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Thursday, March 02, 2017

Viewers strongly approve of Trump's speech to Congress

Viewers nationwide strongly approved of President Trump’s speech Tuesday night, with many Democrats joining Republicans in calling it “presidential” and positive in tone. Republicans and Independents found it “unifying,” though Democrats were slower to come around on that measure.

The President gained support for his policy plans among viewers: Interviewed before and after the address, they came away from it more positive on his ideas for the economy, immigration, terrorism, crime and Obamacare.

The president moved opinion among viewers on his plans for a number of policy issues, comparing their views before and after the speech. The percent favoring his plans for fighting terrorism, addressing crime, improving the economy, handling illegal immigration, and dealing with Obamacare all jumped.



  1. It's sad that he can give that horrible of a speech and have it seem magnificent because we're used to so much worse.

    1. Who said it was a horrible speech? Know nothing snowflakes looking forward to a life on welfare.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's sad that he can give that horrible of a speech and have it seem magnificent because we're used to so much worse.

    March 2, 2017 at 12:41 PM

    awful lonely sitting on that couch isn't it?


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