was acceptable for them to have a lesser level of service than they currently have all because of politics and some squabble caused by this group that was failing at providing the service as members within the SFD.

    March 13, 2017 at 3:04 PM

    Bottom line is what?? Because you say so? You don't get to make the rules so F*** OFF! Stupid paid firemen in Salisbury trying to make the rules to justify their paid firemen jobs. I say fire every darn one of them and start over by hiring Salisbury volunteers like they should have been doing all along.

  104. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Bottom line is this. The county fire chiefs association can't justify giving this territory to this group.
    They would be the ones to have to explain to the citizen why it was acceptable for them to have a lesser level of service than they currently have all because of politics and some squabble caused by this group that was failing at providing the service as members within the SFD.

    March 13, 2017 at 3:04 PM

    A lesser level of service? Have you read that incident report just given on the Merritt Mill fire? A small garage fire and you paid fireman couldn't even put that fire out without yelling and screaming and begging for the Parsonsburg and Fruitland Volunteers to come put the fire out for you. That is the only explaining that needs to be done.

    The level of service that you mention is paid and it is pathetic. Please bring back the Salisbury Volunteer Fire Department the way it used to be and let the volunteers get the job done! Get rid of Jake Day, Muir Boda, Rick Hoppes, Darrin Scott, John Tull, Jimmy Gladwell, Brian Records, Chris O'Barsky, Jay Jester, Eric Craemer, Tony Webster, Brooks Morris, Doug Parker, Chris Truitt, Aaron Colgrove, Frampton, Twilley, et. al. and start over with dedicated firefighters and not back stabbing cut throats.

  105. I see the post with the 4246 local response is gone, to many facts for you ?

  106. 10:23
    The post is still up. It was moved to 3/12/17 at 8am. It was one of the top posts for the week.

  107. Question about a "reported" house fire in Salisbury.

    Central alerted Stations 16, 2, 1 and County Station #5 (Hebron) for a reported house fire at 1121 East Church Street near the corner of E. Church and Main Streets. This is near East Salisbury Elementary School.

    Why did Central dispatch Station 5 instead of Station 6, Parsonsburg? I would think that Parsonsburg is much closer to that house than Hebron is.


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