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Friday, March 17, 2017

Despite Hogan veto threat, Maryland Senate approves paid sick time proposal

A day after Gov. Larry Hogan promised to veto it, the Maryland Senate approved a mandatory paid sick time bill by a veto-proof margin.

The margin of passage sets up another political confrontation with the Republican governor, who on Wednesday described the Senate's plan as "terrible" and said it and a similar proposal advanced by House of Delegates were "dead on arrival."

The Senate proposal, passed Thursday with only Democrats voting in favor, would require companies with more than 15 workers to offer five days of paid sick leave per year, with an exception for seasonal employees. Smaller firms must offer the same amount of leave, but unpaid.

The House of Delegates approved paid sick-time legislation this month that would mandate seven days a year and called for seasonal workers to be defined as those who work fewer than 90 days, not 106 as the Senate proposed. The House also passed its bill by a veto-proof margin, 88-51.



  1. We need to reduce the voter fraud so these dumbocrats won't keep getting reelected! Then we'll start getting legislation that benefits everyone instead of those special interest dumbocrat voters!

  2. Liberal Jim towing his DemocRAT party line :(

  3. I just can't see this as a bad thing. All full time workers deserve sick leave, not just government employees, military personnel, union workers, and employees that work for large corporations. Now EVERYONE will get the same benefits that the majority of other employees get. For the company that has 15+ employees, it is just another labor cost of doing business, like taxes, unemployment compensation, social security taxes, health care, vacation, and wages. All to attract and retain the employees that earn the company a profit. Without them, the companies wouldn't exist.

  4. 12:53 PM I agree, time for employers to stop whining. Unlike vacation pay, sick time is a use it or lose it scenario. Also if employers were not so stupid, it could be accumulated for severe illness or surgeries.

    When talking to employers that offer nothing but sub-par wages and then whine about their awful employees, I think, what do you expect. You get what you give. I would have very little loyalty also.

    Those that care about their employees do not have a revolving door. I could write a book on the ignorance and unbelievable law breaking of many employers here.

    One of the bury's royal families refers to his employees as "lazy bitches".
    Funny how it is always the employee's fault
    He has a revolving door also.

  5. But the greedy business owners won't be able to afford a side piece, new boat and a 2nd/3rd home if they must pay for sick leave. Get a friend with a boat to take you on a ride from salisbury down the wicomico river to the Red Roost and see how they live. Mansions, boats, boat houses, mexican workers tending the properties.

  6. 1:31
    It's their money to do what they want with. WTF do you think you can just take the fruits of others?

    Go start a business of your own if you think it's so easy.


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