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Friday, March 17, 2017

Violent Threats Against the President Are OK Now?

Turn on TV or browse your newsfeeds on social media, and you will be bombarded with polemics about the sky falling and credible threats of violence against conservative figures.

The FBI investigated a threat to kill Milo Yiannoupolis for the audacity to want to speak on a college campus. Threats against former Labor Secretary nominee Andy Puzder’s wife caused him to withdraw himself from consideration. Multiple intimidatory remarks haunted members of the Trump-voting Electoral College. President Trump has been the target of declarations of violence on a near daily basis.

And yet, when it comes to this constant flow of threats, there seems to be little outrage from the nation’s leading journalists and pundits.

Social media shines almost every day with a new dimwitted threat against Trump and his presidency. “Comedienne” Sarah Silverman called for a military coup. Madonna told protesters she “thought” about blowing up the White House. Violence seems to break out every time a conservative comes to speak at a college campus. Rosie O’Donnell talks about “stopping” Trump on Twitter.

More here


  1. I was talking with my wife about this the other day. Even TV shows, example: Scandal, Designated Survivor recently have aired episodes this past season in which the President is murdered. You openly hear famous individuals talking about violence towards the President. What a sad world we live in today.

  2. It's not just Trump. There are people who have hated every president.

  3. Violence against liberals is now justified.

  4. Anonymous said...
    It's not just Trump. There are people who have hated every president.

    March 17, 2017 at 12:34 PM

    It just seems that it is prevalent compared to years past.

  5. If you threated the POTUS then you should at least be put in jail. No matter if you like him or not. What if this was said about (O)? I love what Trump is trying to do for us. I hate all that are standing in his way only to try and save the money then have been taking from us.(map)

  6. It's rampant now and very open. A few arrests on some people's record may make some think twice before attempting to incite others to riot and do harm to someone.

  7. I don't get it. The Justice Department needs to go after these black thugs for making threats against our President and his family.

    Why isn't Trump cleaning house like he promised and putting people in there to do the job.


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