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Thursday, March 02, 2017

BIDEN HER TIME: Biden’s Son’s Widow Finds Love With Other Son Photo of Betsy Rothstein BETSY ROTHSTEIN

Life comes at you fast.

Remember how emotional everyone was when then-Vice President Joe Bidenlost his son to brain cancer in 2015? Beau Biden was Delaware’s former Attorney General. He also served in Iraq. Biden mentioned him any chance he got. Former President Obama gave the eulogy at his funeral.

Well, things are, er, looking up as the Biden family has something new to welcome into their lives: Love between Beau Biden’s widow, Hallie, and the ex-VP’s other married son, Hunter.

“Hallie and Hunter” certainly has a comfortable ring to it, but it also has a cringeworthy Flowers in the Attic aura.



  1. A family without values. This is nearly as bad as kids growing up with same sex parents but there's 5 of them in this case.

  2. Horrible. Disgusting. No morals.

  3. Uncle Joe can now officially move to WVA!

  4. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 2, 2017 at 1:22 PM

    I knew Bidens were twisted, but this tops the cake. Those lovebirds "just found each other"? How long was she married to his brother? Nothing like keeping it in the family, with crazy uncle Joe's blessing, of course.

  5. Why did all of them turn on Hunter's wife? There has to be more to the story. Not blaming his wife, but something doesn't add up. Thought Joe Biden had more class than to be okay with this. He is basically throwing the mother of some of his grandchildren under the bus, so his remaining son can be happy. Jerry Springer times.

  6. What my mom called "white trash".

  7. In addition to Hunter being thrown out of the Navy, Joe's daughter also got in trouble with drugs and I recall a niece did as well. A very dysfunctional family to say the least.

  8. In breeding much.ole joe.

  9. She was doing the brother in law while her husband was dying. The treatments killed his sex drive and ability to preform. A girls got to do....

  10. Do you hear the banjo playing in the background? Listen. It sounds like the theme from Deliverance. dadadaDada dadadaDada.

  11. All in the Family > Blue Bloods like those in England !!!

    She just wants Financial security to continue on and stay
    in the Family.....Not Right/ Warped a Demon-crat Family !!

  12. wow u people are nasty and have the nerve to call others names. they are not related. he is being divorced. her husband is dead.

    if you wanna judge someone, judge him for his drinking, drugging and getting hookers.

    but that's ok with you?

  13. Who doesn't like drinking, hookers and drugs?

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Who doesn't like drinking, hookers and drugs?

    March 3, 2017 at 1:14 AM

    people with some self respect?

  15. You all need to look up Marla Maples. There was a scandal.


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